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34,000 Los Angeles School District Students Miss Vax Deadline; School Board Fires 500 Unvaxxed Staff

By Jade Hernandez | 8 December 2021

ABC 7 (KABC) NEWS — Classrooms in the Los Angeles Unified School District could look much different next month, after tens of thousands of students have reportedly missed the district’s COVID vaccine deadline.

When the new semester begins, about 34,000 LAUSD pupils will either be forced to enroll in independent study or will have to leave the district, the Los Angeles Times reported.

According to district officials, there is no longer enough time for students who have not yet received a first dose of vaccine to be fully vaccinated by Jan. 10.

The LAUSD, the second-largest school district in the U.S., has the strictest vaccine mandates in the country.

About 85% of the district’s approximately 600,000 students are in compliance with the mandate requiring those 12 and older to get their COVID-19 shots.

That percentage includes students who have received at least one vaccine dose, individuals with a medical exemption or qualify for conditional admission to the district. This last group include homeless or foster youths, students whose families are in the military or certain special education students. […]

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