The US Pledges “Climate Reparations” to Other Countries While Americans Freeze and Become Homeless

Organic Prepper | Nov. 22. 2022

More people than ever are facing dire circumstances, and we’re just getting started with this economic disaster. And what is our government doing?

Why, they’re giving our money away.

To other countries, no less.

The U.S. government agreed to pay “climate reparations.”

But the plight of our own countrymen seems to be less important than those in other countries affected by climate change. The United States has just agreed to pay up to a billion dollars to poor countries for “climate reparations.” As per an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal:

The use of climate policy to soak Americans keeps getting worse, and the United Nation’s climate conference in Egypt ended this weekend with agreement on a new fund to pay reparations to poor countries. Welcome to the latest climate shakedown.

The 2015 Paris accord suggested rich countries compensate poor countries for climate damage—the rationale being that industrialization has increased temperatures and led to natural disasters. Poor countries finally forced discussion of a formal mechanism to pay climate reparations onto this year’s U.N. conference agenda.

…on Thursday Europe abandoned the U.S. by proposing a deal, and Mr. Kerry rolled over.

Wealthy countries will now set up a fund to cover climate damage for the least developed countries—i.e., not China or middle-income nations. This will be financed from “a broad donor base” and “mosaic of solutions,” such as international development banks and taxes on aviation, shipping and fossil fuels.



2 Comments on The US Pledges “Climate Reparations” to Other Countries While Americans Freeze and Become Homeless

  1. The posturing and pure theatre of the 2030 Globalists has now gone beyond tolerable levels, way beyond. The very vague term climate change, human caused of course, is being touted as fact when climate always changes quite naturally. How much of what we see going on weather wise is being geo-engineered? What about the cycles of the Sun and cloud cover affecting weather? The assorted far left radicals, politicians and U.N. idiots pushing this agenda dare not ask those questions. Yet America and other countries down the line are being shaken down for every penny they have. The anger meter has reached the top of the line.

  2. Biden is intent, his intentions shown by his actions, are to destroy this country. He should be impeached, on trial for treason and thrown in Jail, along with his brother and his son! in my opinion.

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