‘The State is the absolute reality and the individual himself has objective existence, truth and morality only in his capacity as a member of the State.’ — Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
A treatment of the writings of Antony Sutton (1925-2002) is long overdue on these pages. In particular, we will abridge and pick out key takeaways and nuggets from his 1983 book “America’s Secret Establishment.” We will focus on the Illuminist Hegelian dialectic and its impact on education, and the Crime Syndicate’s use of Hegelian conflict in creating, manipulating and steering a predetermined outcome.
We will be addressing an entity Sutton calls “The Order.” The Winterism term is the New Underworld Order (aka Crime Syndicate). We assume that at least 75% of our readers are familiar with the Yale Skull & Bones order? To save space for our real pursuit, and for those looking for a background on the group, this article provides the basics. As one analyst wrote in July 1996, Yale is the place “where three threads of American social history — espionage, drug smuggling and secret societies — intertwine into one.”
Our purpose is to dive into the aims and methods of the New Underworld Order. Winter Watch does not believe the order is the all-inclusive factor, but Sutton does lay out an important template on how ponerology and the New Underworld Order works. As such, we liberally borrow key takeaways and notes from Sutton. However, the reader will note an extra layer of post links in this article that can be utilized for deeper study. This is not really a casual read or topic.
Read “Political Ponerology: A Psychological Anatomy of Evil, Politics and Public Trauma”
We have come across a
Sutton points out that the dialectical process did not originate with Karl Marx, as Marxists claim, but with Johann Fichte (1762-1814) and Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) in late 18th and early 19th century Germany.
In the dialectical process, a clash of opposites brings about a synthesis, one of which is the Left, as espoused by Marxists. The Right works to expand the role of the state and conflict politics from the opposite dialectic. This conflict of opposites is essential to bring about the change necessary for the New Underworld Order (NUO) to control and harvest humanity.
For Hegel, and systems based on Hegel, the state is absolute.
Hegel’s quote that “being is not more than non-being” gives one a good sense of how he viewed the person. The state requires complete obedience from the individual citizen. To Hegel, an individual does not exist for himself in these so-called organic systems but only to perform a role in the operation of the state. He finds freedom only in obedience to the state.
Sutton well illustrated the faux use of Hegelian Dialectic to drive the political discussion in a sistema where five Jewish mega-corporations own the mainstream media in the U.S. As a guide, see the Venn diagram below as it illustrates the issues in spades.
The diagram should really be for four overlapping circles, with the additional two representing collectivists and globalists. During the holiday season, we encourage readers to consider presenting this to learning-impaired friends and family members who continue to dwell on Fox News and MSNBC/CNN/NewYork Slimes-infected partisan politics. Missing from the list on commonalities is “looting at the public trough.” I would also add “cheerleading irresponsible central banking bailouts and easy money” to add clarity to doing “Wall Street’s bidding.”
Read “Is a Minsky Moment at Hand?”
While the diagram clearly illustrates that pre-selected wedge issues are used to keep the two sides divided and conquered, the real kakistocratic criminality goes on unchecked and unchallenged. The Crime Syndicate spends a lot of time, energy and money on this dialectic indoctrination, propaganda and gas lighting. More than most observers, Winter Watch believes there is a heavy and consistent process of hoaxing and staged deceptions going on and it is centered around emphasized dialectics. There is also heavy brainwashing via the magik of “what-aboutism” in indoctrinating the plebs.
Princeton University professor Martin Gilens and Northwestern University professor Benjamin I. Page looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer this simple question: Does the government represent the people? [Gilens and Page, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens,” Perspective on Politics, 2014]
Their study took data from nearly 2,000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law. In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling. The desires of 90 percent of Americans have essentially no impact at all on representative politics.
- Bringing Hegalian Dialetics Full Circle with the One-Party Venn Diagram
- The Neoliberal Political Economy of the Organized Crime Syndicate
This begs a question: Who or what is the state? Obviously, it’s a self-appointed elite. “Elite” is Sutton’s term. Since we consider “elite” to be organized criminality, we prefer to use “kakistocracy.” Grifting, rent seeking and stealing (kleptocracy) from the public trough are the central components. Covid stimulus is the Mother-of-all Crime Syndicate grifts.
