“A network with all kinds of criminal activities really does exist.” – Marc Dutroux
Our coverage of the Smiley Face Killings (SFK) leads us to believe there are striking similarities to the Dutroux Affair of 1996 in Belgium. The pedophilia case of former Speaker Dennis Hastert points to the certainty that compromised individuals are actively recruited into positions of power — particularly within the deep-state intelligence, law enforcement, judiciary and media. Convicted pedo Keith Harding rose to be the Worshipful Master and most senior member of the Mercurius Lodge, known as the Spies Lodge in the U.K.
For further reading:
In fact, there is a shocking pattern of cases involving the nastiest criminals being inserted into positions of power. Child rape crimes in the U.K. are off the charts in elite and government circles. Par for the course, BBC reports that child abuse files on hundreds of U.K. cases were “accidentally deleted.”
Read “Pedophilia a Requirement for UK Ruling Elite”
Incredibly in 2015, acting director of cyber security at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was convicted for engaging in a child exploitation enterprise, conspiracy to advertise and distribute child pornography and accessing a computer with intent to view child pornography. Also demonstrating his unique qualifications for the job, the court ruling stated that he exchanged private messages with others in which he expressed an interest in the violent rape and murder of children.
Daniel E. Payne, head of the U.S. Defense Security Service, a federal office that oversees the granting of temporary clearances, stated that roughly 100,000 people hold interim clearances while working for companies with Defense Department contracts or at 13,000 cleared facilities and plants around the country and as they await a full comprehensive background investigation.
“I’ve got murderers who have access to classified information. I have rapists. I have pedophiles. I have people involved in child porn,” Payne said. “This is the risk we are taking.”
More background on “Crime Syndicate System Control: Sexual Entrapment Operations” is here. These individuals are put into the control grid not just because they can be easily controlled by the Crime Syndicate, but typically because they are completely lacking in any moral scruples.
The shocking and sordid story of Belgian child murderer, kidnapper and rapist Marc Dutroux provides a matrix or background of how this works.
As those who have tried to expose the deep state have learned, criminals are ruthless at quelling witnesses, whistle blowers and reporters, and have a large and organized “defense league” to do their bidding. In child abuse cases in particular, death squads are sent after a shocking number of people, as shown in the documentary below. In part, this is because child trafficking is a big and profitable business.
How did Dutroux and his handler, Michael Nihoul, manage to slip though Belgium’s justice system? I suspect they left a cache of evidence with a trusted custodian that could implicate powerful people in “sex slave” parties.
In fact, Nihoul bragged in a Der Speigel interview after being paroled:
“I control the government. … Everyone has compromising dossiers on one another, to be used as leverage in the right situation. … This is the Belgian disease. …
“Give me another 20,000 marks, and I give you a serving minister who is embroiled in a murder. … I know the killer and will have him contact the minister by telephone. You can listen along, okay?
“[Voice recorder turned off. For a 6-digit sum] I will give you a picture on which then Prince Albert jumps a 16-year-old girl. Naked. Shot at the second floor of the Mirano Club 20 years ago [where a pedophile blackmail ring allegedly was situated, according to other witnesses]. … Then I do have to leave Belgium.”
Without naming names, a British documentary gives the background about a network of high-level Belgian officials and businessmen who were involved in various forms of child abuse, including the rape and murder of children and young girls. To understand this affair, the video below will need to be viewed.
Shortly after Dutroux and Nihoul, kidnappers for this trafficking network, were arrested, the top investigator who broke this high-profile case was mysteriously removed and replaced with inexperienced sycophant. An enormous outcry followed in Belgium, peaking with a 350,000-person “White March” against the government. Elements within the government and elite were so seriously implicated in the crimes and cover up that Belgium came close to open insurrection in 1996. Documents also link to various Dutch officials as well.
There is a nasty mix of pedophiles, Satanists and organized crime involved in kidnapping and trafficking victims. In 2010, it resurfaced that the Catholic Church was involved in some manner when a huge trove of Dutroux docs and photos were discovered in the home of an archbishop. Many were court docs, some claiming the Leige Jewish Mafia was involved.
Read “Bella Dodd Warned of Diabolical Pederast Conspiracy Against Catholic Church”
Who Murdered Father Alfred Kunz and Why?
This is in no way some peculiar Belgium-only behavior. My primary interest in this case is in the science of cover ups, as I think this model may be incorporated in cases such as the Smiley Face Killings.
Most people fail to understand the nature of and size of these criminal syndicate grid networks. The Belgian officials with influence involved in the investigation were actually named by abuse survivors as participants or were proto-psychopathic underlings of the participants.
The Dutroux documentary is a first-hand account of truth-suppression techniques. David Martin created a matrix of these methods called “13 Techniques for Truth Suppression,” which are list below. All of these were incorporated in the Belgian example.
Strong, credible allegations of high-level criminal activity can bring down a government. When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, controlled press and a mere token opposition party.
- Dummy up. If it’s not reported, if it’s not news, it didn’t happen.
Wax indignant. This is also known as the “how dare you” gambit.
