20 December 2021
THE STATE JOURNAL REGISTER — For a third year, the Satanic Temple returned to the Illinois State Capitol Monday with an art installation to celebrate the “satanic holiday” of Sol Invictus.
This year’s display features the “satanic deity” Baphomet, depicted as a swaddling babe. It was designed by Albuquerque-based horror artist Chris P. Andres.
The satanic display was installed next to the Christian nativity scene holiday display inside the Capitol rotunda.
“This year’s tradition marks a greater urgency in the Baphomet’s message of harmony and reconciliation,” noted The Satanic Temple’s Director of Campaign Operations Erin Helian in a weekend press release.
The group’s displays have courted controversy, particularly from the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois and its head, Bishop Thomas Paprocki. He recently oversaw the installation of the nativity scene in the Capitol rotunda. At the event, Paprocki said satanic displays “should have no place in this Capitol or any other place.” […]
Jesus Christ is the greatest offender in the world to those who have not His Spirit & those spirit-free people have used ‘free speech’ (which was meant to voice grievances against any breach of Constitutional government) as an excuse to take over decency & order, replacing such with mockery & lawlessness. ‘Blessed are those who are not offended in Me.’- the Son of God.