It’s official: Israel has full control over U.S. Congress, and wants total control of the executive branch now. The level of meddling by Tel Aviv, using paid-for Congressmen & Senators to try and…
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) May 11, 2024
The United States Congressional Committee for Palestinian genocide votes to “impeach” the actor Biden for “withholding” armament shipments to Israel. I am in favor of sending the entire Congress to Jerusalem so they can see their ROI (return on investments) first hand.
What an odd thing to file impeachment for, anyone else find this… strange
Exercise of Israeli ZOG power pure and simple.
Another iteration of “Oh, the poor, innocent, persecuted, suffering Jews!!!”.
The Mystery Of Israel Solved
It’s so obvious that Zionist/Jews have taken over the US govt. The sad thing is that a huge segment of the population (brainwashed MAGA cult, Christian ZIos, conservatives) have no problem with this–apparently don’t even notice that the govt obviously works for Israel. Those treasonous whores can’t move fast enough to please their Zio Jew masters. But when it comes to doing anything for the American people, nothing happens.
Russ, have you seen this info:
Looks like back in 2000, when Pat Buchanan broke w/GOP and decided to run for President on Reform Party, the tribe trotted out their puppet Trump to attack him as an antisemite and Hitler supporter
Good thread on Trump as crypto Jew (I know you have posted on this before)
Scroll down for the screen shot of Allied Military Police HQ saying no poison gas used at the camps
And this one was kind of jaw-dropping–letter from Rabbis to Jews (1937), telling them to support the war, but don’t worry you don’t have to fight b/c it’s against Judiasm, if religious exemption doesn’t work, we have Jewish doctors ready to give you medical exemptions, and says we’ll stay home and profit:
At this point, I only find twitter useful for reading over there and finding info. I’ve given up on trying to spread the word. It’s hopelessly censored. I got nowhere. And I was quite disheartening to see how many Americans (on the left, supporting Palestine) have absolutely NO CLUE anything was wrong with covid, that the media is weaponized, Great Reset, CBDCs, digital ID, etc.
So sad to see what has happened to this country.
My old man was a WWII vet whose contribution to victory was on the dumb end of a shovel in the Army Engineer Corps in Alaska. He had a 10% disability from the Veterans Administration. One day I asked why he had a disability payment since he didn’t seem disabled in any way. He said that when he was in the process of being discharged the MD who reviewed his medical records told him that he was going to get a 10% disability. The old man asked “Why, I’m not disabled?” The MD, who was obviously pissed-off answered “See these two other MD’s (on either side of him)? They’re Jews. Every time they review a Jewish soldier they give him a disability, no matter what. So you’re going to get a disability, too!”.
BTW I have a 60% disability from the VA for prostate cancer from exposure to herbicides in Viet Nam. I was in the Army Chemical Corps and got marinated in the stuff. Long story short: Don’t EVER let a Jew surgeon operate on you.
Another one-
Jew who became a Christian, says as a kid he was programed to believe Jews are better than everyone else and that they should kill everyone and steal their stuff.
Here’s his twitter
He has a good documentary me made pinned called Israel’s 2nd 9/11: How Israel Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine
We are shown & told of blatant Israeli horrors & ‘management’ of American authority & policies against white men & disdain for christian zionists.
Doesn’t it seem like this culmination of social dystopia is for the purpose of bringing forth some aspects of truth that just might take down the talmudic ‘good is evil’ mind control which 5 or more generations have endured?