Violent Psychopaths Take Over the Black Community

-and the white community:

$19.95 for the rental. I bet they got their deposit back too. Coordinates: 8545+VGM Charlotte, North Carolina 35.3071722, -80.8411962 — Merica


11 Comments on Violent Psychopaths Take Over the Black Community

  1. The U.S. government is partially responsible for this. Yes, its true that many Blacks make bad choices, but they have also been subject to extensive social engineering. For example, Gary Webb showed in his Dark Alliance series that the CIA deliberately brought drugs into the Black community, using Black drug dealers as the distributors. There has long been a connection between drugs and violence, just look at Latin America, especially Mexico.

    A former Chicago gang member also said during an interview that one night they found crates of high end firearms just lying in a nearby alley. It is obvious who planted the weapons there and for what purpose. Additionally, police officers do nothing to stop the gangs, but when law abiding Black men up in Michigan formed the Detroit 300 to stop the criminals the police arrested them instead of the gangs declaring them vigilantes. So Black men are not even allowed to police their own communities.

    Finally, REAL Black nationalist leaders like Malcolm X and Fred Hampton were assassinated, replacing them with controlled opposition stooges like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan that talk a good game but don’t do squat. Malcolm X wanted to do away with the gang members and drug pushers as did the Black Panthers and in fact the Black Panthers actually hunted down and killed drug dealers.

    So when talking about the Black community you need to look beyond the statistics, it isn’t as simple as it seems, the fact of the matter is that the US gov has f%cked with the Black community for decades using the exact same destabilization tactics they are now using against the rest of the country, let that sink in. J Edgar Hoover said that they would never allow a Messiah to arise in the Black community and they have assassinated every single genuine Black leader with the exception of Marcus Garvey who they deported.

      • I AM A BLACK PERSON. You think Blacks acted like this 100 years ago? My grandfather was a WW2 vet and my great grandfather was a WW1 vet. My grandparents and great grandparents stayed married until death. Things started going downhill in the 70s and 80s when the crack epidemic started and the CIA was behind that. Gary Webb revealed it in the 90s, and got suicided by two bullets in his head.

        My mom was a drug addict. My father abandoned the family when I was 9. Despite my crappy upbringing I have never been to jail or prison, so I’m not making excuses for Blacks that have, they made bad decisions and paid the price. But lets not act like the government hasn’t been screwing with Blacks for like a hundred years, because they have, and now they are using the same tactics against everyone else including Whites. This is why they are bringing criminals over the US borders and allowing them to run roughshod, while throwing patriot whites like Jeremy Brown and the J6 people in prison and letting them rot.

        Russ you show the effects in the Black community but don’t mention the many causes. This is problematic because these stats should be shown with a historical context. What would the White community (or any community for that matter) look like if the government deliberately assassinated all the real leaders then brought in drugs and guns while protecting the gang members and drug pushers while punishing and disarming any law abiding men that tried to resist them? You talk about the current state of the Black community without mentioning COINTELPRO and their deliberate destruction of the Black power movement.

        If you are going to note statistics about Black criminality you should also list statistics showing that whites are the biggest users of illict drugs in the country, which makes them directly responsible for the rise of the drug cartels and the violence on the southern border!

        According to this article by CNN White Americans, not Blacks are the biggest users of Heroin:

  2. Why is everyone capitalising the b in black (as per AP policy)? It is antiwhitism to not capitalise the w in white similarly.

  3. The reason horrendous crimes like the shooting happen is that Blacks have very low empathy, which is a genetic characteristic.

    There’s no such thing as ‘the black community’ — 30+% of black men are convicted felons — an even larger percentage lead lives of drug abuse and sporadic menial employment (George Floyd being a good example) — as a group Blacks are economic deadweight — without affirmative action in government employment, there would be no black middle class.

    There is also no such thing as ‘the black family’ — greater than 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock, and when a black woman has more than 1 child there is a much greater chance that the children have different fathers than that she isn’t married to either than that she’s married to the father of one or both — it’s always rutting season among Blacks.either, and it’s even less likely she’s married to the father of both.

    That is the reality.

    They don’t belong in white society — otherwise I don’t care about the fact that ‘psychopaths plague the black community’ — I feel sorry for Whites who have to live in the same polity as Blacks.

    • Reality eah? Show me the genetic studies from a scientific or medical peer reviewed journal which show Blacks have very low empathy. You manipulate data to promote your racist and biased views. The stats you are mentioning are for the modern era, how about 100 years ago? Why don’t you post data from the 1920s?

      You won’t because it shows your views are complete BS. The fact of the matter is that Blacks 100 years ago had their own prosperous, self sufficient communities with low crime rates like Green Wood in Tulsa Oklahoma which was nicknamed Black Wall Street because it had a high percentage of millionaires but was burned to the ground by Whites

      Whites also destroyed a prosperous, self sufficient Black community called Rose Wood in Florida

      So who really has the violent tendencies, Blacks or Whites? How many hundreds of thousands of Iraqis did White men kill? How about those 3 million Vietnamese? Every time Blacks built a stable, self sufficient community it was ruined. Black millionaires like AG Gaston had their own banking and insurance companies. If you want to talk history you need to get your facts straight pal.

      Blacks had their own insurance companies and banks, my great grandparents didn;t need or want to be part of White society and could take care of themselves. But thanks to integration and Blacks choosing to follow Dr. King Instead of Malcolm X we are in this mess. Malcolm X wanted nothing to do with joining Whites in in fact encouraged Blacks to separate. Malcolm also didn’t like Liberals and recognized even back in the 60s the danger they posed.

    • eah, you said that “”you don’t care about the fact that ‘psychopaths plague the black community’” well I feel the same way about the Jews plaguing Whites, the Jews have completely checkmated you and you are getting EXACTLY what you deserve. I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy, and millions of you will die before this end. So enjoy your misery. You are paying the price for the many sins you have committed over the last 250 years. Had you obeyed the Founding Fathers you would’t be in this mess but you are hard headed and are now paying the price.

      White Americans will go down as the dumbest people in history. You have to be a complete idiot savant to invent the light bulb and refrigeration but then allow a handful of kikes to deliberately subvert your republic over the last 250 years. By the way I left the USA in 2012 because I saw all this coming. Enjoy living in a collapsing society run by third world migrants and their Jewish overlords, and millions of Whites stupidly took the poisonous shot unlike Blacks who mostly refused to take it. This makes Blacks smarter than Whites, at least when it came to Covid.

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