By Carla Hinton | 22 December 2021
THE OKLAHOMAN — A Nevada-based Hindu organization is planning to place a display of Hindu deities at the [Oklahoma] state Capitol after a Christian group recently was allowed to put a Nativity scene in the government building.
Wednesday, Rajan Zed, president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, said he hopes to have 10-foot-tall monument showcasing various Hindu deities such as Lord Ganesha, Vishnu, Krishna, Rama or Lakshmi displayed at the state Capitol during the Hindu holiday of Diwali in October 2022.
“We would invite Oklahoma Governor J. Kevin Stitt and First Lady Sarah Stitt to inaugurate this proposed Diwali display by lighting a traditional lamp,” Zed said in a statement.
“We are thinking of a 10-feet-tall display monument and plan to sanctify it by chanting of mantras, some as old as 1,500 BCE; sprinkling of holy water from river Ganga in India; ringing of ghanta (big metallic bell); and other ancient rituals. It would be a nice blessing for the state.” […]
At the rate we’re going, there won’t be anything recognizable in North America of the culture our forefathers handed down to us. This is not a knock on Hinduism, just a lesson of what happens when we allow a criminal element to dictate social, economic and foreign agenda while we slept.
Christianity has been under attack for decades. (((They))) can’t hide it now.
• Western Civilization (Amalek) Designated for Extermination