The Hebrew Immigration Aid Society Situation

Here is the smoking gun on who is the causa proxima of the diabolical reality carte blanche illegal migration crisis. It is curious indeed that Trump or any of the Zios like Ted Cruz never mentions these grifters, ever.

In 1965, HIAS was instrumental in the passage of an immigration law that finally replaced the National Origins Quota, eliminating decades of ethnic admission policies for the US. HIAS was involved from the beginning of the Jewish exodus from the USSR.

The core of all this is “repair the world” (tikkun olam) chosen people wingnutism combined with big bucks grifting.

You will notice that the link to the signatories has been deep sixed after the damage has been done. Notice the use of the shadow language “refugee” despite the reality that little vetting is done. It is a guise and a swindle under the template of compassion. The State Department put out a call for ANY charity to apply for immigration money.  Jew bigwig DHS Secretary Mayorkas was on the board of HIAS. And the same ZOG political class that facilitates genocide funds this.


Just two days before the inauguration of our next president, rabbis from across the United States have joined together to express support for welcoming refugees to this country, no matter their religion or ethnicity. More than 1,500* rabbis have joined with HIAS to send this message, signing a powerful letter to elected officials calling on the United States to keep its doors open to refugees.

This means that about half of the rabbis in the US support this. More than 430 synagogues participate in this lucrative campaign to support newly resettled migrant families in their communities. Catholic Charities are also a big player in this big business human trafficking.


Here is an out in the open public pow-wow of these tikkan olam grifters. It is all so stereotypical.


Here is the situation on the ground in central America on this grift. These are dangerous journeys putting the participants at risk. For HAIS that’s just the cost of doing business.

In 2016 HIAS opened an office on the Greek island of Lesvos to provide legal services for refugees arriving by sea, predominantly from Syria. The organization also supports the resettlement (to Europe) of refugees of the Syrian Civil War

Back in 2016 the Jew George Soros got the ball rolling with  $500 million in seeding donations to fund these grifter organizations.


Have been listening to patrio-tard and Maga-tard whining and fulmination for decades. You’re going to do nothing but keep tithing them billions for entertainment, baubles and dissipations. Your kids will go shoeless before you miss NFL, Call of Duty or an Adam Sandler movie. Incredibly many will be mad at me, the messenger, for revealing this.

“A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.”
― Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For My Legionaries


2 Comments on The Hebrew Immigration Aid Society Situation

  1. Trump claimed he would end all immigrant “asylum seeking” NGO programs under his presidency, according to GatewayPundit. So, since Trump is owned by Talmudic Jewry and the Zios, will this include HIAS? I seriously doubt it! He might be “murder ruled” if he does, after all…

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