Setting the Record Straight: White Europeans Were Captured and Traded as Slaves for Centuries

The [White] Slave Market, by Gustave Boulanger (1882) IMAGE:

The world history of enslavement involves people of all races, though the post-truth world focuses attention almost entirely on black-African slave trade from Africa to the New World.

Other types of massive slave trade involved white Europeans who were traded by Muslim Arabs, Turks, dark-skin Berbers (Africans), Armenians, Jews and Greeks. These European white slaves were captured from coastal regions of Ireland, Spain and Italy, extending into the steppes of Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania.

This went on for more than 300 years.

Historian Robert Davis, a professor from Ohio State University, described the western Mediterranean white Christian slave trade in his book “Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800” (2003).

Davis explains that most modern historians minimize the white slave trade. Davis estimates that traders from Tunis, Algiers and Tripoli alone enslaved well over one million white Europeans in North Africa from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th century.

Prof. Davis explains, white slaves with non-white masters simply do not fit “the master narrative of European imperialism.” The victimization schemes so dear to academics require white wickedness, not white suffering.

Prof. Davis also points out that the widespread European experience of slavery gives the lie to another favorite leftist hobby horse: that the enslavement of blacks was a crucial step in establishing European notions of race and racial hierarchy.

The European slaves were captured by Barbary pirates in slave raids on ships and by raids of coastal towns from Italy to Spain, Portugal, France, England, the Netherlands, and as far afield as Ireland and Iceland. Men, women and children were captured to such a devastating extent that vast numbers of sea coast towns were completely abandoned.

in Tunis and Tripoli, slaves usually wore an iron ring around an ankle, and were hobbled with a chain that weighed 25 or 30 pounds.

White Christian slaves
The redemption (buying back) of Christian captives by Mercedarian friars in the Barbary states.

The Barbary Coast increased in influence in the 15th century, when the Ottoman Empire took over as rulers of the area. Coupled with this was an influx of Sephardi Jews and Moorish refugees, newly expelled from Spain after the Reconquista. These markets prospered while the states were nominally under Ottoman suzerainty, but in reality they were mostly autonomous.

Many Muslim ship captains who raided Spanish coastal cities were Jewish. The most important of these was Sinan, called “The Great Jew,” who would later be called the Muslim name of Kaptan Pasha. He was the leader of Barbarossa’s Muslim fleet. He captured Tunis from Spain in 1534. Much of the Spanish fleet was destroyed by Sinan in 1538. Meanwhile, Portuguese Jews (Morranos) were rearming Turkish Muslims. One of Sinan’s biggest operations was ravaging coastal Catholic districts of South Italy and Sicily in 1553 and hauling off tens of thousands of slaves.

The second major Jewish pirate was Samuel Palache and his brother (aka the “Pirate Merchants”), who left Spain and settled in Fez Morroco. He operated out of Tetuan, a pirate port infestation astride the Strait of Gibraltar.

With Ottoman protection and a host of destitute immigrants, the coastline soon became reputed for piracy. Crews from the seized ships were either enslaved or ransomed. Between 1580 and 1680, Barbary had around 15,000 active renegados or slave raiders.

The power and influence of these pirates during this time was such that nations, including the United States, paid tribute in order to stave off their attacks.

The white slave trade actually pre-dates the Reconquista. The Black Moors were Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily and Malta during the Middle Ages. The Moors were initially of Berber and Arab descent.

In 711, the Muslim Moors invaded the Iberian Peninsula from North Africa and called the territory Al-Andalus, which at its peak included most of modern-day Spain, Portugal and Septimania. The Moors occupied Mazara on Sicily in 827, developing it as a port, and they eventually consolidated the rest of the island and some of southern Italy.

Differences in religion and culture led to a centuries-long conflict with the Christian kingdoms of Europe, which tried to reclaim control of Muslim areas. This conflict was referred to as the Reconquista. Spain was reunited under Christian rule in 1492.