Read “$21 TRILLION Looted from US Treasury Coffers Between 1998-2015, More Since”
It’s interesting that Johann Fichte, who developed these ideas before Hegel, was a Freemason, an Illuminist and was most certainly promoted by the Illuminati. Like many of the made men who we’ve covered on these page, he was seemingly “plucked from nowhere.”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Abaris in the Illuminati code) pushed Fichte for an appointment at Jena University.
Goethe was an early Freemason and secret society Illuminist, joining the Amalia lodge in Weimar in 1780, and frequently alluded to Masonic themes of universal brotherhood in his work. In my previous posts, I’ve alluded to Goethe (1749-1832) being mysteriously involved with the Sabattean-Frankist cult as well. Frankism is missing in Sutton’s work and seems suspiciously hidden in general.
- The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World
- Russ Winter Rejoins Robert Phoenix to Discuss the Enormous Subject of Sabbatean Frankist Inversion
- Tim Kelly and Russ Winter Discuss Sabbatean Frankism’s Impact on the World
Key names among Right Hegelians were Karl Ritter (at the University of Berlin) Baron von Bismarck and Baron von Stockmar, the confidential adviser to Queen Victoria. Karl Theodor Dalberg (1744-1817), arch-chancellor in the German Reich and related to Lord Acton in England, was also a key Illuminati (Baco v Verulam in the Illuminati code) and Right Hegelian.
Then we have the Left Hegelians, the promoters of scientific socialism. Most famous of these, of course, are Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Heinrich Heine, Max Stirner and Moses Hess. Many Left Hegelians are Judaics.
Read “Portrait of Evil: Karl Marx, a Disciple of Hell on Earth”
The Connection with Illuminism
Johann Herbart studied at the University of Jena and came under the influence of Johann Herder, Friedrich Schiller, Johann Fichte and Johann Goethe. Later, in Switzerland, Herbart came into contact with Johann Pestalozzi.
There was at one time in the United States a National Herbart Society for the Scientific Study of Education to adapt Herbartian principles to American education. Later, this became just National Society for the Study of Education.
What’s interesting about these names is that they comprise the most important influence on Herbart and that they are either known members of the Illuminati or reputed to be close to the Illuminati Order.
Let’s take each name in turn:
• Johann Gottried Herder (1744-1803) was “Damascus pontifex” in the Illuminati
• Johann Fichte, we have already linked, taught Johann Herbart
• Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) was known in the circle and was likely an Illuminati member
• Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832) was called “Abaris” in the Illuminati
We have a precise connection for another prominent Illuminati. There’s Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827), a Swiss teacher of some renown living at Interlaken. He is known as “Alfred” in the Illuminati code. Out of his contact with Pestalozzi came a book on Pestalozzi’s educational theories, much of which rubbed off onto Herbart. The book is “PestaIozzi’s Idee Eines ABC Der Anschaung Untersucht Und Wissenschaftlich Asugefuhrt” (“Pestalozzi’s Idea of an ABC of Animalistic Sense Impression”).
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), professor of Philosophy at University of Leipzig, is the German behaviorist heavyweight who had major influence on American educational theorists.
Modern education practice stems from Hegelian social theory combined with the experimental psychology of Wilhelm Wundt. Whereas Karl Marx and von Bismarck applied Hegelian theory to the political field, it was Wundt, influenced by Johann Herbart, who applied Hegel to education. This was, undoubtedly, the major influence on G. Stanley Hall, John Dewey and modernism in the United States.
Wundt hailed from what I call the Illuminist-Frankist cesspool near of Mannheim, Germany. His father, Maximilian (1787-1846), was a minister. It is Wundt’s grandfather on his paternal side that is of significant interest. One Kirchenrat Karl Kasimir Wundt (1744-84) was a professor at Heidelberg University in history and geography.
The Illuminati-Order documents show that “Raphael” in the IIluminati is identified as this same Professor Wundt and is referred to in the Illuminati Provincial Report from Utica (i.e. Heidelberg) dated September 1782.
