
While Jews and lasers have been much in the news of late due to the bloviations of antisemitic internet trolls, legends about Jews using magic beams of power has a long and august history. Although beams of light and power can be traced back to the Bible, especially in the prophetic visions of Ezekiel, Jewish lasers come into their own as a narrative motif in the Talmud. Stories that involve laser beams shooting out of eyes play a role in narratives concerning two of the most important 2nd century CE rabbis whose teachings are anthologized in the Talmud.

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai is described as being completely devoted to the study of Torah, to the preclusion of all other pursuits. In his posthumous reputation, his complete absorption in holiness and religious study was seen as a model for kabbalistic approaches to Jewish tradition. The Zohar, the classic text of Jewish mysticism, is attributed to Rabbi Shimon. In Babylonian Talmud Tractate Shabbat 33b it is recounted how Rabbi Shimon and his son Rabbi Elazar retreated from society and studied without cease for 12 years. Miraculously, a spring appeared, and a carob tree grew near the cave where they were in hiding so that they would never need to worry about feeding themselves and could completely absorb themselves in their study. After the 12 years, the rabbis reappeared in public. Momentarily enraged by the sight of people pursuing the quotidian affairs of life and ignoring the worlds of divine power, beams of fiery light shot forth from the two rabbis’ eyes, setting nearby fields on fire. Unbeknownst to them, their sacred pursuits had conferred on the rabbis supernatural powers. The rabbis returned to the cave for another year as a punishment, to learn to curb their newfound laser wielding abilities.



  1. So very, very wiley is the Synagogue of Satan. 2006, Jewish Encyclopedia states that the TALMUD is their primary book of law and the old testament is relatively sidelined and their god must submit to the majority vote of the Rabbis. Notice how both the Old Testament AND their Oral Traditions of Men BOTH begin with the word “TORAH”. Thus, when reference is made to their related activies, they simply say “Torah”. H.R. 104 – (“education Day U.S.A.”), legalized the 7 Noahide laws they say are in the TORAH, but which one? The following link will take you to an article by W.Dannemeyer. In it, he reveals the treachery of the CONgress. How many recall the importing of thousands of portable guillotines – Some state they have been stored just inside our NORTH and SOUTH borders.

    Torah She-‘be’alpeh = TALMUD (Oral Traditions of Men), and their encyclopedia identified it as their PRIMARY book of law in 2006.
    Torah She’bich’tav = (Written old testament)
    Nice of them to give both the “TORAH” handle to throw we Goy off even further.

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