There are many people who totally lack introspection or perception. Case in point is the following Facebook post from a school “counselor” with SJW leanings. It seems that Gen Z youth — those born 1995 to present, also known as Post-Millennials, the iGeneration and the Homeland Generation — are having an awakening (aka “red pilling”). Interestingly, the counselor mentions both young women and men. I have a response for this teacher: Whether you like it or not, what you’re seeing is called blowback. It should come as absolutely no surprise and is a natural reaction.
A generation of white youth is being made into scapegoats. As Winter Watch has been covering, their basic civil rights are being violated. These are the cadre that end up on college campuses and who see the worst elements of twisted, Millennial, anti-white agit-prop. Accordingly, we now learn college enrollments are down 16% in the last two years. Even Forbes, which we now rate as a passable mainstream media source, is dialed into the Gen Z political phenomena and covers it in a reasonably balanced way here.
As adults, we shouldn’t be overly concerned about how this manifests itself or the symbology used. Youth will be more rebellious, and they may incorporate shock value that gets the attention of the Lugenpresse. Mostly, the Gen Z presentation is clean cut.
It is also true that many of these Gen Zers are (or were) Trumptards. Winter Watchers who understand that this is not about dialectic partisanship can and should debate and educate them on that, but in a brotherly manner.
Our “elder advice” is to focus like a laser on the anti-white behaviors from any source. The participation of members of any particular tribe or racial groups involved in anti-white agit-prop and anti-white civil rights should be matter of fact and evidence-based.
Read “Ibram X Kendi’s Racket: New Underworld Order-Promoted, Made Man and Money Bags”
Since Gen Zers are in part red pilled, the broader question is whether can they be mobilized as a force against Zionist neocon warmongering. That might require blood spilled or friends lost in a war in which the target (North Korea, Venezuela or Iran) fights back. Gen Z, being of fighting age, would take the hit. If a large anti-war America First movement manifested as a result, then kleptocratic Crime Syndicate captured politics will be turned on its head. This would be our beyond-left-and-right third-position nationalism.
Survey: two out of three 12th grade boys are conservative, three out of four 12th grade girls are liberal.
I’m actually surprised at the boys — still deep in the brainwashing but already overwhelmingly rejecting it. I can only imagine how many are going to be liberal by, say,…
— Peter St Onge, Ph.D. (@profstonge) July 31, 2023
The list below is but a sampling of documented anti-white behavior. It can be used as debate points. It is also time for those (of any generation) who oppose anti-white behaviors to use our own shame card. The ICS formula is to identify specific behaviors and who does them (if the shoe fits, wear it), condemn, shame.
We have developed an archive of numerous articles detailing shameful anti-white behaviors and scapegoating. Our most popular article was the first one. This is a list of articles that can be readily referenced from this page:
- A Who’s-Who List of Anti-White Jewish ‘Pseudo-Intellectual’ Quackery
- Drexel University students show support for ‘white genocide’ profess
- Yale ‘decolonizes’ English dept. after complaints studying white authors ‘actively harms’ students
- Drexel University students show support for ‘white genocide’ professor
- Rapper Sparks Outrage With Music Video Showing Him HANGING White Child (VIDEO)
- There’s Just One Catch In Reed College’s All-Expenses Paid Campus Visit Program: No White People Allowed
- Stanford students start ‘disrupting whiteness’ club
- Take Down ‘Racist’ Theodore Roosevelt Statue, Activists Tell New York Museum
- Apple Diversity Chief Forced Out After Saying White Men Can Also Be ‘Diverse’
- Century-old Francis Scott Key monument defaced with ‘racist anthem’ in Baltimore
- Imagine Calling FBI Over ‘Protect Your Heritage’ Posters
This reminds me of the anti-war movement of the early sixties which was made up of clean cut college age students. These youngsters saw the Vietnam conflict for what it was, another foreign intervention which would end up just like the Korean conflict. Quite frankly, they had no interest in becoming the cannon fodder in another meaningless war.
Out of thin air the mid-sixties magically gave birth to the drug fueled hippie movement. Before long it was “free love” and “tune in, turn on, drop out”, all being tied to the anti-war movement. The country had been split into dope smokin’ anti-war filthy hippies and red blooded American patriot’s willing to go and do their patriotic chore. To kill those evil commie bastards. It was almost like it was by design.
The youth of today must be warned of covert intelligence programs carried out by those in charge and how to spot infiltrators. If not I see another “wash, rinse, repeat”.
Dave McGowan exposed the fake hippie movement in “Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream”.
