By Kurt Nimmo | 3 April 2017
NEWSBUD — On this edition of The Geopolitical Report, we examine the recent killing of civilians in Mosul, Iraq. The strategy to murder innocent men, women, and children in the course of war dates back centuries, but was perfected during the Second World War and subsequent conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East. The establishment media has either ignored war crimes against civilians, or when it does it routinely blames al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, or other officially designated enemies, many acting as proxies for the Pentagon and the United States. While the technology has changed and become far more effective and deadly, the original philosophy remains the same — terrorizing target populations and reducing countries to failed states.
Funny to hear christians here condone this behavior. Or joke later, “look what the muslims did to that country.” No dipshit, we did that.