Never Ending Humiliation Rituals


2 Comments on Never Ending Humiliation Rituals

  1. They’re coming to take her away, ha ha, they’re coming to take her away, he he ho ho, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time & the basket weavers twiddle their toes, etc etc…

  2. I was an elementary special ed teacher for five years and had a student who reminds me of Kamala Harris. Acting like a know-it-all actually works as a survival strategy if you are so dumb you don’t realize it yourself.

    Something about her face gives me the creeps.

    Kamala means lotus. There is a scene in that spooky I Pet Goat 2 video, around 1:30 minutes in, where an apple splits open and a lotus comes out of it. Then there is what appears to be nuclear fallout in the air and Obama sheds a tear. I hope they don’t nuke The Big Apple (splitting the atom/NYC). It could be a way to try to kill Trump with a nuke when he is in NYC. He’d probably survive though ha ha….

    I do think the shooting of Trump’s ear was staged Wrestle-Mania style. And I saw a video recently where Trump officially converted to Judaism:

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