The legendary James Fetzer and the brain trust of David Scorpio and Giuseppe Vaffanculo spent the first hour of their “Wisdom Circle / Raw Deal” podcast Wednesday with Winter Watch’s own Russ Winter.
James surveyed the latest in his lifelong research of JFK’s assassination as Russ pulled up his chair to absorb and learn some things. James recently conducted a remarkable session with James Files that deserves special attention. James’ always prolific work is arriving uncensored now on Bitchute.
Russ asked Dr. Fetzer for his thoughts on the assassination of Congressman Hale Boggs in Alaska in 1972, and he confirmed Russ’ theory and work.
Read about the “Assassination of Hale Boggs, a Critical Bulwark Against the Deep State”
In the back half of Hour 1, they discussed the William Langer smoking-gun report that openly bragged about and described the culturally Marxist/Frankfurt school infestation and takeover of academia, mental health institutions and entertainment.
Read “William Langer’s ‘Newest History,’ the OSS and the Frankfurt School (aka New School)”
They also touched on the disgusting “Saturday Night Live” performances on May 22 and it’s roots in the regression theories of Cultural Marxism. Those can be seen in this post.
I enjoyed this discussion very much. So much information. Thank you.