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Winston Churchill – Traitor and Murderer

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‘World history: There are two world histories. One is the official and full of lies, destined to be taught in schools – the other is the secret history, which harbours the true causes and occurrences.’ — Honore de Balzac

By John | 8 February 2019

THE FALSIFICATION OF HISTORY — Winston Churchill; the man voted in a newspaper poll as the ‘greatest ever Englishman,’ was actually an evil, self-serving, narcissistic, opportunistic, hypocritical, treacherous, traitorous, perverted paedophile and a murdering psychopath.

Preposterous you say? Read on and see if you still believe this statement to be untrue at the end of this article…

The truth about Winston Churchill is that he was a menace to liberty, and a disaster for Britain, for Europe, for the United States of America, and for Western civilisation itself.

Churchill’s original Sandhurst military file, describes him as a ‘drunken, aggressive homosexual’ and that only his mother having a ‘liaison’ with the Prince of Wales, prevented him from being prosecuted for sodomy.

The following is from the highly-acclaimed British Intelligence operative-turned whistle-blower, Anthony Thomas Trevor-Stokes, better known to truth-seekers everywhere as ‘T. Stokes’…

“Winston Churchill, who led Britain into both World Wars with his famous ‘V’ salute, is still revered by many people and was, in a recent, rigged newspaper poll voted the greatest ever Englishman.

Churchill has been exposed as a long term Zionist/Elite puppet, and served their interest before that of Britain, and whom has been shown to be from documental research and Humint, (human intelligence) to have been a Druid priest, a one-time fringe spiritualist and member of the Golden Dawn, and most damning of all, a 33rd degree mason. Masonry is universally accepted as a racist, anti-Christian and a secret elitist anti-democratic organisation.

This establishes his interest in the occult from day one, and he himself has said on record that he escaped capture in the Boer war, by his psychic ability to choose to knock on the one door that would give him shelter. His statement here is questionable from archive material research but let’s leave this for now.

His ‘V’ salute is a recognised greeting of the horned god, the symbol of the Devil worshipping Illuminati, as demonstrated by ‘Skull and Bones’ initiates. […]

1 Comment on Winston Churchill – Traitor and Murderer

  1. Would you believe that, just before I received this article, I received one from Hillsdale College about the “20th Century’s great Statesman”?

    Think I should send them a link?

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