Bloomberg | July 1, 2023
Hushed and visibly anguished, hundreds of mourners from France’s Islamic community formed a solemn procession from a mosque to a hillside cemetery on Saturday to bury a 17-year-old whose killing by police has triggered days of rioting and looting across the nation.
Underscoring the gravity of the crisis, President Emmanuel Macron scrapped an official trip to Germany after nights of unrest across France.
The government deployed 45,000 police to city streets across the nation to head off a fifth night of violence. Overnight, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin tweeted that the night had been calmer than previous ones, thanks to “the resolute action of security forces.” He put the night’s arrest toll at 427.
Literally translated, it means “placing between the thighs”
“It’s obligatory to follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of God and disbelieve in one who denies it.”
Imagine a 50 year old Arab stripping a 6 year old child naked and putting his “willie” between her thighs and wanking himself off; squirting his cum all over the child’s naked body!
Imagine this now 53 year old Arab having full, penetrative sexual intercourse with the 9 year old child and shooting his “load” of cum into her small vagina, shouting, “Allah Akbar”!
Allah says in the Quran:
(Sura 33:21).
You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example for him who hopes in Allah and the Last Day, and who remembers Allah much.
In this verse Allah instructs Muslims to follow Prophet Muhammad who was an embodiment of the great values and manners of the Quran. He gave the best example for mankind in human history. Many Muslim writers bear witness that Prophet Muhammad is the greatest man in human history.
Sura 68:05
And thou dost, surely, possess sublime moral excellencies.
There is no “broad” or “narrow” reading of the Quran, as The New York Times and countless other organs of Western Islamophilia would have us believe. A Muslim is not free to believe or do what he wishes. The basis of the social and legal order and obligation in Islam is the Quran, the final and perfect revelation of Allah’s will that is to be obeyed by all creation. (Surah 4:105)
The Islamic law, the Shari’a, is not a supplement to the “secular” legal code, it is the only such code and the only basis of obligation, because a
Muslim’s only true allegiance is to Allah, and to Muhammad:
“He who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah.” (Quran 4:8)
Islam is a revealed religion, strongly focused on its grounding in history, in the historical person of Muhammad, his revelation and his example. Events as they happened, with all recorded or alleged words and deeds of the Prophet, are the foundation of the faith, law, and social convention. Even his apparently trivial actions and utterances were passed on as rules and mode of conduct, in accordance with the Quranic statement that Muhammad is “a beautiful pattern (of conduct).” (Quran 33:21)
His sayings and acts guide the lives of all true Muslims to this day, including his rape of enslaved girls and women and his rape of a prepubescent “wife.” Muhammad offers the eternal model of behavior for every little detail of everyday life for all time.
That Muhammad’s actions and words, as immortalized in the Quran and recorded in the Traditions, are frankly shocking by the standards of our time and punishable by its laws goes without saying. There are hundreds of contemporary Western apologists, however, who argue that we must not extend the judgmental yardstick of our own culture to the members of other cultures who have lived in other eras.
Even in the context of seventh century Arabia, however, Muhammad had to resort to divine revelations as a means of suppressing the prevalent moral code of his own milieu. Indulging with considerable abandon one’s sensual passions was so fundamentally at odds with the moral standards of his own Arab contemporaries that only the ultimate authority could, and did, sanction it.
Feb 22, 2015
Ann Mary
A quotation from my new book, The Child-Bride and the Old Man of Arabia... For more about his topic and how to Muslim justify this act of Muhammad.. read the answered Muslim arguments on Islam Watch..
For our Muslim friends: Since average Muslims are not aware about the real life of Muhammad..for your information listen what your Mullah says about..
What awaits Muslim Males in Heaven (Jannat Ki Hoor)
Keep Visiting
YOUTUBE: **Thighing**Mufakhathat
Nov 19, 2008
The Sick Muslim practice of Thighing
As for the prophet, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, thighing his fiancée Aisha. She was six years of age and he could not have intercourse with her due to her small age. That is why [the prophet] peace and prayer of Allah be upon him placed his [male] member between ber thighs and massaged it softly, as the apostle of Allah had control of his [male] member not like other believers.
YOUTUBE: Aisha's Age: Muhammad's Youngest Bride [ENGLISH]
5,126 viewsNov 6, 2020
The Urdu Free Thinker
27.6K subscribers
The age of Ayesha, Prophet Muhammad's youngest wife, is a source of a lot of controversy and debate amongst Muslims today. But this was not considered controversial before.
In this video, we will discuss the age of Ayesha when she was married to Prophet Muhammad according to authentic Hadith. According to these traditions she was married at the age of 6 and the marriage was consummated when she was 9 years old.
We will also discuss a new claim by many modern scholars, such as Pakistani scholar Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, that Ayesha's age was 16 or 19 and not 6 or 9. We will see that this is just wishful thinking that contradicts the authentic traditional narrative.
#documentary #muhammad #aisha
Urdu version:
YOUTUBE: YOU TUBE: Highest Islamic Cleric says thighing a BABY is OK (gentle SEX -
mufa'khathat) - #ShariaLawNumber12
•Nov 12, 2018
Synopsis: Video showing how Sharia Law Number 12 is implemented in Muslim countries for the general public without exposure to democratic or Christian interference since the birth of Islam till today - including the peak of Islamic achievement, The Islamic Golden Age Sharia Law number 12 It's not permissible to engage in sexual intercourse with the wife before 9 years of age. As for other sexual pleasures - touching her sexually (younger than 9), hugging her sexually, thighing her (1 - 8 year old)… folding her legs and thigh her is ok.
Even the new born baby this is allowed but if he penetrates the baby and didn't take her virginity, then nothing will happen to him except he has sinned with Allah. To the extent that he rips the young baby's private parts to become one mess. If he rapes the baby then he is to be stopped. If the baby is remarried but her virginity has been taken away, then the penance (fine) must be paid to the new husband.
YOUTUBE: Highest Islamic Cleric says thighing a BABY is OK (gentle SEX - mufa'khathat) - #ShariaLawNumber12
Nov 12, 2018
Video showing how Sharia Law Number 12 is implemented in Muslim countries for the general public without exposure to democratic or Christian interference since the birth of Islam till today - including the peak of Islamic achievement, The Islamic Golden Age
Sharia Law number 12
It's not permissible to engage in sexual intercourse with the wife before 9 years of age.
As for other sexual pleasures - touching her sexually (younger than 9), hugging her sexually, thighing her (1 - 8 year old)… folding her legs and thigh her is ok.
Even the new born baby this is allowed but if he penetrates the baby and didn't take her virginity, then nothing will happen to him except he has sinned with Allah.
To the extent that he rips the young baby's private parts to become one mess. If he rapes the baby then he is to be stopped.
If the baby is remarried but her virginity has been taken away, then the penance (fine) must be paid to the new husband
They are not “rioters”. They are antiwhite terror troops burning down Western civilisation
Chris Geel has described the French situation accurately. This is what awaits all Western countries with politicians that ignored the warnings.
The French. ‘George Floyd’- wait for Nayhel’s statue to be commissioned & erected in the French suburb.
Rakhmat Akilov a migrant in Sweden also zigzagged a truck in Stockholm killing four White adults and a child called Ebba Åkerlund who was 11 years old indigenous child, the story totally buried by the jewmedia at the time. The picture of her is still on the internet and is severely shocking to look at, the driver along with Government MP’s, newspaper and media outlet scum should of been boiled alive in oil and their heads removed and placed on a pike for allowing this to happen in a White nation, a pattern which is repeated in every Nation that Whites used to call their homelands before the jew turned it into a third world toilet and let the trucks of peace into it.