Wundt established in 1875 the world’s first laboratory in experimental psychology to measure individual responses to stimuli. For more background on behaviorist extremism, read “Dubious John Watson, the Abused and Abusive Psychopathic Godfather of Behaviorist Psychology.”
Wundt believed that man is only the summation of his experience (i.e. the stimuli that bear upon him). It follows from this that, for Wundt, man has no self-will, no self-determination. Man is, in effect, only the captive of his experiences, a pawn needing guidance. This is the Hegelian behaviorist view of the person as a valueless cog in the state, a view expanded by Wundt to include man as nothing more than an animal influenced solely by daily experiences.
Students from Europe and the U.S. came to Leipzig to learn from Wundt the new science of experimental psychology. These students returned to their homelands to found schools of education or departments of psychology and trained hundreds of Ph.Ds in this new field.
One notable trio was initiated into the Skull & Bones order at Yale within a few years of each other (1849, 1852, 1853). They immediately set off for Europe. All three went to study philosophy at the University of Berlin, where post-Hegelian philosophy had a monopoly. Yes, all a big coinkydink. Nothing to see here, move along.
Daniel Coit Gilman was the first president of the University of California Berkeley and first president of Johns Hopkins University. Timothy Dwight was president of Yale University, and Andrew Dickson White was first president of Cornell University.
• Dwight studied at the Universities of Berlin and Bonn between 1856 and 1858
• Gilman was at the University of Berlin between 1854 and 55 under Karl von Ritter and Friedrich Trendelenberg, both prominent Right Hegelians
• White studied at the University of Berlin between 1856 and 1858
Gilman brought in G. Stanley Hall to the new richly endowed Johns Hopkins University. Hall was given a psychological laboratory, a thousand dollars a year for equipment and, with the encouragement of Gilman, founded the American Journal Of Psychology.
Hall was primarily a psychologist and teacher, and his political views were Marxist leaning, as Hall himself writes, he “wrestled with Karl Marx and half accepted what I understood of him” (Confessions, p. 222).
And what did Hall teach? Again, in his own words: “The psychology I taught was almost entirely experimental and covered for the most part the material that Wundt had set forth in the later and larger edition of ‘Physiological Psychology.'”
Hall, as another made man, also had links to a founding member of the Skull & Bones order Alphonso Taft, the grandfather of U.S. President William Howard Taft.
The following list includes psychologists with training in Germany under Wilhelm Wundt before 1900, and the number of doctorates they in turn awarded up until 1948. So from the seed sown by Daniel Coit Gilman and G. Stanley Hall at Johns Hopkins grew the vast network of interlocking schools of education and departments of psychology that dominates education today. After retirement from Johns Hopkins, Gilman became the first president of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C.
Woodrow Wilson, who was president of Princeton University before he became president of the U.S. was an early Johns Hopkins PhD.
John Dewey (1859-1952) studied for his doctorate at Johns Hopkins University from 1882-86 under Hegelian philosopher George Sylvester Morris. Morris obtained his PhD from the University of Berlin and studied under the same teachers as Daniel Gilman (Adolph Trendelenberg and Hermann Ulrici).
Dewey’s psychology was taken from G. Stanley Hall. In brief, philosophy and psychology came to Dewey from academics handpicked by Skull & Bones (aka The Order). From Johns Hopkins, Dewey went on to become a professor of philosophy at the University of Michigan.
In 1886, Dewey published “Psychology,” a blend of Hegelian philosophy applied to Wundtian experimental psychology. It sold well. In 1894, Dewey went to the University of Chicago and, in 1902, was appointed director of the newly founded — with Rockefeller money — School of Education.
When The Order brought G. Stanley Hall from Leipzig to Johns Hopkins, Dewey was already there, waiting to write his doctoral dissertation on “The Psychology of Kant.” Already a Hegelian in philosophy, he acquired and adapted the experimental psychology of Wundt and Hall to his concept of education for social change.
