Live Science | October 13, 2016
A majority of Americans believe that the government is concealing information about the 9/11 attacks, one new survey suggests.
And that’s not the only conspiracy theory believed by a wide swath of Americans: Around 40 percent believe the government is hiding information about aliens, the John F. Kennedy assassination and global warming. Conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination abound, and scientists say these ideas have become embedded in the very culture surrounding his death, with heaps of TV shows, books and movies on them. [Top 10 Conspiracy Theories Explained]
“We found clear evidence that the United States is a strongly conspiratorial society,” study lead author Christopher Bader, a sociologist at Chapman University in California, said in a statement. “We see a degree of paranoia in the responses. Most indicative is nearly one-third of respondents believed the government is concealing information about ‘the North Dakota crash,’ a theory we asked about that — to our knowledge — we made up.”
Smoking gun
The same half that took the COnVID-1984 bioweapon.
I meant to say the same half that didn’t take the COnVID-1984 bioweapon.
They’re not hiding info about aliens, for there are no aliens. What they are hiding is advanced military technology, including aircraft.