The original indigenous Barbary Berbers were dark-brown peoples of the Sahara and the Sahel, mainly those called Fulani, Tugareg, Zenagha of Southern Morocco, Kunta and Tebbu of the Sahel countries, as well as other dark-brown Arabs now living in Mauretania and throughout the Sahel, including the Trarza of Mauretania and Senegal, the Mogharba as well as dozens of other Sudanese tribes, the Chaamba of Chad and Algeria.

These dark skinned peoples were also integral as slavers in the black slave trade to the Americas. They captured and brought the slaves to coastal trading outposts.

Anthropologist Dana Reynolds traced the African roots of the original North African peoples through a dozen Greek and Byzantine (neo-Roman writers) from the first to the sixth century A.D.

“They describe the Berber population of Northern Africa as dark-skinned and woolly-haired,” she said.

Among these writers who wrote about the Berbers were Martial, Silius Italicus, Corippus and Procopius.

In 1544, the island of Ischia off Naples was ransacked by Africans, taking 4,000 inhabitants prisoners, while some 9,000 inhabitants of Lipari Island off the north coast of Sicily were enslaved.

Turgut Reis, a Turkish pirate chief, ransacked the coastal settlements of Granada (Spain) in 1663 and carried away 4,000 people as slaves.

Paul Baepler’s “White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives” lists a collection of essays by nine American captives held in North Africa.

According to Baepler, there were more than 20,000 white Christian slaves by 1620 in Algiers alone. Their number swelled to more than 30,000 men and 2,000 women by the 1630s.

White slavery
Christian prisoners are sold as slaves on a square in Algiers, Jan Luyken, 1684

There were a minimum of 25,000 white slaves at any time in Sultan Moulay Ismail’s palace, records Ahmed ez-Zayyani.

Algiers maintained a population of 25,000 white slaves between 1550 and 1730, and their numbers could double at certain times.

During the same period, Tunis and Tripoli each maintained a white slave population of about 7,500.

The Barbary pirates enslaved some 5,000 Europeans annually over a period of nearly three centuries.

US Navy battle against white slavery pirates
A US Navy expedition under Commodore Edward Preble engaging gunboats and fortifications in Tripoli, 1804

In the first years of the 19th century, the United States, allied with European nations, fought and won the first and the second Barbary Wars against the Barbary pirates. The wars were a direct response of the American, British, French and the Dutch states to the raids and the slave trade by the Barbary pirates against them.

The Barbary pirates refused to cease their slaving operations, resulting in another bombardment by a Royal Navy fleet against Algiers in 1824. France invaded Algiers in 1830, placing it under colonial rule and finally ending the trade.

Slavic Slave Trade

The white slavery in the East was even larger and even more hidden or unknown than the Barbary slavery.

For more than three centuries, the military of the Crimean Khanate and the Nogai Horde conducted slave raids into eastern Europe.

Sixteenth- and 17th-century customs statistics suggest that Istanbul’s additional slave imports from the Black Sea may have totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700.

These raids began after Crimea became independent in 1441 and lasted until the peninsula came under Russian control in 1774. The isthmus topography of the Crimea peninsula allowed for natural fortification and it’s far southern location stretched out the Russian/Ukrainian/Polish supply lines required to take it. In contrast the open prairies of the Ukraine allowed for the rapid deployment of mounted slave raiders.

The figures of white Slavic enslavement must be considered in context. The population of Tatar Khanate was only about 400,000 at the time. A considerable part of the male population of Crimea took part in these campaigns. In later years, slaves and freedmen formed approximately 75 percent of the Crimean population.

The main slave market was in Caffa. After 1475, it was part of the coastal strip of Crimea that belonged to the Ottomans. In the 1570s, at its peak, close to 20,000 enslaved Slavs were auctioned each year in Caffa. The town had artillery and a strong garrison of Janissaries (originally Slavic slaves).

Besides Caffa, slaves were sold in Karasubazar, Tuzleri, Bakhchysarai and Khazleve. For the right to trade, they paid tax to the Crimean Khan and Turkish Pasha.

