Influencers are Infighting over Sabattean-Frankism

The influencers among the so-called “anti-semites” aka anti-Jews are infighting. Much of this centers around Candace Owens who before her awakening cancelled a number of these influencers while working for the Jewish run Daily Wire. So grudges are running hard.

The attack point seems to be Owens’ revelation of Sabattean Frankism. Note third paragraph in tweet. She has made other important revelations as well. She has been accused of tiptoeing, but I don’t see that either.

This is perplexing to me as I’ve written about this for 7-8 years. I did so well before David Icke. I have even reached out on the matter to several of the infighters – but to no avail.

Here is Nick Fuentes who readers have seen I like. Nick too is deficient in knowledge of this. This seems to be more about arrows towards Owens.

Here are a couple more- Adam Green and Henrik Palmgren. I tweeted Lucas Gage on this before his ban. There are others in this pile-on.

This gray man treatment is of course because I am severely suppressed and throttled, and thus have never been “discovered” by these promoted influencers. But being silenced and ignored on social media does not correlate with truths. I have communicated dozens of times with these people. Accordingly influencers have and will continue to be deficient in their knowledge of hidden history and how the world works.

So rather than be an old mentor type above the fray perhaps I will get involved in their theater and dog fight squabbles instead.

Actually Owens’ treatment of Frankism could be improved, but as long as she reveals some inconvenient truths it is no skin off my back. Or then again perhaps the infighting is just theater? Is their promotion and reach deserved?

Here is my work on Sabbatean-Frankism. One thing I don’t appreciate- whether it be influencers or wags in my readership is mouthing off without putting one iota of elbow grease into researching the topic.

Of course I haven’t done 20,000 hours on this, but the point stands as the detractors have done none.

The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World

Tim Kelly and Russ Winter Discuss Sabbatean Frankism’s Impact on the World

Russ Winter Joins Robert Phoenix to Discuss the Enormous Subject of Sabbatean Frankist Inversion

Frankist Leo Strauss, the Neocons and the Synarchist Conspiracy


10 Comments on Influencers are Infighting over Sabattean-Frankism

  1. Adam Green cites the Torah. What he means is jews. Well, he means the entire shebang – Judaism, Christianity…all Abrahamic texts, basically.

    Which is okay but off base to some extent because the question is, are there pivotally substantive differences between religious Jews/Judaism?

    For Green to seem to say that there are none between the Torah and the Talmud is just missing the question. He should channel Sam Parker and just exclaim ‘It’s the jews!’ if that’s his thing, which it really seems to be. Although for him it should have been ‘it’s Abraham!’

    So I’d ignore him for the moment (not all the time). And focus on what Owens is saying, versus what could be said about Torah versus Talmud versus these so-called Frankists.

    You are an intellectual in your own right, not really an advocate/activist (at least directly) as much.

    Why they all avoid your truths (and mis-calls) I wonder at myself.

  2. Everytime I see yet another jewess in “shrill” mode, I am reminded that its another permutation of Sabattean-Frankist kabbalah.

  3. Adam Green used to have Christopher J Bjerknes on his show before they had a falling out. Bjerknes’s work on esoteric Judaism and Christianity is very interesting although his somewhat monotone delivery undercuts him. But it does show that the (((perfidy))) goes way back before Zevi was born. Somehow it is all of a piece?

  4. Russ you are appreciated. I follow you and none of the others. Even though I value their efforts I find your work more thorough and compelling. Thank you.

  5. in school back in the 70’s, we read The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare ( some may argue it’s by Sir Francis Bacon but for those that don’t know that’s another rabbit hole), this, plus constant 6 million and the daily news always having some Israel war going on was my introduction the coin clippers a few years after that someone mentioned the Sabbatean Frankists (not another sect within a sect I cried), that was my introduction to the Frankists back then

    also, if the ‘jews’ of today are 95% ‘fake’ jews and like the bible states in Revelation 3:9 about those who ‘say they are jews but are not’, it makes me ponder as to who are the ‘real’ jews, (not the Israelites) but the jews, as also in the bible jews were mentioned and they were money changers, have the fake jews copied the real jews habits of money changing to blend in and why beware just those that ‘say they are jews but are not’ when any ‘jew’ real or not all have the same traits that make them hated by so many and why do they all want Amalek destroyed (as their book wills them to do)?

    • I recently saw something somewhere about a small minority sect of Judaism (can’t remember the name) which follows Torah and NOT Talmud). I surmise these might be “real jews” according to St John and they are no concern to us because they are disowned by most other jews with any influence and without power (according to this source). Money changing is done for wealth and power so I am sure only the bad jews in the bible were money changers, similar to now. I doubt real jews have any of the traits of the modern majority, if they even exist. There is complete discontinuity between the jews in OT and now because any “good jew” now should call themselves Christian, since Christ is their legitimate messiah. To reject the legit messiah is to reject God and such a stance is emblematic of very bad character. The war with Amalek was commanded by God in OT and some have surmised that Amalek was a non human race of nephilim and actually an abomination of cross breeding between humans and fallen angels. This cross between breeding was mentioned earlier in the book of genesis. If so it explains the uncharacteristic command of God to genocide in the OT. Israelites were commanded to kill everyone even women and children. God wanted Amalek wiped off the earth. Since modern jews follow a satanic religion they like to invoke this ancient command and apply it to non-jews in modern times, but there is obviously no modern command from God to destroy Amalek. Their command against Amalek NOW is actually from satan, like their entire religion.

    • John Marco Allegro said that “brood of vipers” were the Idumaeans. It makes sense to extend this to “those who call themselves Jews but are not”, and similar, caustic outbursts. Historically, this explanation fits like a glove. The Jews forcibly converted their neighbors to the south, the Idumaeans, to Judaism. A generation or two later the Idumaeans considered themselves as Jews, but were never accepted by the original Jews as being fully Jewish. The original Jews called them “half Jews.” Then the Romans took general control over the whole area, but preferred to have the local ethnic groups governed by one of their own, of course chosen by Rome. Rome chose the Idumaean, Antipater, to govern Idumaea. The original Jews hated that. Antipater’s son was Herod the Great who, after gaining favor with Rome, convinced Rome to make him king over both Idumaea and Judea. The original Jews were livid! So, of course they’d direct their vitriol towards the Idumaeans. That that vitriol made it into the Bible should not be surprising; in fact it should be expected. And when asking oneself who the brood of vipers and the like were, the leading hypothesis should be the Idumaeans.

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