11 Comments on ADL says the Greater Israel Project is a “conspiracy theory”.

  1. Israel is NOT a Jewish state; it is a Zionist state.
    Judaism is NOT the Old Covenant religion of Jehovah; it is the antichrist religion of the Pharisees.
    The promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 is NOT fulfilled in the State of Israel; it was fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:16). There is NO promised blessing on America for blessing the antichrist Zionist State of Israel.
    This contention about Greater Israel, proposed and supported by the Washington Neocons (all Jews) is helping to bring God’s curse upon America for leading the nation into supporting the atheistic, antichrist State of Israel and for willingly participating in its acts of international war crimes, murder and genocide.

  2. The Greater Israel Project is devilish counterfeit.!
    ALL of the Old Testament prophecies regarding national Israel have already been fulfilled – Every last one of them! 
    National Israel—or, more factually, the remnant of national Israel in the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, including the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish temple—was annihilated by God, using the Roman army as His instrument of justice—in 70 AD. The Assyrians had already destroyed the ten northern tribes some 700 years earlier.
    The city you call “Jerusalem” today is NOT the Biblical city of Jerusalem.- That city is gone forever. The city called “Jerusalem” in Palestine today is a Roman city built by Emperor Hadrian in 135 AD and was named Aelia Capitolina—meaning “the city of Hadrian and Jupiter.” The walls around the “Old City” of Aelia Capitolina were built by the Ottoman ruler Suleiman the Magnificent in 1516.
    Modern Jerusalem is a pagan city. In Revelation, the Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle John to refer to even Biblical Jerusalem as “Egypt” and “Sodom” and “Babylon.” There is no more “holy city” of Jerusalem, just as there are no more biological “Jews” as “God’s chosen people.”

    We refer to modern Israel as “the Jewish homeland.” – That statement is classic Scofield Bible propaganda. The Zionist Jews in Palestine today came from Europe, which is why they are called “Ashkenazi” Jews. They have no Abrahamic blood flowing through their veins. The homeland of the Ashkenazi is not the land of Palestine; it is the land of the Khazars. The minority Sephardic Jews are the only ones who have a legitimate claim to ancestral homelands in Palestine, and the Ashkenazi Zionists hate the Sephardic Jews and persecute them almost as much as they do the Palestinians. What does that tell you?
    Palestine IS the homeland of, well, the Palestinians. Many, if not most, of the Palestinians whose land has been stolen from them by violence and blood can trace their lineage to the land for up to one thousand years.
    Most Israelis now know this, but either for reasons of fear or greed, you refuse to acknowledge this truth.
    Plus, Under Christ’s New Covenant, God’s chosen people are not people of ANY race; they are people of ALL races who come to faith in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:4)
    American Zionist Christians and Jews deliberately and deceitfully choose to not tell their followers the truth about the New Covenant people of God. They willfully ignore or misapply the vast majority of the Book of Galatians, verses such as Galatians 3:16:
    Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
    And Galatians 3:28, 29:
    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

    They  pretend that Romans 9:6 – 8 is not in the Bible:
    For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children [of God]: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.

    The same is true for Romans 2:28, 29:
    For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

    The convoluted teaching of prophecy that is linked to the Greater Israel project is not only misguided; it is patently diabolical!

    Because of the egregious misinterpretation of prophecy, you are happy to endorse and promote racial hatred, theft, kidnapping and mass murder: all in the name of prophecy.
    The New York Times reports that Israel is killing Palestinian civilians in Gaza at a historic pace. The huge civilian death toll in Gaza is explained by the scale of the bombing campaign and Israel’s willingness to drop US-provided 2,000-pound bombs on densely populated areas that are packed with civilians.
    Marc Garlasco, a former Pentagon analyst who advises the Dutch NGO PAX, told the Times that he’s never seen anything like it. “It’s beyond anything that I’ve seen in my career,” he said. Garlasco added that to find a historical comparison for so many large bombs in such a small area, one would have to “go back to Vietnam or the Second World War.”
    Israeli officials have frequently cited the Allied strategic bombings of Japan and Germany during World War II to justify their onslaught in Gaza. The comparison includes the US fire bombings of Japanese cities, which killed around 100,000 civilians in Tokyo in one night in 1945, as well as the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Israel had also invoked the US air campaign against ISIS, which killed tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and Syria. But even the most brutal battle of the ISIS war does not compare to Israel’s onslaught in Gaza. According to an AP investigation, between 9,000 and 11,000 civilians died during the Battle of Mosul. About a third were killed by US-led coalition airstrikes or Iraqi forces, a third were killed by ISIS, and the cause of death for the rest is undetermined.
    The Battle of Mosul lasted for nine months, from October 2016 to July 2017. In less than two months at the outset in Gaza, the Israeli bombardment had killed at least 10,000 civilians, based on a conservative estimate cited by The Times.
    The Times report said, “People are being killed in Gaza more quickly, they say, than in even the deadliest moments of US-led attacks in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, which were themselves widely criticized by human rights groups.”