Michalo Lituanus described Caffa as “an insatiable and lawless abyss, drinking our blood.” Besides the bad food, water, clothing and shelter, they were subjected to exhausting labor and abuse.

According to Litvin, “The stronger slaves were castrated, others had their noses and ears slit and were branded on the forehead or cheek. By day they were tormented with forced labor and at night kept in dungeons.”

Muslim, Armenian, Jewish and Greek traders all purchased Slavic slaves in Caffa often transporting them to the slave market in Istanbul.

The main economic goal of the raids was booty, some of it material, but most of it human. These human-trade goods were mostly sold to the Ottoman Empire, although some remained in Crimea.

A compilation of partial statistics and estimates indicates that almost two million Russians, Ukrainians and Poles were seized between 1468 and 1694. Additionally, there were slaves from the Caucasus obtained by a mixture of raiding and trading.

Most of the raids fell on territory of today’s Russia and Ukraine, lands previously divided between Muscovy and Lithuania, although some fell on Moldavia and Circassia (North Caucasus).

The Russian population of the borderland suffered annual Tatar invasions and tens of thousands of soldiers were required to protect the southern boundaries. This was a heavy burden for the state, and slowed its social and economic development. Since Crimean Tatars did not permit settlement of Russians to southern regions where the soil is better and the season is long enough, Muscovy had to depend on poorer regions and labour-intensive agriculture.

In 1683 alone, the Ottoman army, although defeated, returned from the Gates of Vienna with 80,000 white European captives from the Balkans.

The Crimean Khanate and its immediate neighbours in 1600.Records indicate Tatar slave-raiding Khans returned with

  • 18,000 slaves from Poland (1463)
  • 100,000 from Lvov, present day western Ukraine- (1498)
  • 60,000 from South Russia (1515)
  • 50,000–100,000 from Galicia (1516, during the “harvesting of the steppe”)
  • 800,000 from Moscovy (1521)
  • 200,000 from South Russia (1555)
  • 100,000 from Moscovy (1571)
  • 50,000 from Poland (1612)
  • 60,000 from South Russia (1646)
  • 100,000 from Poland (1648)
  • 300,000 from Ukraine (1654)
  •  20,000 from Putivl (1662)
  • 400,000 from Valynia (1676)
  • Thousands from Poland (1694)

Sources suggest that in the few years between 1436 and 1442, before the Crimea operation embarked, some 500,000 people were seized in the Balkans. Many of the captives died in forced marches towards Anatolia, Turkey.

Contemporary chronicles note that the Ottomans reduced masses of inhabitants of Greece, Romania and the Balkans to slavery by 1460.

  • 70,000 in Transylvania (1438)
  • 300,000-600,000 from Hungary
  • 10,000 from Mytilene/Mitilini on Lesbos island (1462)

An immense number of slaves flowed from the Crimea, the Balkans and the steppes of West Asia to Islamic markets.

Brian Davies in “Warfare, State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe” (2007) laments that the “Tartars and other Black Sea peoples had sold millions of Ukrainians, Georgians, Circassians, Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians, Slavs and Turks.”

Polish historian Bohdan Baranowski assumed that in the 17th century, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (present-day Poland, Ukraine and Belarus) lost an average of 20,000 yearly and as many as one million in all years combined from 1474 to 1694.

According to Ukrainian-Canadian historian Orest Subtelny, from 1450 to 1586, 86 raids were recorded, and from 1600 to 1647 there were 70.

“Although estimates of the number of captives taken in a single raid reached as high as 30,000, the average figure was closer to 3,000,” Subtelny wrote. “In Podilia alone, about one-third of all the villages were devastated or abandoned between 1578 and 1583.”

While sources are incomplete, conservative tabulation of the slave raids against the eastern European population indicate that at least seven million European people — men, women and children — were enslaved or exterminated by Muslims.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “It is known that for every slave the Crimean Tatars sold in the market, they killed outright several other people during their raids, and a couple more died on the way to the slave market.”