Characterize the charges as “rumors” or, better yet, “wild rumors.” If, in spite of the news blackout, the public is still able to learn about the suspicious facts, it can only be through “rumors.”
Knock down straw men. Deal only with the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Even better, create your own straw men. Make up wild rumors and give them lead play when you appear to debunk all the charges, real and fanciful alike.
Call the skeptics names like “conspiracy theorist,” “nut,” “ranter,” “kook,” “crackpot” and, of course, “rumor monger.” You must then carefully avoid fair and open debate with any of the people you have thus maligned.
Impugn motives. Attempt to marginalize the critics by suggesting strongly that they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a partisan political agenda or are out to make money.
Invoke authority. Here the controlled press and the sham opposition can be very useful.
Dismiss the charges as “old news.”
Come half-clean. This is also known as “confession and avoidance” or “taking the limited hang-out route.” This way, you create the impression of candor and honesty while you admit only to relatively harmless, less-than-criminal “mistakes.” This stratagem often requires the embrace of a fall-back position quite different from the one originally taken.
Characterize the crimes as impossibly complex and the truth as ultimately unknowable.
Reason backward, using the deductive method with a vengeance. With thoroughly rigorous deduction, troublesome evidence is irrelevant. For example: We have a completely free press. If they know of evidence that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) had prior knowledge of the Oklahoma City bombing they would have reported it. They haven’t reported it, so there was no prior knowledge by the BATF. Another variation on this theme involves the likelihood of a conspiracy leaker and a press that would report it.
Require the skeptics to solve the crime completely.
Change the subject. This technique includes creating and/or reporting a distraction.
When faced with an uprising in Belgium, the network or cabal finally employed technique No. 9 via a phony “investigation” followed by the all-too-familiar “incompetence” ploy. And it worked. The blame was laid at the foot of a police investigator, who just looks like a pedophile. After falling on the sword for his brethren, this officer, Rene Michaux, was promoted — much in the same manner that all the criminals and incompetents in the 9/11 false flag were also promoted.
In the following months and years, details came out about the failure of the police and BOB to catch Dutroux in an earlier stage. Although usually not presented in such a way, most of these rather odd failures can be ascribed to BOB officer Rene Michaux.
As head of Operation Othello, a surveillance operation against Dutroux from Aug. 10, 1995, to January 1996, he practically knew everything there was to know about this already-convicted, violent pedophile. From all sides, evidence was presented to him that Dutroux not only had kidnapped Julie and Melissa, but also Ann and Eefje. However, Michaux ignored evidence presented by such informants as Claude Thirault, to whom Dutroux had mentioned how to kidnap young girls and how much you could get for them; Dutroux’s mother, who had gathered evidence from her son’s neighbors that he was likely involved in the kidnappings; and police officer Christian Dubois, who early on was on the trail of the gang of Nihoul, which would immediately have led to Dutroux.
In between all these reports, the video cameras aimed at Dutroux’s Marcinelle home as part of Operation Othello failed to register Dutroux bringing in Ann and Eefje on Aug. 22, nor would Michaux’s team notice Eefje’s failed escape attempt on Aug. 25, in which she briefly climbed out the bathroom window to shout for help. Ann and Eefje were taken out of the house in September and murdered.
When finally forced to search Dutroux’s Marcinelle home for reasons not related to the kidnappings, Michaux decided to ignore the voices of two young girls, seemingly not even trying to get a response from them. He also didn’t think that Dutroux’s odd L-shaped basement, with one wall much newer than all the others, was reason enough to tear it down, nor did he recognize the significance of such items as vaginal cream, a speculum, chains and a videotape with the name of a program on it dealing with missing children. Two other videos that would have shown Dutroux working on his basement and of him raping a 14-year-old girl were returned to Dutroux’s wife, apparently without having been reviewed by his team.
This failure of properly searching Dutroux’s home apparently led to the death of Julie and Melissa, who are believed to have died from starvation in Dutroux’s basement. It also led to the kidnapping of Sabine and Laetitia after Dutroux got out of jail in March 1996.
In August 1996, after Dutroux had been arrested on suspicions that he had kidnapped Laetitia, Michaux led another three-hour search in Dutroux’s Marcinelle home, when Sabine and Laetitia were located. Needless to say, Michaux not only failed to find the girls, he also hadn’t noticed the letters Sabine had hidden under Dutroux’s carpet. Luckily, the location of the girls would be pointed out by Dutroux 48 hours later, after it had become clear to him there was no way out at this time, especially not with his lackey Michel Lelievre spilling the beans.
These failures of Michaux led to strong criticism from the parents of Ann Marchal, who went to inspect Dutroux’s basement themselves. The parents of Melissa Russo filed an official complaint against him. When Bourlet criticized Michaux in 2004 over his failure to even find Sabine’s letters, and seemingly implied this might not have been unintentional, Michaux could only react by calling Bourlet a “liar” and stating that “he sure wouldn’t have found Laetitia under the carpet.” These intellectual replies were soon followed by threats to sue for libel. Michaux’s extreme incompetence was rewarded with a new position as a local police commissioner.
