3 Comments on Trump Threatens BRICS with 100% Tariffs
I’m with Trump’s economic heterodoxy here. The institution of higher tariffs will assist in the reindustrialization of America and will help codify the evolving demarcation of the ‘allied’ and ‘axis’ bipolar world. The petrodollar era (1973-2024) will be replaced by the cryptodollar era, swapping energy souce 1 for energy source 2.
M Saylor (the public stalking horse for DARPAs USDT/BTC which is the CBDC in its furtive/formative phase): ‘BTC is energy’. Strategic Petroleun Reserve is being reminted the BTC Strategic Reserve. They’re even borrowing the lexicon! Cantor F’s Lutnick laid it all out in a recent BTC confab speech. USDT is backed by US Treasuries. So, dollar proliferation and the Triffin Paradox by other means
For ANY item on US sanctions/tariffs list China should apply a 5% export tariff. The days of cheap merchandise from China are over, US is only 15% of China trade now, ASEAN/WEST ASIA is the new game in town.
I’m with Trump’s economic heterodoxy here. The institution of higher tariffs will assist in the reindustrialization of America and will help codify the evolving demarcation of the ‘allied’ and ‘axis’ bipolar world. The petrodollar era (1973-2024) will be replaced by the cryptodollar era, swapping energy souce 1 for energy source 2.
M Saylor (the public stalking horse for DARPAs USDT/BTC which is the CBDC in its furtive/formative phase): ‘BTC is energy’. Strategic Petroleun Reserve is being reminted the BTC Strategic Reserve. They’re even borrowing the lexicon! Cantor F’s Lutnick laid it all out in a recent BTC confab speech. USDT is backed by US Treasuries. So, dollar proliferation and the Triffin Paradox by other means
The beginning of the ploy to push digital currency. The next “vac” is coming. 2030 is just a few years away
For ANY item on US sanctions/tariffs list China should apply a 5% export tariff. The days of cheap merchandise from China are over, US is only 15% of China trade now, ASEAN/WEST ASIA is the new game in town.