Habsburg diplomat and the ambassador of the Holy Roman Empire to Muscovy, Sigismund von Herberstein, wrote that “old and infirmed men, who will not fetch much at a sale, are given up to the Tatar youths, either to be stoned, or to be thrown into the sea, or to be killed by any sort of death they might please.”

The raids were a drain of the human and economic resources of eastern Europe. They largely inhabited the “Wild Fields” – the steppe and forest-steppe land that extends from 100 or so miles south of Moscow to the Black Sea, and which now contains most of the Russian and Ukrainian populations. The campaigns also played an important role in the development of the Cossacks as a counter-force.

Mounted Cossack warriors counter the Tatars

As described in the “Book to the Great Chart of Muscovy” (1627), the raid routes took place along the Muravsky Trail or Murava Route. The route went north from the Tatar fortress of Or Qapı (Perekop), the gateway of the Crimean peninsula, and proceeded east of the Dnieper to the Russian fortress of Tula, 193 km south of Moscow.

The Tatars sent out two wings of up to 10,000 men each from the main body to sweep the country, taking women, children, horses, sheep and cattle, and those men who chose not to resist. When the wings returned to the main corps, other wings were sent out in the same manner.

Having “harvested” an area, they withdrew by a different route. They did not waste time by attacking fortified towns, and they avoided fighting organized opposition unless they were forced to defend themselves.

To avoid major river crossings, the route followed the high ground between the basins of the Dnieper and Don, making an almost straight line from the Dnieper bend to Tula. It ran mostly through thinly populated tall grass steppe country (“Muravá” is an old Slavic word for prairie or grassland), avoiding forests, marshes and river crossings. Apart from the main route, there were number of branches and bypaths.

Between 1500 and 1550, there were 43 Tatar raids using this trail. In the wake of the Russo-Crimean War (1571), it became increasingly clear that only a defense line south of the main zasechnaya cherta (Great Abatis Border) would put an end to annual incursions.

M. Presnyakov. Great Abatis Border (2010), oil on canvas

A chain of 11 forts and obstruction — the “Belgorod Defense Line” — was constructed, including (among other fortified settlements) the towns of Livny (1586), Voronezh (1586), Kursk (1587, rebuilt), Yelets (1592, rebuilt), Stary Oskol (1593), Valuyki (1593) and Belgorod (1596, rebuilt). These cities were founded in response to the white-slave raids.

Slavic tribute video

22 Comments on Setting the Record Straight: White Europeans Were Captured and Traded as Slaves for Centuries

  1. A further anecdote re the Slavic Slave Trade …

    “Year after year, Tatar horsemen rode north out of their Crimean stronghold across the grazing lands of the Ukrainian steppe and, in small bands or large armies, swopped down on Cossack settlements or Russian towns to ravage and plunder. In 1662 Tatars captured the town of Putivl and carried off all the 20,000 inhabitants into slavery. By the end of the seventeenth century Russian slaves thronged Ottoman slave markets. Russian men were seen chained to oars of galleys in every harbor in the eastern Mediterranean; young Russian boys made a welcome gift from the Crimean Khan to the Sultan. So numerous, in fact, were the Russian slaves in the East that it was asked mockingly whether any inhabitants still remained in Russia.”

    From i“Peter the Great: His Life and World” by Robert K Massie

  2. The anti-white world does not care what their own ancestors did.
    They seek to eliminate the white race from the face of the earth.

    • The white European Christian ethnic group put an end to slavery after centuries of battle as you describe in the article and when this group is destroyed (and it will be) hardcore slavery will return again. Most dimwitted and brainwashed people, white or otherwise, don’t seem to understand this.

      Its always been free men vs the slavers. No different than Jesus vs the Pharisees and Moneychangers.

