By Alex Thomas | 9 November 2017
SHTF PLAN — A controversial Drexel University professor, who is already suspended from campus over comments he made following the Las Vegas Massacre, is now arguing that the recent Texas church shooting was specifically caused by “whiteness” while also attacking news outlets who reported on his previous disgusting comments about the attack in Vegas.
In an interview with the left-wing show Democracy Now!, professor George Ciccariello-Maher once again shared his disgust for all white people while specifically pinning the blame for the church attack on the existence of whiteness itself.
“Whiteness is never seen as a cause, in and of itself, of these kinds of massacres,” Ciccariello-Maher said before adding, “despite the fact that whiteness is a structure of privilege and it’s a structure of power, and a structure that, when it feels threatened, you know, lashes out.”
The discussion, titled “What Makes White Men So Prone to This Kind of Behavior?”, then goes into a sort of rant about the dangers of white people feeling vilified which apparently causes them to conduct mass shootings.
Ciccariello-Maher was previously suspended from campus for a series of Tweets that blamed white people in general for the horrific Las Vegas attack. […]
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