The records “rewrite the history” of the CIA’s covert and illegal MKUltra project, according to researcher John Greenewald Jr who spent almost 20 years trying to obtain the documents
By Emma Parry | 7 December 2018
THE SUN — Disturbing details of secret mind-control experiments carried out by the CIA have been revealed in newly released documents that officials have been trying to hide for decades.
The new documents, released under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal how the CIA experimented on both humans and animals using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices as part of the top secret – and illegal – mind control project MKUltra.
Shockingly the swathes of information still missing or redacted in the records could mean the CIA is STILL carrying out the experiments to this day, according to experts.
One document details how the CIA planned to drug “criminals awaiting trial held in a prison hospital ward” in a bid to develop “improved techniques in drug interrogation”.
Another document details the CIA’s interest in developing ways to cause amnesia in humans using experiments “no matter how weird, inconclusive or unusual”. […]
My psyciatrist, at the Long Beach, California VA Hospital, started out in the Marines and ended up a Captain in the Navy. He fought in Korea. Then he started working with Navy Intelligence and the CIA. He was a big cheese in Operation AJAX, the coup that put the Shah of Iran on the throne. Then, the Navy put him through Medical School, so he could work on such projects as MKULTRA. He then spent the next 30 years working for N.I. and the CIA.
dare I recommend a second opinion?
You know these “programs” are on-going. I’m sure the names have been changed to protect the guilty, with the use of technologies today that make those listed in the above article look like child’s play.
Many of these new technologies such as A.I. are showing great success in their ability to steer public opinion and make the slaves love and praise their masters. I can think of no better example than the Qanon fad, which I believe is nothing more than an A.I. program set up by the handlers of the Donald.
This technology was rolled out with Operation Jade Helm 15 as explained by DJ of Level9News: