The term #StopBannon has been trending on Tweeter in addition to a familiar litany of stories of about Stephen Bannon’s “endorsement” from the KKK and American Nazi Party. That’s what we in the business call “an epithet,” which is duly defined below. Naturally, he also has been dubbed an “anti-Semite.” Evidence of this claim typically involves Breitbart headlines that have dared to use the J-word and 2007 divorce-court testimony in which his third wife, investment banker Mary Louise Piccard, claimed her husband didn’t want their twin daughters to attend Archer School for Girls because of the number of Jews that attend.
“He said that he doesn’t like the way they raise their kids to be ‘whiny brats’ and that he didn’t want the girls going to school with Jews,” Piccard said.
It was also during his marriage to Piccard that Bannon faced misdemeanor charges of domestic violence, for which he is often now labeled a “wife beater.”
The New York Times: The charges date back two decades to the end of a troubled marriage in Santa Monica, Calif., when Mr. Bannon’s wife, Mary Louise Piccard, claimed that he had attacked her at their home.
He was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and attempting to dissuade a victim from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when Ms. Piccard did not show up in court. In court records, Ms. Piccard later claimed that Mr. Bannon instructed her to leave town to avoid testifying.
Mr. Bannon, she said, told her that “if I went to court he and his attorney would make sure that I would be the one who was guilty.”
Mr. Bannon’s lawyer, she said, “threatened me,” telling her that if Mr. Bannon went to jail, she “would have no money and no way to support the children.”
“Misogynist” is another label commonly attached to Bannon, such as in this Guardian article. It seems to be a political argument; in this case, ostracizing men who aren’t fans of feminism or who oppose abortion. The dictionary defines misogyny as “hatred” or “intense dislike of women” in general. Apparently, you can’t dislike any woman or any type of women without earning this absurd shadow-language epithet.
Before we look further at who Bannon is, we should consider his counterpart in the election, John Podesta, a lifelong D.C. operative, lobbyist and true creep. The New Nationalist (TNN) has written about his appalling character [see here]. The mainstream media (MSM) has completely ignored his occultist activities, though it briefly covered his obsession with space aliens earlier this year. Will the MSM ignore his possible ties to a pedophile ring, as recently revealed in his emails published by Wikileaks. The cultural Marxists are no doubt hard at work coming up with an epithet for someone who despises or hates pedos. Indeed, reprobate Salon tested the water last year with an article calling pedophilia an “alternative sexuality.” But I digress. Back to Bannon.
Besides ramrodding the Trump campaign and upset — a feather in anybody’s cap — Bannon has a surprising background and resume. Judging from the MSM, one would think he was merely a publisher of an alt-right news website. That’s not even close to correct. A cursory glance at his Wiki page and it’s easy to understand why Donald Trump chose him to lead his campaign and serve as chief adviser for his administration.
Bannon holds a master’s degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University and an MBA with honors from Harvard Business School. He was an officer in the U.S. Navy, serving on the destroyer USS Paul F. Foster as a Surface Warfare officer in the Pacific Fleet. He also served as a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon.
After his military service, Bannon worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker in M&A. In 1990, he and several colleagues launched Bannon & Co., a boutique investment bank specializing in media. It negotiated the sale of Castle Rock Entertainment to Ted Turner. As payment, Bannon & Co. accepted a stake in five television shows, including “Seinfeld.” Societe Générale purchased Bannon & Co. in 1998.
Next, Bannon was made acting director of the Earth-science research project Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona. Under his leadership, the project shifted emphasis from researching space exploration and colonization toward pollution and global warming.
In Howard Hughes style, he became an executive producer in Hollywood. He produced Anthony Hopkins’s 1999 film “Titus.” He became a partner with entertainment industry executive Jeff Kwatinetz at The Firm, Inc., a film and television management company. In 2004, he made a documentary about Ronald Reagan titled “In the Face of Evil.” Through the making and screening of this film, he was introduced to publisher Andrew Breitbart.
Bannon is also executive chairman and co-founder of the Government Accountability Institute, where he helped orchestrate the publication of book Clinton Cash. In 2015, he was ranked No. 19 on Mediaite’s list of the “25 Most Influential in Political News Media 2015.”
Today, he is the executive chairman of hyper-conservative Breitbart News. His political views have been described as nationalist and, because he’s white, the epithet “white nationalist” naturally follows. Breitbart rejects liberalism, which is propagandized by predominantly Jewish-run MSM, but it (and he) doesn’t reject Jews. In fact, Breitbart penned an article on this topic Monday titled “Stephen K. Bannon: Friend of the Jewish People, Defender of Israel.”
The Times of Israel today gave a succinct roundup of the Jews’ view of Bannon, from the ADL to the ZOA:
The Anti-Defamation League: “It is a sad day when a man who presided over the premier website of the ‘alt-right’ — a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists — is slated to be a senior staff member in the ‘people’s house,’” CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement.