    Despite the massive civilian and child death toll, the US continues to provide Israel with unconditional military aid. The White House has acknowledged that Israel is killing thousands of innocent people in Gaza but has said there are no “red lines” that would impact US support

    Evangelical leaders  have been providing cover for Israel’s mass murders since Israel became a state in 1948. Yet, they step into your pulpits on Sunday and preach about “the love of God” and refer to Jesus as “the Prince of Peace at the same time as endorsing wars,they promote and cheer while the murderi of thousands of your Christian brothers and sisters in continues Palestine. 
    How can they  teach the Epistles of John with a straight face and clear conscience?
    I John 3:14:
    We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
    I John 4:20:
    If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
    Are they THAT illiterate of the Scriptures? 
    Modern Jews are Talmudists who deny and mock the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. The apostle John calls such people “antichrists.” (I John 2:22) Yet they call them “brothers and sisters.” But the only brothers and sisters you have in Palestine are the Palestinian Christians that they, through your vocal support of the war against them, are guilty of murdering!

    They teach that “antichrist” will make a peace treaty with Israel, which he will break. After which, he will unleash his armies against Israel, which will be slaughtered with only a remnant surviving. And only then will Christ return. You say that ALL of this MUST happen before Christ can return.
    Question, Gentlemen: If your eschatology teaches you that it is God’s Will that Israel be destroyed by “antichrist,” and that this MUST happen in accordance with God’s prophetic Scriptures, why are you trying so hard to preserve Israel? How do you know that you are not fighting against God’s Will for Israel and hindering the return of Christ?
    Oh….. you think you all will be “raptured” before this takes place?….and you think that that absolves you from any and all moral and ethical responsibility. So, until the “rapture” takes place, you can take the rich Jew’s money and promote his murders and wars and not have a guilty conscience.
    Your understanding of eschatology is a fairytale, but it is a very dangerous fairytale.
    Have you even read the Jewish rabbis?

    From the beginning of the Zionist movement in the nineteenth century, the most notable Jewish rabbis in the world almost unanimously condemned Zionism in the strongest language. Here are just a few examples:
    Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin, rabbi of Brisk, Lithuania and later rabbi of Jerusalem (1817-1878):
    The greatest rabbis should gather immediately and excommunicate the Zionists. They should exclude them from the Jewish people by forbidding their bread, their wine and intermarriage with them.

    Rabbi Yechiel, Rebbe of Alexander, Poland (c. 1833-1893):
    This entire idea of establishing a state is a decree of forced apostasy upon us, G-d spare us.

    Rabbi Yerucham Yehuda Leib Perelmann of Minsk, Russia (1835-1896):
    G-d forbid, a person must not allow himself or his children to join the defiled Zionists, for their feet run to do evil and their place is a place of defilement.

    Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Naftali Zilberberg, rabbi in Warsaw, Poland:
    Imagine how it will be if, G-d forbid, the idea of Zionism becomes a reality. Then the sinners will be kings, the troublemakers will be high officials, and the young snakes will be leaders. Then your enemies will rule over you.

    Rabbi Pinchas Eliyahu Rothenberg, rabbi of Piltz, Russia (c. 1902):
    There is a new group calling itself “Chovevei Tzion” or “Zionists” who entrap many people in their net, who think that their actions are for the sake of Heaven. I therefore find myself obligated to make known and warn all those who have fear of G-d in their hearts to stay as far as possible from them, and to uproot and cleanse away their actions… All the great rabbis of our time have already warned us to keep away from them, and it is a great deed for anyone who has the power to spoil their plans.

    Today, Orthodox Jewish rabbis burn the Israeli flag; they march in protests alongside Palestinians against the State of Israel; they are ardent opponents of the Zionist state. They are openly beaten on the streets of Jerusalem by Israeli soldiers. Yet, you blind guides leading America’s evangelicals brazenly support and endorse the Zionist thug Benjamin Netanyahu, who is an international war criminal and mass murderer, who tortures and murders Palestinian Christians and innocent Muslim people and who tortures and persecutes Orthodox Jewish rabbis in his own country.

    News Flash: are on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of human decency and morality, the wrong side of God’s Natural Laws, the wrong side of Just War and, most importantly, the wrong side of Bible eschatology, God’s Holy Word and Christ’s New Covenant Gospel.