Most of the material from Dave’s book is on his “The Center For An Informed America” website kept active by his daughter. I recommend the website along with the book as it is loaded with many great high quality photo’s, not included in the book.
Too bad the clean cut youth of the early 60s didn’t oppose the ‘politicians’ running the Korean & Vietnam wars with the intention of losing to the communists. Small wonder that the U.S. constitution & Bill of Rights are practically abolished today- July 20, 2021AD.
The internet and Amazon books has made information far more accessible and obtainable than generations past. These kids know how to find what they want on the internet and know what they don’t want on the internet.
From my perspective, I enjoy this group…I have 5 sons spanning 1996-2012…Yes, 2 wives…And no interest in a third…
Anyway, the youngies know they have been fooled..They are woke…And their solution is decentralization…So best you get your head around a stateless society with distributed ledger tech…No, not BTC…That’s a fraud…but technology that liberates…The big guys have no idea who built the system and how they plan to unbuild it….Back doors everywhere..etc…
Don’t tell me…that ((((CUNY))) prof is really a (((SUNY))) prof at THE mecca of political correctness, SUNY Old Westbury, perhaps THE first minority-majority college ever in the US (and I actually got a psych degree there…which was for the most part meaningless…thank God I met my future hubby and now live in far west Texas, where Sul Ross State is still reasonably sane (even if it is majority Hispanic…for the most part, Hispanics out here are good folks. Oh, and, I forgot to mention…there are no synagogues that I know of within 100 miles of where I live…) Anyway, I am being facetious about the ((((CUNY))) thing…
If war is being fomented, make them bring it home, right here, on our own soil, that’s the only way Americans will learn anything real about war.
I was radicalized by affirmative action when the admissions committee at Princeton circa 1993 told me I would get off the waiting list and be accepted if I checked the hispanic box because my mother was born in Cuba – to a German-Austrian mercantile family.
“But my great uncle was a Nazi, literally.” “It doesn’t matter,” they said, “you can claim to be hispanic.”
I went to the University of Chicago instead.
Speaking of ‘Post-Millenials’ and Gen Z- you seen this Travis Scott situation, Russ? Seems like one of ‘those,’ where it was probably set up, now being used for policy/PR issues- got the FBI investigating it. A bunch of random outlets calling it a ‘human sacrifice’- one of those sadistic, retarded ‘calling cards’ when the Syndicate plans or launders money into something like that, and can’t resist leaving their mark that reads ‘Usual Suspects.’ Can’t help but notice, too, that it’s right off the heels of this other, ‘David’s Law’ (had to be a David, didn’t it? that Noahide shit again) issue in the UK, where some PM got attacked by a Somali Gangster, and they want to blame the Online worlds ‘hate’ for what happened. Never mind the sycophantic Parliament, flooding London with Mafias from Eastern Europe and North Africa, in spite of it being causal in relation to quadrupling Knife Crime, Fentanyl trade, and tons of Cocaine washing with UK politics. Ignoring this funneling of Coyotes couldn’t be correlated to ‘David’ being attacked, could it? Anyhow, they’ve both happened in the same week. With the ‘David’s Law,’ I’ve also pointed out that Parliament has been doing a lot of Coke, which has been swabbed out of the (guarded) Parliamentary restrooms TWICE, finding residue all over the damned place. it’s well known that the Albanian Mafias connections abroad to Colombia are where that Coke comes from- so possibly a relation there? Maybe worth looking into, if not you, someone who does that kind of situational break down. Two in one week that are bizarre like that is unusual even for now. Always shit happening these days, but they’re ‘Using’ both of these events.
3.) People don’t think this could be related to ‘Davids Law’ attack?
4.) Coke in Parliament, and here are the ‘Kings of Cocaine’ in London, also known as ‘the stabbers’
5.) ‘Stabbbers’-
6.) And not making ‘generalizations’ about any entire group of people, here- but they wanna blame ‘Hate Speech’? These figures, related to migration and ethnic tension, specifically with Africa and Europe, its tentacles in organized crime, have been there. The violent crime numbers are fucking staggering. If Parliament et al would respond to the facts on the ground, maybe they wouldn’t be dealing with their knife-wielding coke dealers, right? But it’s gotta be all of us who eat that?
White people of Britain are nothing more than inbreeds,drunkards and scum.
John Mann Labour MP.
It is in the Jewish interest ,it is in humanities interest that whites experience a Genocide.Until White children are burned alive ,white women raped,mutilated,murdered and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorised :only then will mankind be on a more equal footing,ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.
