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Thousands of service members miss Covid vaccination deadlines

The deadline is looming for the Army, while it has passed for other service branches. Some who have not received the shots could see their military careers come to an end.

By Phil McCausland | 7 December 2021

NBC NEWS — Thousands of active-duty service members have failed to comply with the Biden administration’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate, raising the prospect that they will be forced to leave their positions or the military altogether.

The vaccination deadline for active-duty members of the armed services has passed for the Air Force, Navy and the Marine Corps. The Army’s deadline is Dec. 15.

Despite the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate, approximately 27,000 members of the Marines, Air Force, Space Force and the Navy are still considered unvaccinated. About 19,000 of the Army’s soldiers have yet to start the protocol with only a week left before that branch’s deadline.

An Army official with knowledge of the matter emphasized that records continue to be updated and that commanders are engaging their soldiers regarding their vaccination status.

“From my perspective, it’s a discipline issue,” said David Barno, a retired Army lieutenant general who led coalition forces in Afghanistan. “You’ve got thousands of troops who are essentially refusing a legal order to take the vaccine — I’ve never seen anything like that happen before. It’s very unsettling.” […]

4 Comments on Thousands of service members miss Covid vaccination deadlines

  1. Only the deranged rules of the military establishment and a retired US General could possibly describe these instructions as a “legal order”.
    In the UK, the armed forces specifically state that ALL orders are legal and MUST be carried out, If there is a problem then you can complain after the order is carried out. Good luck with that.
    I seriously doubt that the US rules are substantially different from the UK rules.
    Why would anyone agree to take a (alleged) vaccine that doesn’t fulfil the basic requirements of a vaccine and is so secret that the manufacturer will not allow details to emerge for over 50 years.
    It’s actually good to know that 27,000 members of the US armed forces are intelligent enough to refuse the Pfizer/Moderna deathshots.

  2. It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid (legal). “All laws which are repugnant (contrary) to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury vs Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176 (1803).

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