    Shame on all of you!

    • Hello Huggy Bear
      You’ve made some great points in your comment.

      Firstly , let me say that I am against ‘Zionism’. The true Zion is in heaven and not on this earth which will be destroyed at Christ’s coming.
      Secondly, I am against ‘dispensationalism’ which I believe is Satanic and is a Trojan horse which Satan has used to infiltrate the church and has led to ‘Christian Zionists’ who are supporting the establishment of the Satanic Zionist State of Israel, which will play host to the ‘man of sin’

      With regard to Romans 11, doesn’t Paul make mention that there will come a time when the fulness of the gentiles comes in and when God will turn his attention back to Israel.
      I agree that the true spiritual Israel is the church which includes both Jew and Gentile, but I believe that there will come a time when the ‘Christian church’ will have fallen into such a state of apostasy that God will turn his attention back to the unbelieving Jews and will bring them to faith in Jesus Christ.

      In his Olivet discourse, Jesus warns those in Judea to flee into the mountains when they see the abomination of desolation, standing in the holy place.
      This would suggest that there will be Christians in Judea at that time.

      At the beginning of Romans 11 Paul makes reference to the physical Israel.

      1I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

      He goes on to mention the ‘remnant’

      I believe that there is still a remnant within the physical nation of Israel. This is evidenced by those Israeli Jews who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Messiah. I believe that this remnant will grow ,prior to the return of Christ.

      But for now Israel is still in unbelief and continues to reject Christ.

      Paul says that the ‘man of sin’ will sit in the temple posing as God, and we know that the abomination will be set up in the holy place.

      So, there is much to happen before Israel will acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
      Jesus said to the Jews :

      “38Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.

      39For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”

      Israel is currently blind to Jesus Christ as being the Messiah, except of course for the remnant of true believers who are Jewish Christians , just like the apostles were Jewish Christians.

      These Christian Jews are discriminated against just like the early Christian Jews .

      The current Zionist State of Israel is under a curse. They will play host to the ‘man of sin’ . We cannot call such a State blessed when it is cursed and desolate yet the Zionist Christians continue to do so.

      With regard to the Christian Zionists I would echo the words of the prophet Isaiah

      “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)

    • I’ll remind you that I hold a Doctorate of New Testament Studies & Textual Criticism. One doesn’t spend that many years not having read tens-of-thousands of notes and essays, from antiquity forward, on top of having spent the past 18 years teaching graduate students and not recognize that nothing from the essay you posted falls within your writing style, sweetie.

      Would you be so kind as to identify the individual who wrote this piece you reposted?

  3. Trump is a ZIONIST.

    His role is to help make ISRAEL great again. Trump sees America as a tool to be used to bring about the Satanic Zionist agenda.
    Zionism has infiltrated and taken over America both politically and religiously. This is important because the ‘man of sin’ will be a religious leader who will preside over a theocracy.

    Zionism provides the perfect tool for the establishing of a theocracy and we know how brutal a theocracy can be, for example the Papal States who tortured and murdered millions of Christians during the ‘inquisition’.

    I’m amazed at how American evangelicals are blinded to Trump’s hypocrisy and his true nature. I believe that spirit of ‘antichrist’ has successfully put the evangelical church under a demonic spell.

    I believe that Trump will take America into a bloody and expensive war against Iran and that the evangelicals will applaud his actions because they have been conned into thinking that the current Zionist State of Israel has God’s blessing.

    Trump’s claims to love America and the bible are just the posturing of a smart salesman.

    Trump loves power and wealth and he will sell out to the highest bidder which includes people like ” Sheldon Adelson: The late billionaire casino magnate and his wife, Miriam Adelson, were major donors to Trump’s campaigns. They were known for their strong support of Israel”

    Americans should consider preparing themselves for a war against Iran in 2025.

    Just some of my opinions for what they are worth.