Jewish Rabbi,Ishmael Levitts.
White Genocide quotes
Ulrich B. Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South explains that white enslavement was crucial to the development of the Negro slave system. The system set up for the white slaves governed, organized and controlled the system for the black slaves. Black slaves were “late comers fitted into a system already developed.” Pp 25-26. John Pory declared in 1619, “white slaves are our principle wealth.”
People from the British Isles were kidnapped, put in chains and crammed into ships that transported hundreds of them at a time. Their destination was Virginia Boston, New York, Barbados and the West Indies. The white slaves were treated the same or worse than the black slave. The white slave did not fetch a good price at the auction blocks. Bridenbaugh wrote in his accounting on page 118, that having paid a bigger price for the Negro, the planters treated the black better than they did their “Christian” white servant. Even the Negroes recognized this and did not hesitate to show their contempt for those white men who, they could see, were worse off than themselves.
The white slave did not fetch a good price at the auction blocks. Bridenbaugh wrote in his accounting on page 118, that having paid a bigger price for the Negro, the planters treated the black better than they did their “Christian” white servant. Even the Negroes recognized this and did not hesitate to show their contempt for those white men who, they could see, were worse off than themselves.
Most Slaves In America Were White.
White slaves transported to the colonies suffered a staggering loss of life in the 17th and 18th century. During the voyage to America, the white slaves were kept below deck for the entire nine to twelve week journey. They were chained with 50 other men to a board, with padlocked collars around their necks. The weeks of confinement below deck in the ship’s stifling hold often resulted in outbreaks of contagious disease, including cholera and dysentery.
Ships carrying white slaves to America often lost half their slaves to death. According to historian Sharon V. Salinger of the University of California, Riverside, “Scattered data reveal that the mortality for [white] servants at certain times equaled that for [black] slaves in the ‘middle passage,’ and during other periods actually exceeded the death rate for [Black] slaves.”
Ms. Salinger affirms a death rate of ten to twenty percent over the entire 18th century for black slaves on board ships en route to America compared with a death rate of 25% for white slaves.
How Jewish Elites Use Non-White Immigration to Undermine Western Nations
The Hart Celler Act — United States 1965
The Migration Act — Australia 1966
The British Nationality Act — United Kingdom 1981
Ralph Miliband was born in the jewish quarter of Warsaw. He emigrated to England in 1940.
After the war he joined the Labour Party, despite his hatred for English culture, and proceeded to become an intellectual proponent of the New Left. His writings and lectures proved influential in the reworking of several British Nationality Acts over the decades, as they became increasingly more open to non-White immigration.
White people of Britain are nothing more than inbreeds,drunkards and scum.
John Mann Labour MP.
It is in the Jewish interest ,it is in humanities interest that whites experience a Genocide.Until White children are burned alive ,white women raped,mutilated,murdered and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorised :only then will mankind be on a more equal footing,ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.
Jewish Rabbi,Ishmael Levitts.
White Genocide quotes
Anti-White Racism -Herve Ryssen.
Herve Ryssen JWO
The Kalergi Plan.
Satan In Hollywood English US Version 01
The overwhelming majority of Jews in America and European nations, have at some point in their political life (or continually) utilized slavery as a malicious moral weapon against White European or American folk, not only to demonize our ancestors, but also to infer that contempotary Europeans are natural slavers, in order to instill hatred of Europeans in non-europeans and liberal minded Europeans alike. But if the White race is to be condemned in the liberal press, why are not the Jewish people condemned for the world’s leading role in the slave trade over the last 2000 years?Of course, the closest thing that approximates the ancient slave trade to today is the White slave trade (prostitution) including the forced abasement and torture of hundreds of thousands of Eastern European women. As readers of the David Duke Report are aware, this nefarious activity is almost completely controlled by Jews and much of it is based in Israel. But somehow the Jews get no bad press from this. Again, it really not hard to understand when one understands who controls the press!The historical Jewish domination of the slave trade is revealing about the entire structure of the Jewish-Gentile conflict and the propaganda to which we are subjected. In fact in the Hebrew Torah (Old Testament), none other than God himself commands that no slaves will be made of your own people, but you can make slaves of other peoples:
Whether it is reported WorldWide depends on the Color of your Skin.
Well the dialectical maniacs want to push em into the state sanctioned one religion fascism in response to leftist insanity. Should be fun to watch the show
There is no greater acknowledgment that a person’s word is 100% truthful and accurate than when that person’s comments get deleted on websites like Winter Watch.
Feel free to write your own low brow blog on your own terms troll.