I look at him [inspector De Baets], and I really want to believe him, but somewhere, I know that I will never make it. The people I have known are too powerful, too influential, too untouchable. I realize that; but the investigators not yet.” – Victim-witness Regina Louf (X1) from Belgium describes her thoughts when she first began to testify in secret in September 1996
Hanlon’s Razor, which holds that we should “never attribute to malevolence what can be explained by stupidity,” is a brainwashing con and nonsense.
The Pedophocracy
‘The Pedophocracy’ is term coined by David McGowan. It is the title of his book on the subject of pedophilia as an Elite habit and one of the main tools of control of the visible ruling elites, by those not so visible. [1] [2]. Of all human vices and perversions, pedophilia is one of the most shameful and outrageous in the public mind, giving it great potential as a source of control.
This is a deeply disturbing subject. In similar fashion to the proposition that deep state actors commit false flag terror attacks against their own populations to further their agendas, people are reluctant to consider the thought that child sexual abuse could be systematically cultivated and used as a calculated and deliberate means of Machiavellian control. Many people simply do not want to be told such things. Outrage is thus indulged for a while before relapse into the consensus trance of everyday routine, where fear of strangers and the dark are relegated to the subconscious and the odd bad dream.
To be enlisted to the ‘Pedophocracy Novitiate’ so-to-speak is a temptation difficult for the psychopathic personality type that aspires to power to decline. To become a 1st degree member is to sell one’s soul – and there are probably thirty-odd higher degrees each capable of ‘making an offer that cannot be refused’ by their ‘juniors’. Standard military discipline simply cannot hold a candle to it; Special Forces/SIS-type skills and disciplines clearly make extensive use of the victims of it.
The main witness in the Dutroux affair explains the inner workings of this network:
“Contracts between the business milieu and the political world, contracts between businessmen amongst each other, fraud with subsidies or licenses, setting up fake firms, criminal contracts like arms trade… everything was possible. And it always ended with sex and children… Pictures were taken, in jest, to keep both parties to their contracts…
Step by step customers, who first went to bed with me cautiously, were stimulated to rougher sex. I was forced to help them with that… They became complicit and at the same time their mutual connections became tighter. Not one of these people was still inclined to sign contracts with individuals outside the network. If that happened one could make them pay dearly for that…”
Regina Louf (1998) – [3]
There is a large body of information available on the internet for those with the stomach for it. The deeper the investigation, the greater the unpleasant realisation that the phenomenon is fundamentally ingrained in Western Establishment power structures.
The Dutroux Affair
Full article: Dutroux Affair
Perhaps the best and most thorough such investigation into one manifestation of ‘The Pedophocracy’ is that by Joël van der Reijden published on his ISGP website – ‘Beyond The Dutroux Affair’ [4]. It is a detailed account of an infamous Belgian case that reached its denouement in the mid 1990’s. It names many prominent members of the Belgian establishment as being complicit to the extent of rendering Marc Dutroux himself a relatively minor detail. Anyone seeking deeper insight into any of the major child abuse scandals and the phenomenon of pedophilia generally, should start with this extended essay. It is a chilling and totally convincing account of the most horrific, extended, organised and systematic abuse of innocent young children in which senior police officers, magistrates, judges, politicians and even Belgian and Dutch Royalty are pointedly named as being deeply complicit.
… And yet, beyond pillorying the odd unknown (though nonetheless deeply unpleasant) individual when successfully prosecuted for similar crimes, the mainstream media maintains a near total silence on the issue and will not touch Joël Van der Reijden’s revelations with a barge pole.
The Franklin child prostitution ring
Full article: Franklin child prostitution ring
An earlier high-profile case in Omaha, Nebraska, USA – The Franklin Case – received similar treatment by the commercially-controlled media (as it seems do all cases where investigations begin to threaten powerful interests). In 1993 Yorkshire Television sent Tim Tate to Omaha with a team to make a documentary, to investigate, document, and interview those close to the Franklin Case. Throughout the following months the crew collected hours of interviews, spending nearly half a million dollars in the process.[5]
The title of the documentary spoke its fate. “Conspiracy of Silence” was scheduled to air on May 3, 1994, but the documentary was pulled by the Discovery channel, and it has never aired on TV. The TV schedule was subsequently falsified to present the appearance that it was never scheduled[citation needed].
John DeCamp, author of ‘The Franklin Cover up’, said that informants had told him that the documentary had been pulled after Congress struck a deal with cable companies. While other Washington officials said the documentary contained pornographic material and should not be aired. John DeCamp was anonymously mailed a “cutting-room” copy of the documentary in 1995. It can be viewed here [6]
Many are still caught in the fog of our elections still thinking them legitimate. But in reality it is a grooming process for criminals or a casting of lot to see who gets to lead the ‘Show’ for another 4 or 6 years. Criminal at its core.
26+ witnesses died on Dutroux case, wiki lists 20 of them with time and cause of death.
Sure coincidences…
There is a French book called ‘affaire Dutroux 30 témoins morts’,
and a German documentary called ‘fall Dutroux 27 zeugen auf mysteriöse weise gestorben !’
quite comprehensive international overview: https://swprs.org/geopolitics-and-pedocriminality/