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Natural Immunity Lasts for at Least 18 Months: Study

By Zachary Stieber | 29 January 2022

THE EPOCH TIMES — The protection people experience after recovering from COVID-19, known widely as natural immunity, lasts for at least 18 months, according to a recently published study.

Researchers in Italy analyzed the level of antibodies in 36 patients who were documented as contracting COVID-19 in March 2020. About half of the patients went on to get COVID-19 vaccines, but the rest remained unvaccinated. Samples from all but two were tested at timed intervals, ending in September 2021, using assays that have received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

“At 18 months, 97% participants tested positive for anti-NCP, hinting towards the persistence of infection-induced immunity even for the vaccinated individuals,” researchers wrote in the preprint paper, which was published on the medrxiv website.

NCP stands for nucleocapsid, a part of SARS-CoV-2. Antibodies are believed to protect people against against infection from the virus.

“Antibodies against nucleocapsid will be present only in recovered individuals and not vaccinated,” Dr. Asiya Zaidi, a research fellow at the Associazione Naso Sano and one of the authors, told The Epoch Times in an email. […]

1 Comment on Natural Immunity Lasts for at Least 18 Months: Study

  1. No one is “recovering from “Covid” Zach because it doesn’t exist. Yet all you “reporters” and others keep pushing the nonsense as if you have done no harvesting of facts. WTH??

    The so-called “alternative” world of reporting is just as filled with click bait nonsense as the rest. It is all hyperbole and fear mongering. Where are the “solution” articles about surviving the attempt to take over humanity’s natural evolutionary progress by the controller’s??

    At work today: UN Agenda 21&2030; UN Wildlife Project; The Georgia Guide Stones; The New World Order Agenda and others.

    ALL of them part of the planned reduction of the population under 24/7 track, trace, and data basing living in 5G SMART cities, no private vehicles, no access to the country side, most living on the Government dole and forced to obey any laws or regulations put out by the Government to maintain the dole.

    “There is no virus, other than a digital, theoretical abstraction made on a computer from a genomic database. It’s never been isolated, purified, sequenced, characterized and proven 100% to exist. Makia Freeman

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