To illustrate this, here’s a quote from Dewey in “My Pedagogic Creed”: “The school is primarily a social institution. Education being a social process, the school is simply that form of community life in which all those agencies are concentrated that will be most effective in bringing the child to share in the inherited resources of the race, and to use his own powers for social ends. Education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living.” For the Hegelian, “social ends” are always state purposes and ends.
The Dewey educational system does not accept the role of developing a child’s talents but, contrarily, only to prepare the child to function as a unit in an organic whole — in blunt terms, a cog in the wheel of an organic society.
Read “Reece Committee Report from 1954 Shows Foundations Funded the Collectivist Capture of US Education”
The schools are mind-control factories. They deploy the convenient excuse that religious faith is a matter for parents, not for the school system that — given the consequent Iluminist Outcome-Based Education curriculum — teaches relativism, truth as a matter of individual perception and choice and that there’s no God. It induces depression and confusion in the minds of children in order to churn out a lumpen-proletariat that — stripped of spiritual nourishment — is unable to think for itself.
By the 1870s, The Order (Skull & Bones and Scroll & Key) had Yale University under its control. Every president of Yale since Timothy Dwight has either been a member of the Bones or has family connections to The Order.
The Order, through its infiltration and tentacles, was able to acquire all the Morrill Act land grant entitlements for New York and Connecticut, and for Cornell and Yale respectively.
Criticism of the educational system today bypasses the fundamental philosophic aspect and focuses on omissions, such as that the children can’t read, write, spell or undertake simple mathematical exercises. If we look at the educational system through the eyes of The Order and its objectives, then the problems become clearer to decipher.
In the fall of 1983, a report by John Goodlad, dean of the School of Education at University of Southern California, was published called “Foreword to Schooling for A Global Age” (McGraw Hill 1979) that included these comments:
Enlightened social engineering is required to face situations that demand global action now [p. xiii].
Parents and the general public must be reached … otherwise children and youth enrolled in globally oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home.
If teachers are not teaching basics, then what are they doing? They appear to be preparing children for a political and social objective that also happens to be the objective of The Order. The emphasis is on global living, preparing for a global society — the neocon and neoliberal agenda. It’s apparently of no concern to the educational establishment that children can’t read, can’t write and can’t do elementary math. They are going to be programmed and ready for a globalist Brave New World (aka New Underworld Order).
More examples of how nepotism and “Good Ol boys clubs” run the world’s most influential organizations. This problem permeates throughout society so deep you would think laws would be made against its practice. What can be done against a civilization that lets the popular kids run the show?
Jewish Power will end when the world destroys the two pillars of evil:
1. The Talmudic Worldview
2. Control of Federal Reserve Funny Money
…Western Democracies have dumped the Christian Worldview and now realise that Secular Liberalism is just the thin end of the wedge of the Talmudic Worldview.
“There is City of God and City of Man – those that choose the latter will be ruled by Jews” – St.Augustine
Just don’t have the time or inclination to watch a five hour video of celebrities making secret signs. And the guy narrating the thing seems a bit of an a-hole. But the Winter Watch article is informative.
Understood on the time required. I did invest the five hours and can assure you there is much more to it than the celebrity and politician secret signs. Was a pretty remarkable revelation.
Watch the video- its well worth your time. Yes, the narrators style is a bit off putting at first- stick with it. An hour a day for a week and you will learn a lot about the world.
We spend about 14k a year per student. The parents of 6 kids could get together and hire a college professor to tutor their children if we let them.
Thanks very much for this article Russ – I have much to absorb and learn.
I happened to have watched that 5½-hour Altiyan Childs video six months ago and my bookmarked link now says “removed for violating YouTube’s policy on harassment and bullying”.
It is indeed rich in information. At the time I exchanged comments elsewhere and I will merely cut and paste what I wrote without rethinking it through …
“I have seen much of this material in bits and pieces but this is an extraordinary compilation and shows just how deep and widespread this cult goes. I don’t agree that praying will help but we are getting to the bottom of things.”
… once again, that was 5+ hours (3 hours at a comfortable speed of x1.75) very well spent. A great compilation and highly recommended.
