One of the more fuzzy-logic arguments being applied against the reality of stage deceptions and hoaxes states that gun control hasn’t really happened to any significant extent; therefore, the idea that hoaxes are in play is invalid. This overlooks that there are at least 10 obvious reasons for staged deceptions other than gun control.
These are multi-level frauds and agendas, with gun control being but one element. Here are 10 other reasons these frauds are committed on the public:
1There is the victimization stance which allows the “aggrieved” to proceed with their agendas (such as gender fluidity in the case of Orlando) without criticism. Censorship, news black outs and star chamber justice are then imposed. The subset of this is gaslighting, or calling truthers or “conspiracy theorists” crazy.
2There is a mental health and pharma agenda, and that extends to “pre-crime” detection, or get ’em before they “act out.”
Read “Crime Syndicate Scheming for Implementation of Pre-Crime Powers”
3There is a Muslim demonization boogeyman agenda, such as in the case of Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris and others. There is a “right-wing nut” “white supremacist” demonization agit-prop being promoted as well.
4There is large-scale charity fraud and looting from government. I believe global crime syndicates and the media are behind this. For example, just one Gofundme.com charity in Orlando collected $6 million in only 10 days.
5There is the promotion and expansion of the national police state, sales of equipment, security services and implementation of the Israeli security model.
Read “Latest ‘Police are Yokels’ Video is Finally Out from Las Vegas, Further Setting the Stage for Nationalizing Police”
and “The 2016 Dallas Police Shooting and the True Gray State Agenda”
6There is an effort to take control of the Internet and to curtail free speech using the misnomer “hate speech” and nonsense like “radicalization on the Internet.” This links backed to the victimization stance. Immediately following Orlando, the Senate was just two votes away from granting the FBI warrantless access to your browsing history and emails.
In 2020 during the Trump administration rino Senator Mitch McConnnel lead the charge during a reauthorization of the Patriot Act to add a new provision to the bill which would allow the FBI to take internet browsing history from anyone – without prior evidence of any wrongdoing and without a warrant.
7It is a form of black magik or agit-prop mind control to run live tests of what they can pull off on the population. They also do it as a form of control-group study on the short-term and long-term psychological, cultural and economic impacts.
Read “Was the Sea-Tac Baggage Handler’s Aerobatics Show a Giant Staged-Deception PsyOp?”
8There is a power grab in which federal agencies, such as the FBI and DHS, grab jurisdiction over local police in any crime they choose.
9Creates fear and synthetic realities through trauma based brainwashing that promotes a knee-jerk problem-reaction-solution atmosphere.
10The kakistocrats behind these staged deception hoaxes and/or false flags are sick, evil, twisted psychotics and psychopaths. They feel superior and get their kicks from it. My term for this is the “get-off factor.” We have seen they like to leave symbolic calling cards such as shoes left behind at the scene.
For further reading:
Good summation, although evisceration of due process via the psych system’s pre-‘crime’ intervention is the primary goal.
“…The kind of ties that will allow it “to spread handpicked ‘information’ and keep other news quiet, … to control the internet, to wage electronic warfare against disobedient media, and to control commercial satellites.” (2) Most of which, it should be noted, the intelligence community already does to varying degrees. Still, the control is not yet complete enough…”
# 11……Many right-wingers would have you believe that such acts are orchestrated – or at the very least rather cynically exploited – as a pretext for passing further gun-control legislation. The government wants to scare the people into giving up their right to bear arms, or so the thinking goes. And there is reason to believe that this could well be a goal.
It is not, however, the only – or even the primary – goal, but rather a secondary one at best. The true goal is to further traumatize and brutalize the American people. This has in fact been a primary goal of the state for quite some time, dating back at least to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on that fateful day in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
The strategy is now (as it was then) to inflict blunt force trauma on all of American society, and by doing so to destroy any remaining sense of community and instill in the people deep feelings of fear and distrust, of hopelessness and despair, of isolation and powerlessness. And the results have been, it should be stated, rather spectacular.
With each school shooting, and each act of ‘domestic terrorism,’ the social fabric of the country is ripped further asunder. The social contracts that bound us together as a people with common goals, common dreams, and common aspirations have been shattered. We have been reduced to a nation of frightened and disempowered individuals, each existing in our own little sphere of isolation and fear.
***More @ http://centerforaninformedamerica.com/
Johnny Draco – unbelievably well said. I got chilled to the bone reading this. Now that it is almost 2 years since you posted this comment, obviously it is even that much more relevant. What is most disturbing about the spectacular level of success they have had with this is that likely close to 100% of it has been based on lies. The real violence they don’t report on, one has to go to “fringe” websites in order to find the real stats on who is doing what to whom (black on white crime) but the staged stuff? I imagine I could find something on the 2 weekend hoax shootings on any of the mainstream news networks RIGHT NOW…complete with photos from candle light vigils and piles of stuffed animals and flowers (it always amazes me how quickly these sorts of things spring up – almost as if they were planned well in advance??)
I am damned angry & hate the powerlessness I feel. I hate to be of the “well what can we do about it?” mindset, but geez, it really does apply to a large extent. After almost 5 years I still struggle and mostly fail to wake up those around me to our reality, including 3 members of my own immediate family, and if anything it has only served to cause tension and alienate me from them – which I have accepted because truth is my biggest pet peeve and I have zero tolerance left for willful ignorance.
Forcing whites to go to school with low IQ, dysfunctional blacks and cramming the country with brown bodies is more problematic. How about abortion adn legalized divorce? Thats more important than school shootings, staged or not.
These would be great exam questions (is Professor Tracey’s position still open? ha ha) – just add “discuss” – I think “Muslim demonization” or, say, the Muslim gambit involved in some of these events works in a rather more subtle way than you suggest; after all, there are very few “credible” voices who engage it in (even e.g. M Steyn is barely tolerated) – indeed, starting in earnest right on the night of Sept 11 we were sternly admonished that we mustn’t demonize Muslims – and considerable fears were expressed that Americans would be their racist selves and go after the practitioners of the religion of peace … something else other than straightforward demonization is going on – or at least was in Sept 2001. It’s a deeply double game in some way that I certainly can’t figure out. (Guess that’s why they call them PsyOps!) Maybe start with Zbig. Brezinski’s (sp) famous dismissive remark from the late 1980s after the Soviets left Afghanistan – something to the effect “who cares if a few Muslim fundamentalists got stirred up” – perhaps someone along the line re-thought that and saw some real strategic possibilities in stirring up jihad.
Well after reading the first 9 I would have to say its definitely #10. That is about the only one that makes sense…Or that we are somehow caught in a dimension that is some sick Shakespearean play foisted upon us…
As silly as it may seem, my number 11 would be to foster more guns and ammo sales. Several American family owned arms and ammo manufacturers have been sold to global consortium’s and are publicly traded on Wall Street. To them “it’s all about the Benjamin’s baby”, and what better way to drive guns and ammo sales through the roof than to convince the average citizen gun bans are right around the corner. These types of posters are seen in most every gun store.
Left leaning Mother Jones bemoans the increase in gun sales due to the fear of gun bans.
They might also target dissident persons in a traditional false flag event. Who was the “righteous” FBI guy who died on 9/11? And all the Pentagon staff investigating missing trillions who were immolated along with the evidence.
How’se about Biden’s HOAX “vaccine mandate” and OSHA’s supposed mandate which is also a hoax, to get companies that haven’t already gone along with this crapola to “force” employees to get “vaccines” or “get fired”? Because no one I know who is unvaxxed has gotten fired from any jobs, working at companies with over 100 employees, or not.