By Tyler Durden | 4 December 2021
ZERO HEDGE — After two years of rising crime in Los Angeles, residents of upscale neighborhoods are finally starting to freak out after a spate of ‘flash mob‘ lootings at high-end retail stores have been accompanied with a disturbing increase in violent crimes committed in the suburbs, according to the LA Times.
Crews of burglars publicly smashing their way into Los Angeles’ most exclusive stores. Robbers following their victims, including a star of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” and a BET host, to their residences. And this week, the fatal shooting of 81-year-old Jacqueline Avant, an admired philanthropist and wife of music legend Clarence Avant, in her Beverly Hills home.
…these incidents have sparked a national conversation and led to local concern about both the crimes themselves and where the outrage over the violence will lead.
“The fact that this has happened, her being shot and killed in her own home, after giving, sharing, and caring for 81 years has shaken the laws of the Universe,” said Oprah Winfrey, expressing grief over Avant’s killing via Twitter. “The world is upside down.” […]
Crime should reach those in the affluent communities …why not? These are the tools who push the insane libtard, racist, open borders, free the criminals agenda and deserve to share in the consequences. Crime and murder shouldn’t be just for the little people it needs to encompass all groups. Did they need a sacrifice? As usual I am not buying the official story and since this old demon was supposedly shot will they call for more gun restrictions under Bozos big top?
P.S note the daughters ((husband)) https://deadline.com/2021/12/jacqueline-avant-killed-home-invasion-clarence-avant-ted-sarandos-1234882797/
I totally agree with your comment. If anyone should suffer the cosequences of their “wokeness”, it is the upper class whites who trash whites who do not have the “white privilege” they do! Eat the rich and “flu” the “affluenza”!