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Youtube Kids Channel Features Baby Butt Syringe Videos, Scat Skits — WTF?!

IMAGE: Youtube
Angry Birds’ piss garnered 14 million views.

While Google’s Youtube cracks down on “conspiracy” and “hate” content, it’s allowing its Kids Channel to become inundated with bizarre videos featuring babies being injected with syringes, disgusting scatological imagery and degenerate super heroes.

The weirder the videos are, the more successful they are. Excessive brand placement and millions — yes, MILLIONS — of views suggests that both Youtube and the videos’ posters are making bank by corrupting the minds of tykes.

Money would explain why Youtubers would make such garbage, why Youtube doesn’t take the videos down and why brands aren’t demanding that their products be disassociated. However, it doesn’t explain what’s driving traffic toward this sort of lurid content.

Though I’m loath to direct more traffic to such trash, I feel obligated to provide videos as examples. The selection below are not the most audacious. They’re just random and readily available on the Kid’s Channel.

This one got 33 million views. Um, k.

Unidentified child-channel Youtubers are also dressing up as Disney’s Elsa and Spider Man and performing various acts of degeneracy. In some corners of the Web, such as Twitter, 4Chan and Voat, chatter and research into the source of this genre has been dubbed #Elsagate.

What all this means depends on who you ask. Some see an MK Ultra connection. I found some of the content producers had videos in both English and Russian, for whatever that’s worth.

The following group of ‘tubers give some perspective on the strangeness of the content, but they don’t appreciate the subversiveness of it. I also disagree with their conclusion. It does matter and there is potential harm. It matters to children, who are being covertly indoctrinated into a drug culture and perhaps even brainwashed into being more accepting of — rather than repulsed by — anal sex, homosexual lifestyles and physical abuse. 

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