  3. I am sick and tired of American whites giving in to the brainwashing of “white privilege,” “white guilt,” and “white fragility.” So much so that I have posted a new post explaining to “guilty” whites why they need to get over it before they get attacked by black supremacists, whose number seems to be growing just because… and the link to this article is featured, along with videos featuring the lecture series called “White Trash” about the history of most whites that came here in the 17th through 20th centuries, especially from England, Scotland, Ireland, Scots-Irish that make up today’s Appalachia where most whites are poor.

  4. Just two very small thoughts.

    1. Although indentured servitude in Northern Ireland, under the English aristocracy, is often differentiated from slavery based on overall work conditions, physical abuse and remote freedom conveyed at a future date; I would opine that these three factors did not always prove out. Conditions of work varied, physical abuse was often a cherished punishment by the English aristocracy (just think about what they did to their own children in the Victorian era, never mind being Irish) and freedom could become a future dream, where death arrives first on the scene.

    If we consider that indentured servitude is a contractual agreement. As with all contractual agreements (think credit cards), terms and conditions could be modified, and often were. Individuals could find themselves being contractually released when they were either too sick or too old to work. With their best years behind them, often in poor health, they could end up poor, destitute, in prison, or simply dead in very short order.


    2. A publicly traded prison (prison corporation with registered equities that are tradable on a market) is an interesting “end run” around certain freedoms, and (in some cases) may have a likeness to slavery. Now this is a huge topic, so I will not even try to get more detailed than this suggestion; however, one thing that has occurred to me:

    How hard would it be to invite people, from CIA wrecked nations, to relocate in America, promise them the world (money, votes, freedom, free stuff and the like), wait a period of time (maybe a decade, so the lull sets in), and then develop a program (not a new idea here) to imprison them in publicly traded, corporate, prisons at a future date?

    One last thing popped into my head:

    If you buy American (“MADE IN THE USA” on the package), and care about where your goods may be coming from, then you may wish to ask if your purchase is as a result of prison labor, from a publicly traded corporation. In my case, I did so and found out that New Balance sneakers are manufactured through very fair labor practices (as are Gitman shirts). On the other hand, I will never purchase CISCO hardware, as it used to be made in the very institutions that I am referring to.

    Gotta run.


    • Thanks for bringing up Indentured Servitude, SC, as I am likely (being Scots-Irish as well as Irish) descended from indentured servants (esp. on my father’s mother’s side), and the notion of the contract called an indent. This and the possibility (as told by a British woman I knew from southwest England) that indenture still might exist in England (she mentioned Cornwall which is the poorest county in England and much of it is a Duchy owned by the royals) got me to make one of my prodigal band characters the son of one indentured. For more on indenture in the US, I posted this on my book site here:

      • Wow, really neat on the character; I will give it a look this afternoon / evening. Thank you.

        (and yes, I just thought the contract was relative as it could end up in slavery as well; however, I knew nothing of Cornwall, so thanks again)


      • somethinghappeninghere,

        I did enjoy your thread on your website. It was similar to your response here, but extended your thoughts out nicely. In particular I liked this bit:

        “And yet, the article states only 40 percent of indentured servants lived to receive this benefit, and, because each landowner ‘master’ was given land for each ‘servant’ brought over, the ‘servants’ who lived out their terms were forced to get land in the western, mountainous parts of Virginia…you know, Appalachia?”

        Good reference to the article and very true even today regarding of decedents in Virginia and now West Virginia (all very nice folks, at least the ones I have met).

        Thank you.


  5. Some more information on White Slavery and worse.

    A half to two thirds of the original Colonists of North America were Slaves.
    57% of Children in working class Manchester died before their fifth birthday in 1840.
    A relative of mine started work at 4 years and 9 months old as a block printers boy, 12 hour days walk a mile to work , 6 days a week Sunday school one day , only enjoyment playing marbles on the way home.
    They were not called Dark Satanic Mills for nothing, children died there and down pits alone in the dark working air pumps.
    ⁣Ulrich B. Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South explains that white enslavement was crucial to the development of the Negro slave system. The system set up for the white slaves governed, organized and controlled the system for the black slaves. Black slaves were “late comers fitted into a system already developed.” Pp 25-26. John Pory declared in 1619, “white slaves are our principle wealth.”

