World Trade Center’s Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project

‘The greatest conspiracies are not actually hidden, just fragmented into different pieces, like a puzzle, right before our eyes.’ — Judith Morant

In the period leading up to 9/11, a group of Israelis (non-U.S. citizens) managed to secure “temporary construction” passes to perform work on the 91st floor of Larry “pull it” Silverstein’s leased WTC 1. These passes gave them access to the entire WTC complex. The pretense was an art project called the “B-Thing” and the group is called Gelatin.

After securing their passes, Gelatin proceeded to remove the heavy WTC windows of an office space on the 91st floor and reportedly constructed a prefab balcony outside of the building. Then they stretched “putty” around the windows and filmed it by helicopter as a stunt shown here. On Aug. 18, 2001 The New York Times even felt strangely compelled to cover this story and considered it newsworthy, or a backstory. On the right is the photo of the balcony as shown in the newspaper article.

This may sound innocent enough for the dumb dumbs except for the fact that photos — taken from the artists’ book called the “B-Thing” AND used in the Times’ article — from inside the 91st floor camp out revealed boxes stacked to the ceiling with the letters and numbering “BB 18” on the side. BB 18 is the model number for a fuse-holder accessory, as described:

Features/benefits of this product: “Purpose is to save space and workload in a complicated wiring situation. Decreases wiring terminations, small footprint reduces space requirements, reduces assembly time, prevents accidental finger exposure, quick and safe method of changing fuse holder configurations, allows for future expansion, improves troubleshooting, eliminates power distribution block.”

Also take note that the ceiling tiles have been totally removed and expose the steel girders. The following little gem at right above of a falling creature, and perhaps a calling card, was included in the ops’ egotistical, self-absorbed and freakish book.

The impact points of the “planes” were at the 93-98 floors. Below is cartoon physics of an aircraft imprint created by its aluminum wings that could not precision cut steel exterior columns.

Buried and apparently long forgotten is this 2002 Daily Mail story about the U.S. arresting and deporting 200 Israelis, some of whom posed as “art students,” for spying and espionage activities in the lead up to 9/11. In addition, here is the DEA’s report on Israeli activities in the U.S. just prior to 9/11. So much for the nonsensical theory that 19 Muslims with boxcutters pulled off this crime of the century.

Additionally, we have yet another “coincidence.” The building was powered down over a weekend prior to 9/11.

21 Comments on World Trade Center’s Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project

  1. Hmm, this article seems to cast doubt on the planes story. This is a terrible aspersion to cast on the memory of larger-than-life 9/11 hero Mark Bingham. ☺He gave his life so that gay men could play rugby with dignity. They hate us for our freedom!

  2. This genuine witness makes me believe that was some sort of plane activity in the area (some eyewitnesses recount seeing a Cessna-like plane, many recall none whatsoever) .

    • This is because the second plane hit on the back end where many people couldn’t see it. There are plenty of videos out there, all people saying it was a bomb until you see the plane hit. What is wrong with people? I mean the 2nd plane literally hit while there were hundreds if not thousands of cameras and witnesses fixated on the building. Of course some people in the moment would not understand what just happened depending on where they were watching.

  3. I remember reading Ketcham’s article in Counterpunch which dealt with the roving “art students” and their expulsion – purportedly for visa irregularities, ha ha. The operation was so gross and clumsy I assumed it was only cover, something to give substance to the Mohamed Atta story.

  4. “flimsy aluminum wings” have to support the entire weight of the aircraft and are therefore built to do so. Flight is not magic.


    The Oklahoma City Bombing Connection to WTC Attack

    Pentagon Report Reveals Multiple Blasts in Oklahoma City Bombing
    According to the March 20, 1996 issue of Strategic Investment newsletter, a classified Pentagon study confirms that the Oklahoma bombing was caused by more than one bomb. A classified report prepared by two independent Pentagon experts has concluded that the destruction of the federal building in Oklahoma City in April 1995 was caused by five separate bombs. The two experts reached the same conclusion for the same technical reasons. Sources close to the Pentagon study are reported to have said that Timothy McVeigh did play a role in the bombing but peripherally, as a "useful idiot."

    We reported in Freedom Network News at the time that seismograph readouts at the University of Oklahoma indicated more than one blast impulse. Independent ordnance experts, including a Navy Commander, unanimously agreed that a car-bomb with low intensity fertilizer explosives could not have inflicted such extensive damage to the building and that it was highly likely that high-intensity explosives had been wired directly to the columns. Our suspicion then as now is that it was an "inside job." But by whom is the mystery. Strategic Investment reports that the multiple bombings had a Middle Eastern "signature." Others find the whole business to be extremely fishy because of the fact that no ATF or FBI agents were in their offices at the time of the blast [about 9:05 a.m.] — and that evidence pertaining to both Waco and Mena had been stored there.

    — Strategic Investment, 1217 St. Paul St., Baltimore, MD 21202-4799.

    From Freedom Network News (June/July 1996, pages 5-6), the newsletter of ISIL, the International Society for Individual Liberty, 1800 Market Street, San Francisco, California 94102, tel: (415) 864-0952, fax: (415) 864-7506

  6. People ON THE GROUND saw the planes WITH THEIR OWN EYES fly into the towers. I watched the second plane fly into the second tower as it happened, watching the news. This conspiracy crap is nonsensical and nothing but lies. You guys twist yourselves into a pretzel to try to exonerate the terrorists. Now you want to blame the Jews. “Those people” did it. You want to pretend that tons of people didn’t see what they saw, that they can’t trust their own eyes. It’s disrespectful to us who DID see it, who were alive then and REMEMBER it like it was yesterday and to all the people who died that day, in the buildings AND in the planes.

    • I was watching TV that day and don’t recall seeing a plane. Film emerged and perhaps you did see “something”. Did you see it clearly as much of the filming is blurry and it was fast flying. If so could it be a drone dollied up to look like a plane?

      • Perhaps it was project blue beam?

        I remember seeing several things that day and the following days that totally debunked the official narrative (other than the impossibility of aluminium planes crashing into a skyscraper let alone damaging it badly enough to make it collapse, which I was shocked/naive/dumb enough to believe.) I remember the home videos showing explosions but no planes and I remember seeing building 7 looking perfectly fine other than some fire on a few floors but believing “the experts” who said it was unstable and would come down at any time and when it did – straight down like a planned demolition implosion – I thought nothing of it. Of course fire and debris cannot – ever – make such a building collapse. The relentless barrage of propaganda and emotional manipulation from the media, politicians and so-called experts – along with the misplaced trust I had in them – completely overpowered my sense of logic and reason making me oblivious to the clear evidence showing that they were lying.
        Stupidly, I also fully bought the “Muslim terrorists did it” agit-prop and acted like a useful idiot for years supporting the wars and “anti terror measures” as well as unwittingly being part of the agit-prop.

    • It doesn’t matter one bit if there were planes or not. The rest of the narrative still doesn’t work at all. Planes made out of aluminium or other light metals cannot crash through steel beams. Even with planes in the picture, the official narrative dies at the crashes. And then there are more parts of the narrative after that that don’t work in reality. There’s also building 7, a 47 story building of steel and concrete, which the official narrative says collapsed due to flying debris and fires. Does that make sense to you?

      The official narrative is completely nonsensical to anyone with a basic grasp on physics and logic.

      “The Jews” didn’t do it, the world ruling Globalist Oligarchy did it. A lot of them call themselves Jews (but I’m not convinced that’s what they are.) If you want to know who they are and why they did it (and much more) there’s a wealth of information on this site.

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