Maybe they should just stick to the economy.
By Paul Joseph Watson | 12 August 2022
SUMMIT NEWS — Despite the fact that no one asked, the World Economic Forum is now advocating for the merger of human and artificial intelligence systems to censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” online before it is even allowed to be posted.
A report published to the official WEF website ominously warns about the peril of “the dark world of online harms.”
But the globalist body, run by comic book Bond villain Klaus Schwab, has a solution.
They want to merge the ‘best’ aspects of human censorship and AI machine learning algorithms to ensure that people’s feelings don’t get hurt and counter-regime opinions are blacklisted.
“By uniquely combining the power of innovative technology, off-platform intelligence collection and the prowess of subject-matter experts who understand how threat actors operate, scaled detection of online abuse can reach near-perfect precision,” states the article.
After engaging in a whole host of mumbo jumbo, the article concludes by proposing “a new framework: rather than relying on AI to detect at scale and humans to review edge cases, an intelligence-based approach is crucial.” […]
The PoetTree:
General Hypothesis.
Computers cannot compute or allow for much unpredictability in Human behaviour, resourcefulness or unpredictable activity due to being wholly limited to it in a programmable state. We are persistently told, reminded constantly (conditioning the minds, society at large) that AI CAN actually learn, but it learns Pattern, not unpredictability..
For instance the probability vs improbability of its OWN complete destruction BEFORE arriving at its answer, is an anomaly its “mind” will not apparently allow for.
It does not possess Free will, that is God given only, or proof in part, of man’s spirit at least in being an intrinsic element of God – ‘source’, a ‘spark of divinity’ as we are also often told.
There may be a being, or rather a Degraded type of being that is controlling the system then, but that is different..in Christianity it’s referred to as a fallen angel termed Satan. It just goes to show, that even hypothetically – all beings are subject to integrity in ethics, morals even angels, so called superior all knowing beings. In this true sense all beings are in actual fact also fallible
(this is heresy, blasphemy to all mind-controlling faiths that don’t really abide by their own moral code at all – a monopolistic hypocrisy might define their efforts better)
There may be demons or Degraded Beings also in an enslaved service and demonic state by some fallen angel or
what have you, to run the AI.
In fact these other or inter-dimensional creatures will possibly be in the process of degrading Humanity or Goyim, seeing their function to degrade other beings here on Earth, but also depopulating the rest of us – make us more manageable to then become AI ourselves when reborn in the birth, death – rebirth cycle, currently still applicable here.
Or even firstly becoming AI assimilated through their Nano tech 5G Grid perhaps. That seems likely enough as nothing really surprises me at this juncture, just listen to Isreali “Advisor” and Technocracy WEF Founder Klaus Swaub’s sidekick – Yuval Harari, you’ll get the picture. You’ll never witness a more degraded fake science sophistication or fixation on what he insists they perceive as Humanity’s path forward – than this..
A Truly Degraded lower Astral level almost defunct being stuck in ‘CONTROLLING and MANIPULATING BODIES’
– mode. An insidiously twisted psychosis that he is inextricably and rigidly fixed to, if ONLY because he has CHOSEN to adopt this particular brand of madness himself. There is always self volition, the agreement or “deal” that these characters have made, or, they wouldn’t commit to it.
The Globalists can do these things possibly, but not entirely. It is known that the Universe (non physical included) is ultimately based upon being ethical towards other beings, which really is the Universal Law for all dimensions. In other words love is the Universal highest form of communication and beingness.
One part of the basis to entrap humanity is quite clearly, or at least quite apparently – that this demonic Cabaal, fosters and propagates the concept that everything in life – ocurrs randomly.
No no. Intention is causality. Therefore there is actual intent behind everything that is occurring, they’re masking it or trying to, with mind control tactics of the repetition that all things occur randomly and outside of their, our control.
Just more of the same – a Lie. More Deception.
This psychopathic Globalist chess game would invariably and inevitably have to enforce a societal sense of becoming or being spiritually detatched; to conclude – in there being no point at all, total apathy; no purpose and no hope of aspiring to becoming anything more, anything other – than becoming or knowing only a stupid fixed solid material existence!
Once attained, this would provide a stronger foundation or position for a Societal nihilism they want to induce and create in all of us.
But first they intend to bring about Chaos. That’s what’s probably going on now.
..From the ashes they intend to lovingly provide the solution, but as they predict humanity will be crying out for help and calling, insisting for a solution from anywhere, at all costs – then all that would be required is the solution. A cashless automated society run by AIs devoid of any emotive human interaction – is absolutely intended for many, probably for most of us.
They’re currently working enthusiastically hard using fake pandemics and fake wars to Depopulate the whole world by reducing 95% of the world’s population..
But this will not happen.
Far far too many have some or even much of an idea as to their plans already.
Per their own egregiously demented Revelation of the Method – occult methodology and planning; they now intend to merge the human psyche with their Internet of Everything, fully emerged, fully integrated sick full time online apparatus.
A Total Technocratic Slavery.
The very idea of trapping spiritual beings within machine code, within a computer driven machine, is so utterly evil indeed, that because of it; it may therefore be the means to trapping the human spirit indefinitely, in perpetuity.. So they fervently believe.
Finally brought to our knees, lassooed and dragged down much lower than the present human form, to a sort of wholly controllable slave class, sub race, that of a once proud Human being.
But to become defeated and apathetic, made into something beyond attributable recognition.
For use in production and service by uber-controllable impulses of the elite’s obscene constructs, Electromagnetic whims lower vibrational mental state and degraded beingness. No. Forget it.
Not going to happen.
But that surely is at least part of the intended purpose.
Humanity then imprisoned never to fulfill God’s vision, the birthright vision within us all; obtaining our innate spiritual consciousness that would almost be a promised return to source ingrained within our very dna and our spiritual nature.
The Hippocratic Oath for instance “First Do No Harm” is the very first violation by the so called ‘Medical Profession’.
When something violates this – it of course then burdens the persecutor with very terrible, extremely bad karma which appears to be accumulative through a lifespan, perhaps passing over into the consecutive lives of the perpetrator.
Repentance would be a fine thing. Those committed to these global attrocities of Totalitarian control sadly will not. They must and will be stopped very soon. We are not the only free willed, basically good well intentioned beings in the world, in percentage terms it probably amounts to roughly 75% versus the rest badly psychologically influenced, then irretrievably damaged beings in control currently.
We can win. We must and we will.
Of course, I only suggest this is how it works.
Kurt H.B
The PoetTree
Awaken Poetry. Awareness Poetry. Geopolitical. Philosophical. Music. Shared