    People from the British Isles were kidnapped, put in chains and crammed into ships that transported hundreds of them at a time. Their destination was Virginia Boston, New York, Barbados and the West Indies. The white slaves were treated the same or worse than the black slave. The white slave did not fetch a good price at the auction blocks. Bridenbaugh wrote in his accounting on page 118, that having paid a bigger price for the Negro, the planters treated the black better than they did their “Christian” white servant. Even the Negroes recognized this and did not hesitate to show their contempt for those white men who, they could see, were worse off than themselves.
    The white slave did not fetch a good price at the auction blocks. Bridenbaugh wrote in his accounting on page 118, that having paid a bigger price for the Negro, the planters treated the black better than they did their “Christian” white servant. Even the Negroes recognized this and did not hesitate to show their contempt for those white men who, they could see, were worse off than themselves.

    ⁣More White Slaves were taken to Africa than Blacks to America. The White Slaves in North Africa were guarded by Black Guards that is where the word Blaggard comes from, they were chained to the wall at night.”However, by far the worst fate for a Barbary slave was being assigned to man the oars of galleys. Rowers were shackled where they sat, and never allowed to leave. Sleeping, eating, defecation and urination took place at the seat. Overseers would crack the whip over the bare backs of any slaves considered not to be working hard enough.
    httpswhite-slaves-barbary-002171_Muslim and Jewish slave trade and castration of the Slavs in the Middle AgesIn 1996, the Moscow publishing house, published work of famous Swiss Orientalist Adam Metz _Muslim Renaissance_.In this book, only a few pages are quite remarkable information about the history of the slave trade in medieval Europe. It turns out, there was a slave and who would have thought that doing it, mostly representatives of the _persecuted and the long-suffering people _!In Europe, the slave trade was almost entirely Jewish. Goods come mainly from East Slavic lands. Bishop Agobard of Lyon (IX century AD.) mentions in his book (De insolentia Iudaeorum), number of cases where Jews kidnapped Christian Franks children, or evenreceived from Christian children for sale and sold them to the Spanish Muslims.Trafficking in slaves is connected, apparently, the resettlement of Jews in the city of Magdeburg vostochnosaksonskom [Caro, Wirtschaftsgeschichte, I, str.191].During the transportation of slaves slave traders robbed in good faith, at least the Germans; For example, the Customs Code of g.Koblentsa required on each head a slave to 4 pence, and the Bishop g.Hura in Switzerland are levied on the customs outpost in Vallenshtadte 2 dinars.
    In the X century, Prague was the center of the slave trade. St. Adalbert resigned from in 989 bishop of Prague because was not able to buy all the Christians purchased by a Jewish merchant [Caro, Wirtschaftsgeschichte, I, str.191].
    Jewish merchants brought Slavic slaves in Muslim countries. Women and girls were intended concubines in harems, and a young man, after castration, to the eunuchs.
    According to the laws of Islam and Muslims is forbidden castration provided this work to Jewish doctors. Medieval Arab historian al-Muqaddasi writes that the main supplier of white eunuchs in Muslim harems were “Slavs, a country that lies behind the Khorezm; castrate them, and then are transported to Egypt. «
    Slavs brought to the Spanish cities, populated by Jews, and that they were castrated.
    Jews in the Frankish empire also practiced castration, and little known
    used in this respect the Jews of Verdun [Dozy, Gesch. der Mauren, 2, p.38]
    As for the operation itself says castration medieval Arab historian Ibn al-Athir:
    «At the time of castration skrotum cut up and removed the testicles. Often, during this operation,
    boy is frightened and one testicle goes up. Doctor-Jew looking for him, but do not always find it
    possible, and then drop it when the cut is zarubtsuetsya.
    If it’s left testicle, then the eunuch will libido and sperm, and if it is right,
    then grows his beard «[Ibn al-Athir, IX, page 39].
    Only a small portion of the slaves survived after such an operation, but the survivors were very expensive.