  4. The third great age is coming to an end. Destruction will rain down upon the whole earth. The coming destruction caused by the Great Red Dragon aka Dragon aka Doomshape aka Doomdragon aka The Destroyer (Abaddon=Hebrew, Apollyon=Greek) which was present during the Great Flood of Noah and the Exodus from Egypt is now upon us. The signs of its approach are being felt world wide yet few seem to understand the signs that heralds it’s approach. This is likely the greatest secret the globalist try to keep hidden from humanity.
    Here is a 34 second clip from 2016 that mentions the coverup. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gazMa3M4eWjw/
    It is now masked behind our sun from my sources with solar telescopes who monitor it as it approaches. Old records which few have read and which few records remain describe past events when judgement rained down. Word search the Kolbrin for key terms like Doomdragon, Dragon, Doomshape, Destroyer. https://nomoresleeping.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/the-kolbrin.pdf
    Not much time left to prepare and store essentials for trying to survive what is coming upon the earth.
    Men forget the days of the Destroyer. Only the wise know where it went and that it
    will return in its appointed hour.
    It raged across the Heavens in the days of wrath, and this was its likeness: It was as a
    billowing cloud of smoke enwrapped in a ruddy glow, not distinguishable in joint or
    limb. Its mouth was an abyss from which came flame, smoke and hot cinders.
    When ages pass, certain laws operate upon the stars in the Heavens. Their ways
    change, there is movement and restlessness, they are no longer constant and a great light appears redly in the skies.
    When blood drops upon the Earth, the Destroyer will appear and mountains will
    open up and belch forth fire and ashes. Trees will be destroyed and all living things
    engulfed. Waters will be swallowed up by the land and seas will boil. The Heavens
    will burn brightly and redly, there will be a copper hue over the face of the land,
    followed by a day of darkness. A new moon will appear and break up and fall.
    The people will scatter in madness. They will hear the trumpet and battle cry of the
    Destroyer and will seek refuge in the den in the Earth. Terror will eat away their
    hearts and their courage will flow from them like water from a broken pitcher. They
    will be eaten up in the flames of wrath and consumed by the breath of the Destroyer.
    Thus in the Days of Heavenly Wrath, which have gone, and thus it will be in the Days
    of Doom when it comes again. The times of its coming and going are known unto the wise.
    These are the signs and times which shall precede the Destroyer’s return: A
    hundred and ten generations shall pass into the West and nations will rise and fall.
    Men will fly in the air as birds and swim in the seas as fishes. Men will talk peace one
    with another, hypocrisy and deceit shall have their day.
    Women will be as men and men as women, passion will be a plaything of man. A
    nation of soothsayers shall rise and fall and their tongue shall be the speech learned.
    A nation of law givers shall rule the Earth and pass away into nothingness. One
    worship will pass into the four quarters of the Earth, talking peace and bringing war.
    A nation of the seas will be greater than any other, but will be as an apple rotten at
    the core and will not endure. A nation of traders will destroy men with wonders and
    it shall have its day. Then shall the high strive with the low, the North with the South,
    the East with the West, and the light with the darkness. Men shall be divided by their
    races and the children will be born as strangers among them. Brother shall strive
    with brother and husband with wife. Fathers will no longer instruct their sons and
    their sons will be wayward. Women will become the common property of men and
    will no longer be held in regard and respect.
    Then men will be ill at ease in their hearts, they will seek they know not what, and
    uncertainty and doubt will trouble them. They will possess great riches but be poor in spirit. Then will the Heavens tremble and the Earth move, men will quake in fear and while terror walks with them the Heralds of Doom will appear. They will come softly, as thieves to the tombs, men will not know them for what they are, men will be deceived, the hour of the Destroyer is at hand.
    In those days men will have the Great Book before them, wisdom will be revealed, the few will be gathered for the stand, it is the hour of trial. The dauntless ones will survive, the stout-hearted will not go down to destruction. Great God of All Ages, alike to all, who sets the trials of man, be merciful to our children in the Days of Doom. Man must suffer to be great, but hasten not his progress unduly. In the great winnowing, be not too harsh on the lesser ones among men.
    Even the son of a thief has become Your scribe.

  5. If christian teachers, preachers & their flocks understood that the Christ was a Judean- not a ‘jew’-, all would be well in this world.

    • Jesus was a Jew.
      “21And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.” (Luke 2:21)

      The first Christians, including the apostles, were Jews. Even today there are
      Jewish Christians.

      Judaism and Christianity have been hijacked by Zionism which seeks to establish an earthly kingdom, i.e., a Zion on this earth. But the true Zion is in heaven. Christians should not be looking for a kingdom on this earth. Instead, we should be looking for “new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.”

      This earth will be destroyed at Christ’s coming.

      “10But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

      11Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

      12Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

      13Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” (2nd Peter 10-13)

  6. Wow! Jews got a mass of obeisance to the Jew god with just another bit of deception from the Great Deceivers. As Jared Taylor says, White People! Wake the f… up!

    A unifying, rational religion is vital for the White race because we get our life values and life purpose from our religion. Because it is vital, we’re flooded with easily disproved b.s. from Jews and Jew Helpers. False religion and religious confusion is a major aspect of Jew’s multifaceted long-game of White Genocide.

