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Google Deploys ADL (((Censorship))) Police on Youtube

IMAGE SOURCE: The Red Elephants

In addition to merely removing content it deems offensive, Google’s Youtube is now demonetizing the accounts of said “offenders”. It is also sweeping up and hiding videos that don’t violate its content rules but that it deems “supremacist,” a nebulous term. “White supremacist” and “extremist” are the favored, inverse, shadow-language epithets of the Jewish-run thought police, such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Here is a list of ADL’s senior executives in 2012. Nothing has changed since. Of the 53 senior executives and directors, 53 are Jewish. This is a numerical representation of 100%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population. Therefore, Jews are over-represented among the senior executives and directors of the ADL by 5,000%.

Youtube announced that the ADL is the new flagging authority for online videos. This quote from Kevin McDonald’s “Culture of Critique” comes to mind:

As an indication of just how suppressive and Orwellian these thought police have become, Youtube also announced yesterday that it has expanded the list of nonprofit governmental organizations (NGOs) it’s working with to help determine what content should be deep-sixed. Besides the notorious ADL, these NGOs include the No Hate Speech Movement and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD).

ISD is yet another elite Jewish “think and do” tank founded and financed by George Weidenfeld, an ardent Zionist and British publisher. The ISD leads the charge against fictitious boogeymen and other War on Terror apparitions, including “extreme” right wingers aka Nazis.

The utilization of these NGOs could not be more alarming and marks new levels of social controls and carte blanche skullduggery. Youtube claims these organizations “bring expert knowledge of complex issues like hate speech, radicalization and terrorism that will help us better identify content that is being used to radicalize and recruit extremists.” It states, “We will also regularly consult these experts as we update our policies to reflect new trends.”

The update also touted the success of the machine-learning-driven removal of content and claimed that last month Youtube algorithms discovered 75% of policy-violating extremist videos before humans were able to flag the content. It begs the question: Who designs and directs the AI algos? 

Youtube’s CEO is Susan Wojcicki. Wikipedia reveals that this woman is the daughter of Esther Wojcicki, an educator of Russian-Jewish descent, and Stanley Wojcicki, a Polish-American physics professor at Stanford University. We have noted that it is not unusual for these corrupt political elites and front men to sometimes be mixed or half Jews. But this is just a reinvention of the same ol’ same ol’.

At the same time, these operators have stretched the boundaries of their favored epithet, “antisemitism.” The term is shadow language for those who criticize Jewish behaviors, such as their proclivity to censor or arrange for critics to be fired over real or imagined slights. This has been extended to political controversies, such as those protesting in favor of Palestinians rights and issues.

In fact, there are even new EU guidelines that criminalize antisemitism. The advisory board behind the change is headed by the European Jewish Congress and ​B’nai B’rith International. Specific examples of criminal anti-Semitic include:

Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.

TNN note: Perhaps the institutions responsible for carrying out this agenda could contact us concerning our mention of well-established facts, like the fact that the ADL and ISD are being given authority to gate keep Youtube content and those organizations are Jewish from top to bottom. Would this information be considered a fact or a myth? Is it a “myth” to say there is a conflict of interest here involving institutions and entities controlled by Jewish interests? Would it be “mendacious” (defined as intentional lies) to point out the leading players among those striving to kill free speech on Youtube are Jewish apparatchiks?

The lady doth protest too much. And now there is considerable blow back developing from these heavy handed measures and tactics. Mark Dice put up a video last night that describes and critiques Youtube’s new policy. The video is going viral at 212,000 views, with 25,616 up votes and 207 down votes at current time. In reading comments below the video, many are waking up to the reality concerning (((who’s))) behind this censorship initiative.

Not the silent majority—the silenced majority!

4 Comments on Google Deploys ADL (((Censorship))) Police on Youtube

  1. Google is on its way to come-uppance across the Western world, with the Eastern world led by China, already being well-aware & having begun to take strong action against what criminals they are

    The European Commission not only just issued a € 2.7 billion fine against Google, with further EU actions to be taken as Google’s horrific frauds & criminal attacks against EU citizens & companies become much further explored –

    But the EU now also has an ally in the Trump White House, where Steve Bannon has launched an initiative to terminate Google’s ugly role as a politically-biased & criminal private monopoly, and make Google search & Facebook into public utilities under open direct public regulation … so that we won’t have this game of Google pretending to be ‘just a private company’ … it is high time the Google gangsters were put down

    • All search engines, worldwide, are controlled by the Tribe. The sole exception is China. So if Google disappeared tomorrow it would not make one bit of difference because They control all the other ones as well.

  2. One of the most oft-republished poems by people exploring nationalist ideas, is the powerful ‘When the Saxon Began to Hate’ – see below – attributed to the famous British writer Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), tho many have doubted it is really Kipling’s & are unsure of the poem’s origins & history.

    The poem indeed really is by Kipling … but the original title is ‘The Beginnings’ … and the main famous line has one word different … the original poem speaks of ‘When the English began to hate’. It was published in 1917 in a book of Kipling’s poems & stories entitled ‘A Diversity of Creatures’, and the page with the poem makes reference to ‘Mary Postgate’, the main character in a 1915 war propaganda short story by Kipling.

    Here the full verified original 1917 poem by Rudyard Kipling
    which was later slightly modified with one word changing to become the viral-internet ‘When the Saxon Began to Hate’ … but here is Kipling’s original:

    The Beginnings

    It was not part of their blood,
    It came to them very late
    With long arrears to make good,
    When the English began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,
    They were icy-willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the English began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low,
    Their eyes were level and straight.
    There was neither sign nor show,
    When the English began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd,
    It was not taught by the State.
    No man spoke it aloud,
    When the English began to hate.

    It was not suddenly bred,
    It will not swiftly abate,
    Through the chill years ahead,
    When Time shall count from the date
    That the English began to hate.

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