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California governor proposes $12B to house state’s homeless

Piles of trash remain at the corner of East 10th Street and Naomi Avenue in downtown Los Angeles. PHOTO: Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times

By Julie Watson and Janie Har | 11 May 2021

ASSOCIATED PRESS — Buoyed by a large budget surplus and swimming in federal pandemic recovery money, California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday proposed $12 billion to get more people experiencing homelessness off the streets and into homes of their own.

Newsom’s proposal includes $8.75 billion over two years to create an estimated 46,000 housing units, expanding on a program he launched last year to convert motels and other properties into housing. Nearly half the money would go toward housing in places where people with mental health and other behavioral issues can get services onsite.

Newsom also proposed spending $3.5 billion on rental subsidies, new housing and shelter resources with the aim of ending family homelessness within five years. It would help families with minors avoid losing their homes in the first place or help them get sheltered without spending days, weeks or months on a waitlist.

“As governor I actually want to get something done. I don’t want to talk about this for a decade,” Newsom said in a news conference at a former San Diego Residence Inn that has been converted into housing for 177 previously homeless people. […]

2 Comments on California governor proposes $12B to house state’s homeless

  1. linkThe Newsom administration projects Californians will earn $185 billion from capital gains — the most ever — resulting in $18.5 billion in tax revenue for the state. … The pandemic resulted in the largest one-time transfer of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the One Percent of the One Percent. California, having a surplus of billionaires, also enjoyed a one-time surge in state and local income tax revenues. … POLITICO reports that despite the state’s enviable revenue surge, “California is due to receive $26 billion in direct federal aid.” … One-third of California’s one-time surplus comes from the taxpayers (and taxpayers yet to be born) across the entire country. … I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that the $26 billion is on top of another $16 billion in federal largess being paid directly to California city and county governments.

    All the federal money being disbursed is from debt/deficit spending.

    Speaking of housing:

    Canada — linkJust got denied housing due to not being vaccinated. It was a rental, we viewed the place and were asked if we were vaccinated (we should have lied I guess) we said we’d get back to the woman before the end of the day. We were going to take it. Just got an email saying she gave the place to someone else who was vaccinated. … Would never have suspected it was bc we were unvaccinated if she hadn’t literally said, I gave it to someone else who was vaxxed

  2. Probably part of the big covid idea all along is to convert the empty office parks, school campuses, theaters, etc, into housing for the ne’er do wells who may receive their UBS to maintain their lifestyles in comfort.

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