    Thomas Sowell
    There is much more out there, if the best truthful websites are disappearing then it is
    upto us as individuals to download and keep archives, you will be surprised how much you can get on a 64 GB USB stick or two

    • Thank you so much for providing sooooo much excellent info and links! I had similar info bookmarked on an old laptop and lost it. I’d say it appears no part of Europe was left unscathed. I’m half Polish and half Ukrainian and was relatively aware of the past of slavery and really struggle having to hear ANYTHING regarding slavery in the U.S./African slave trade.
      Clearly, Europeans have Africans BEAT where slavery is concerned.
      Where in the hell are OUR reparations? Right, there are none – never have been nor will ever be. Meanwhile, we’ve watched blacks get more than enough in the way of making amends – and what a huge, draining, mistake it’s been. Plus it apparently isn’t enough. Ohhhhh I’d better stop there.
      Thanks again for the extensive info – I’ll keep this info on a special “slave stick”!

  6. …………It curls the blood-red crescent, the crescent of his lips;
    For the inmost sea of all the earth is shaken with his ships.
    They have dared the white republics up the capes of Italy,
    They have dashed the Adriatic round the Lion of the Sea,
    And the Pope has cast his arms abroad for agony and loss,
    And called the kings of Christendom for swords about the Cross.
    The cold queen of England is looking in the glass;
    The shadow of the Valois is yawning at the Mass;
    From evening isles fantastical rings faint the Spanish gun,
    And the Lord upon the Golden Horn is laughing in the sun….

    • In early September 1575, Cervantes and Rodrigo left Naples on the galley Sol; as they approached Barcelona on 26 September, their ship was captured by Ottoman corsairs, and the brothers taken to Algiers, to be sold as slaves, or – as was the case of Cervantes and his brother – held for ransom, if this would be more lucrative than their sale as slaves.[41] Rodrigo was ransomed in 1577, but his family could not afford the fee for Cervantes, who was forced to remain.[42] Turkish historian Rasih Nuri İleri found evidence suggesting Cervantes worked on the construction of the Kılıç Ali Pasha Complex, which means he spent at least part of his captivity in Istanbul.[43][44][45]

    The god of the Jews SANCTIFIED slavery!
    There were Hebrew slaves and non-Hebrew slaves!
    The Hebrew slaves had rights, but the non-Hebrew slaves had none!
    Christians foolishly believed the Tanach/Bible was the Word of God and Jesus was the Word manifested in the flesh. The vast majority of Christians didn’t have the Tanach/Bible for nearly 2000 years. All they got was verses in a sermon. This ignorance allowed them to accept slavery as sanctioned by god.

    I remind you that this is the supposedly righteous “Creator of the Universe” speaking directly to Moses:

    EXODUS 21:
    7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her.9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter.10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights.11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money.”

    In this passage, Yahweh states that it’s okay for fathers to sell their daughters into permanent slavery, and he gives rules for what can and can’t be done with her afterwards. In the context of this passage, does being a good father entail getting a good price for your daughter on the slave market?

    2 “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free.”

    In this passage, Yahweh establishes a condition under which a married male slave who is freed must leave behind his wife and children because they are his master’s property. Is this what religious folk mean when they talk of “family values”?

    26 “An owner who hits a male or female slave in the eye and destroys it must let the slave go free to compensate for the eye. 27 And an owner who knocks out the tooth of a male or female slave must let the slave go free to compensate for the tooth.”

    This section is where Yahweh gets progressive and establishes the world’s first workers comp law. If you poke out the eye of your slave, you have to set him free?!? How revolutionary and enlightened!

    And here is the most inspiring passage of all…

    20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.”

    So if a slave-master beats his slave, he’s to be punished only if the slave dies from the beating (and only if a rod was used)? Hmmm, it’s pretty sweet to be a slave-master in Yahweh’s kingdom, isn’t it?

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