Donald Trump is not draining the swamp, but making it a protected wetland.
Trump to name BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to lead the Treasury and JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to lead the Fed.
He will pick even worse people than the first time around, how that’s even possible….
You…— 🔥Sir Escanor (Hopium Slayer)🔥 (@EscanorReloaded) July 21, 2024
Drumpf is a crypto jew master spinner eg “Syria oil” was spin, the great satan is actually in Syria to protect and help create a puppet kurd state there. Similarly “China virus, China virus” was spin to hide fauci covid 19 was a Fort Detrick creation. And of course Scottish mother and Scotland golf, the conman who can’t remember which foot he had a bone spur that enabled him to dodge Vietnam draft, is actually forgetting his German jew “drumpf” family name. The synagogue of satan folks know how to fool goyem.
Trump is playing 10D chess, he is purposely filling up his cabinet with the swamp so he can have them all in one place so he can strike a fatal blow against them all later. Just watch, you’ll see, Trump is America’s savior…………lol.
I appreciate your cynical humor.
You guys have TDS ! Even though he would pick up those people (Unfortunately he is known for his poor choice in men) he would never tell it before election. Therefore this is pure misinformation.
Trump is on track to become either one of the greatest heroes in American history or one of the greatest traitors in world history.
That business about keeping your friends close but your enemies closer is starting to wear a bit thin.
If there is no definite persuasion that Trump has or will have israel & American/world jewery under submission, then he would be on par with Judas Iscariot. I don’t want to vote for continued talmudic communism.
The msm & ‘alternative media’ hate Trump just like Joe McCarthy & Adolph Hitler. Perhaps this bespeaks his authenticity as a true America first leader?
Trump was already president for 4 years, so he has a track record — it seems some people prefer not to examine it.
This pure hypothesis fed by the fakes. Sad you are not more clear-sighted……
Will check back on your remark post election when Trump appoints his latest swamp like he did in 2017.