The Bibliography for an Alternative Historical Narrative

Ron Unz | April 5, 2024

Over the last dozen years I’ve published more than two hundred major articles totaling well over a million words, with the bulk of these having been produced during the last six years and roughly two-thirds of them included in my American Pravda series.

Most of these individual pieces have developed or promoted analyses of events that are radically divergent from what is presented by our mainstream media and standard history books. Taken as a whole, this body of work constitutes a sweeping historical counter-narrative, possibly larger and more extensive that what could be found elsewhere on the Internet, or at least I’m not aware of anything comparable.


3 Comments on The Bibliography for an Alternative Historical Narrative

  1. Ron is well worth reading just for the lively comments open to everyone. It also mirrors the blogs of Andrew Anglin, Eric Striker, etc.

    Ron Unz exemplifies the positive aspects of the critical spirit of the Jewish cultural personality in that he doesn’t back away from controversial topics like Ariel Toaff and Jewish ritual murders with blood rituals.

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