He does lose me with his prosthelytising in the last half hour and there are a few serious flaws. Most of this is publicly available so I don’t think he was giving away any secrets. Interesting that this is his only video and a lot of work has gone into it. When someone is accused of being a freemason, I really expect a little more than just one snapshot with the left hand covered by a jacket – it might have been a cold day – although the horn and silence gestures are a little more telling (see images of Pope). I wish we could have some more detail as to which lodge they were initiated into and belonged to. For example, if all three of Lenin, Stalin AND Hitler were freemasons then that changes everything – because no freemason would ever be acting alone to initiate a world war, let alone genocide without group consultation and approval, and it has become clear from my reading that the latter did neither.
He [Altiyan Childs] steps around that proverbial elephant, especially when pointing out that the rabbis standing over Trump as he re-signs the Noahide laws are ‘merely’ freemasons. While he does mention the Noahide laws he does not mention the Protocols. The question is, who controls the freemasons? That sex/death cult today seems very much like Sabbateanism/Frankism for Gentiles.
He provides great quotes from quite a number of actual books by Pike, Hall, Blavatsky, Crowley and others that are worth noting and collating. I have most of them on pdf but doubt that I will find time to actually peruse them – handy references though.
The perversion of all those involved in the music/entertainment industry is palpable – I wonder what makes people give away their souls so readily. It is almost like a human entropy – the species can only ever spiral towards chaos.
I wasn’t aware just how deeply the Beatles were into this cult (I had seen bits and pieces but not really taken them in – Aleister Crowley himself featured prominently on their Sgt Pepper album cover), nor that the peace sign is actually a inverted cross with its cross arm broken.”
Here is another link to the Childs video:
I love it when people actually involved with the satanic cults within the music industry repent and then reveal the truth, thus verifying what I “knew” to be truth when I wrote my fiction novels concerning a fictional rock band. https://omegabooksnet.com
You really do a great job at…dots…dots…connecting-the-dots.
Truly Appreciative. Your ‘simple to the point’-methodology is an excellent tutorial.
Merry Christmas and Greetings from snowy Sweden.
Folks should also not forget Nietzsche picked Hegel apart back in the day. Great piece here.
What if the scope of the dialectic was placed over religion\atheism? Or what if it’s already operating but many can’t see it for being too close and invested in the side they’re on? This would mean, that in the case of Christianity on the religious side, is perhaps largely a part of the same heinous synthetic control apparatus and is operating in principle as the opposite jaw of a vice. The one made by the Dilemma Tool Company will afford no relief, and some will oscillate from one side to the other in vain to escape the terrible pressure to decide. On one side of this dialectic vice, there is all manner of deceit and corruption, black and white symbolism, calling good evil and evil good, and of course satanism. And on the other side, there is the evil idea of eternal damnation. That is the hot potato that no-one can hold for long. Imagine, that after 50 years of frying in the lake, the burners have only passed the first second of eternity. Wouldn’t 50 years be enough to teach them a lesson? Or would any seconds just be pointless and cruel. I believe that believers in such an ideological atrocity, that’s supposed to represents some mysterious way of divine justice, will do anything to avoid it. Would this give them reason to be willing to do the Lord’s will even to the sacrifice of their own conscience, and perhaps to be an active persecutor of their fellow Christians. Many a true believer has done exactly that in the name of ending heresy.
Terrific response
read it through.
Hi Russ,
The video I watched a few months back, nice to read your expanding article on it.
As watching the video, I did wonder why his hair was continually covering his one eye!!
He probably had to make the video in order to reveal the method to the goyim. Especially because he doesn’t go as deep as he could have gone.
Still a very informative video, indeed.
The <<>> is a suffocating blanket over everything we do. The visceral brainwashing by music and Hollywood should not be underestimated! The past 500 years have destroyed common sense and our way of living following Jesus Christ.
Now with the internet the truth can be shown to the ones who dare to pay attention. Thanks for your work!!
I regularly listen to Psyop Cinema to get more informed on how movies brainwash us on the viceral level. Learned a lot from those guys.