Pentagon Ordered to Tell Congress if it Weaponized Ticks and Released Them into the Public

IMAGE: The Daily Beast/Hank Morgan

By Jennings Brown | 15 July 2019

GIMODO — Some members of the United States House are concerned the Pentagon may have unleashed disease-infected ticks that caused the spread of Lyme disease.

Roll Call reports that on July 11, the House stealthily decided via voice vote to support an amendment to the 2020 defense authorization bill that would require the Department of Justice look into weaponized ticks.

According to the Congress-focused newspaper, New Jersey Republican Rep. Christopher Smith wrote the amendment, which demands the inspector general “shall conduct a review of whether the Department of Defense experimented with ticks and other insects regarding use as a biological weapon between the years of 1950 and 1975.” […]

4 Comments on Pentagon Ordered to Tell Congress if it Weaponized Ticks and Released Them into the Public

    • Via the Central Bank Clan’s “media” we’ve been duped into accepting the lie of WW2 being the “good war”. Slowly, the adled in this Neo-Wall Street created USSR people are realizing had it been the “good war” we wouldn’t have seen the Central Bank Clan’s banking swindle become global, nations’ Christian/Muslim populace turned into cash cows and the blossoming war on sanity, logic and morality.
      So gullible, we laid the guilt of Christ’s framing, torturing, murdering on the Central Bank Clan’s Goim-fools of that era; Romans. Those fools too slid into depravity by blindly following Satan’s Synagogue.

      Matthew 27: 24 -25
      Seeing that it did no good but, rather, an uproar was arising, Pilate took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying: “I am innocent of the blood of this man. You yourselves must see to it.” At that all the people said in answer: “Let his blood come upon us and upon our children.”

  1. This is the re-hashing of an old story. It first broke in 2004 when attorney Michael Carroll published a book called Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory. “Compiled from declassified documents and numerous interviews with those with insider knowledge, in which he goes into detail on what he claims was the epicenter of Lyme disease. According to Carroll, After World War II, a German scientist named Erich Traub, was allegedly brought to America to do research at Plum Island, in this case into disease-carrying insects such as ticks.”

    “There at Plum Island Traub purportedly worked on developing diseases that could be loaded into such insect vectors and spread into enemy territory as a bioweapon, eventually creating Lyme disease, which could be carried in ticks on birds and other animals. This makes it possible that this disease could have gotten loose and been spread out by the numerous species of bird that come to nest on the island, all aided along by reportedly shoddy security measures in place, which Carroll calls, “somewhere between dismal and abominable. The island is an environmental disaster,” including potential catastrophic emergency outbreaks that were apparently stopped through using simple duct tape, as well as numerous technical malfunctions that were never formally reported. Carroll’s book mentions other rather alarming and insidious details of Plum Island as well, including tales of infected workers or researchers who were denied treatment, potential biological catastrophes that were averted and swept under the carpet, and the dumping of dangerous biological waste into the bay.” (1)

    It is said perhaps millions of Americans suffer from Lyme disease, and that medical authorities do not know how to test for it, nor are they even willing consider it a threat. Another strange phenomenon now being seen in the deer and elk populations is what is known as “chronic wasting disease”, which many feel is related to Lyme disease in some way. “Although there are no known cases of CWD transmission to humans, people should avoid bodily fluids from CWD and other prion infections, Dr. Hoover said. “The study also causes us to reconsider a potential role for blood-feeding insects such as mosquitoes and ticks in the transmission of CWD or other prion infections,” he added.” (2)



    • “Three infectious germs, Bb(Lyme disease bacteria), West Nile virus, and duck enteritis virus
      all foreign germs—have infiltrated the American landscape. All three
      emerged from the same geographic locus. All three occurred in the vicinity
      of a high-hazard, high-containment foreign germ laboratory with demonstrably
      faulty facilities and pitiable biological safety practices—flaws that
      caused proven germ outbreaks in the past, and infections among its
      employees. The public is asked to accept that none of these three outbreaks
      is connected to Plum Island.
      That’s what one calls blind faith.
      As you read on, consider for yourself whether that assertion has merit.”

      “Lab 257: The Disturbing Story Of The Governments Secret Germ Laboratory” – Michael C Carroll

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