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FEC defends Twitter over Hunter Biden censorship in a decision based on lies

By Editorial Board | 13 September 2021

NEW YORK POST — So the Federal Election Commission has decided Twitter violated no election laws when it censored the New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop ahead of the 2020 election.

Of course, the news was leaked to the New York Times — likely by a Democratic member of the FEC staff — so that it could be treated with maximum scorn.

The Times report sneeringly begins that The Post’s article was “unsubstantiated,” which is bull. The Biden team never denied that the laptop is real, and Hunter Biden later told CBS, coyly, that the laptop “could be” his.

People involved in the emails we published, including Tony Bobulinski, have confirmed the content. Our article is “unsubstantiated” because the Times and other outlets don’t want to actually report on it themselves.

If the Times report on the FEC’s decision is accurate, the agency decided that Twitter’s decision was commercial, not political. The “move followed existing policies related to hacked materials.” […]

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