    Jews & Helpers argue America is/was a Christian nation. False. The 56 Founders who signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 were unified in their beliefs. The first paragraph says: “…and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitles them,…” To a man the founders were Deists. They knew the eternal laws of nature, the force of nature, the “god” force, governs both man & elements.

    It is essential to our enemies to prevent unity for a life purpose such as improving each new generation. That’s not important for Christians in their death-oriented religion with suicidal values.

    First, we must recognize the fundamental difference between created, anthropomorphic religions (gods created in the image of man) & natural religions.

    Earth’s three major religions are created religions. Created religions were created by someone or some group for a purpose, with an intent or reason.

    Judaism was created by Jews to unify and inspire inbred Jews to be the destructive parasites with chutzpah they are. Judaism (the Torah) is so full of magic inspired hate that each new generation of Jews picks up where the previous generation of Jews left off. The goal is destruction of civilizations built by Whites so that Jews can take over. This Jew Long-Game is why civilizations on average last 250 years or about 10 generations. Each generation, like the current one are more totally f–k’d than the previous. Current youth don’t know their gender let alone have a value system or life goal. Shalom! or peace, the Jew greeting, refers to the great peace Jews will have only after genociding the White race. That is their unifying life purpose.

    Islam was created by Mohammad to unify the Semitic people and spread Islam around the world by conquest. Note: Jews are Not Semites. Jews are mostly Ashkenazi Jews (central & eastern European Yiddish-speaking Jews) comprise 95% of world Jewry. Sephardic Jews comprise only 5% & are named after the region in Spain where Jews were once exiled. Sephardim like U.S. S.Ct. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who claims to be Catholic, frequently pose as Christians. Marranos are Jews who faked conversion to Christianity in Medieval Spain. Some, like Roger Stone’s family, fled to Italy when their fakery was recognized. It is believed there are very few Mizrahi Jews (Oriental Jews) in the U.S.

    Since Jews destroyed three NYC high-rises with 2 fly-by-wire planes (and a year of setting nano-thermite on steel girders wired to computer timed detonators) to get Bush Jr. to declare Endless Wars Against (the wrong) Terrorists, I think it’s fair to say Jews are the true Anti-Semites, not Russ Winter, Alex Linder or the growing mass of Jew-aware White people.

    Now Christianity. Titus and Vespasian destroyed the Jew’s second temple and drove Jews out of Judea in 66-73 CE. To retaliate, Jews created and spread Christianity, the death-oriented religion with suicidal values in 70 CE to destroy Rome. It worked. The Roman Empire fell by the end of the 2nd century.

    It is still working. Western Civilization is tottering on the verge of destruction. White nations are invaded by non-Whites financed by taxpayers and Jews with federal funding. All tolerated by passive, cowardly White men who submit to extinction by race traitors like Trump and the rest of the political class plus “No Violence” Andrew Anglin who says just have faith in JEEESUS! Anglin makes Jew domain name registrars and web hosts happy.

    Violence is the only thing that ever has or ever will solve anything. Jews are. above all, the Great Destroyers. Jews are unified, organized and have a PLAN. White people don’t need to form a new church, apply for tax exemption from Jew government, or have a priest class to interpret complex church doctrine for a fee.

    White people need to find their roots in observing & celebrating nature’s cycles & beauty. Then focus on the task: when the people fear the (Jew) government you have oppression. When government fears the people you have freedom.

    The solution to every problem is to eliminate the cause.

  7. Zionist Quotes: Expansionism (or The Greater Israel) — The Zionist version of Lebensraum

    BASED On Declassified Israeli Documents & Personal Diaries


    Is this the final move toward the destruction of Jerusalem?

    “EDOM IS IN MODERN JEWRY.” The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41.

    Malachi 1:1-4 showing the Zionist motives of Esau. Verse 4 says,

    4 Though Edom says, “We have been beaten down, but we will return and build up the ruins”; thus says the Lord of hosts, “They may build, but I will tear down; and men will call them the wicked territory, and the people toward whom the Lord is indignant forever.”

    Isaiah 34:8, KJV, calls it “the controversy of Zion,” speaking of divine judgment against Edom. Historically, about 126 B.C. the Judean leader, John Hyrcanus, conquered Idumea (Edom) and forced them to convert to Judaism. Josephus wrote about this and concluded by saying, “they were hereafter no other than Jews” (Antiquities of the Jews, XIII, ix, 1). The Jewish Encyclopedia says “from this time the Idumeans ceased to be a separate people,” for they were absorbed into Jewry. This meant that the prophecies of Judah and Edom were bound together.

    “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980.

    h ttps://gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2012/11-2012/final-move-toward-destruction-jerusalem/

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