American Jewish Committee: “Of utmost concern is ensuring that policies proposed and put into place make good on President-elect Trump’s Election Night promise, for the benefit of all citizens of our too-divided country, and address the central concerns of the American people and our allies around the world,” AJC assistant executive director for policy Jason Isaacson emailed to reporters. “Presidents get to choose their teams and we do not expect to comment on the appointment of every key advisor.”
New York Sen. Chuck Schumer: “If allies or aides to the president say anything that demeans a group of Americans, we won’t hesitate for a moment to demand that our new president condemn those comments. And already we have reason to,” he told Democracy Alliance, a progressive group. “Steve Bannon’s appointment to a senior White House post signals that many of his dangerous and bigoted ideas will have a seat at the table in the White House. We will be watching. And everyone here will be ready to actively stand up for one another if ever one group is attacked.”
National Council of Jewish Women: “NCJW is utterly appalled by President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to appoint Stephen Bannon as chief strategist in his administration,” CEO Nancy Kaufman said. “Bannon has made his white-supremacist, racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-Muslim views widely known. Upon joining the Trump campaign, Bannon roused a large portion of Trump’s base with a hateful mix of conspiracy theories, bigotry, misogyny, racism, and homophobia. If President-elect Trump truly wants to bring together his supporters with the majority of the country that voted against him — by a margin that is nearing two million people, Bannon and his ilk must be barred from his administration.”
Central Conference of American Rabbis: “If he is to serve our country, we expect Mr. Bannon to denounce the anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim rhetoric, racism, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights that we continue to face as a nation, just as we expect the same from President-elect Trump,” said CCAR CEO Steve Fox in a statement.
J Street: “J Street has grave concerns about and condemns President-elect Trump’s appointment of Stephen Bannon to serve as chief strategist and senior counselor in the White House,” the liberal group said. “Bannon’s views and statements are not a normal part of American political discourse and they cannot be treated as such. Nor can this appointment be treated as normal, acceptable politics … We call on President-elect Trump to rescind this appointment immediately, and for all responsible leaders of the Republican Party to insist that he do so.”
‘We cannot allow Donald Trump’s alliance with the alt-right to be normalized’
National Jewish Democratic Council: “As CEO of Breitbart News, Bannon gave voice to white supremacists and the alt-right. His racism and anti-Semitism have no place in the White House, and he must step down,” the group put out in a statement. “We cannot allow Donald Trump’s alliance with the alt-right to be normalized … Our community must not adjust our standards in the face of the unprecedented nature of a Trump administration.”
Matt Brooks, executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition: “I have never met or spoken to Steve Bannon and at the Republican Jewish Coalition we look forward to speaking with him soon, getting to know him, and hearing his answers to some of the questions that have arisen,” he told Politico.
Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot and RJC board member: “I have known Steve Bannon for many years. I have been shocked and saddened to see the recent personal attacks on Steve,” he said in a statement. “Nothing could be further from the truth. The person that is being demonized in the media is not the person I know. These attacks on Steve are nothing more than an attempt to undermine the incoming Trump administration. I have known Steve to be a passionate Zionist and supporter of Israel who felt so strongly about this that he opened a Breitbart office in Israel to ensure that the true pro-Israel story would get out. What is being done to Steve Bannon is a shonda.”
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism: “Both in his roles as editor of the Breitbart website and as a strategist in the Trump campaign, Mr. Bannon was responsible for the advancement of ideologies antithetical to our nation, including anti-Semitism, misogyny, racism and Islamophobia,”Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner said in a statement. “There should be no place for such views in the White House. President-elect Trump has said he wants to be president for all the people. We urge him in this spirit to assemble a leadership team that reflects that aspiration.”
Bret Stephens, deputy editorial page editor of The Wall Street Journal: “In appointing Steve Bannon as top strategist, it might be said that Mr. Trump is balancing the establishment and insurgent forces that supported him,” he wrote in a column. “But the significant fact is that Mr. Bannon presided over a website that delighted in calling Bill Kristol a ‘renegade Jew,’ said of Anne Applebaum that ‘hell hath no fury like a Polish, Jewish, American elitist scorned,’ and defended the Confederacy as a ‘patriotic and idealistic cause.’ If get-in-line Republican leaders won’t call Mr. Bannon out on this, it falls to the columnists they likely read to do so.”
Alan Dershowitz, prominent attorney, author and Israel advocate: “I think we have to be very careful before we accuse any particular individual of being an anti-Semite. The evidence certainly suggests that Mr. Bannon has very good relationships with individual Jews. My former researcher, Joel Pollak, is an Orthodox Jew who takes off the Jewish holidays, who is a committed Jew and a committed Zionist, and he has worked closely with him. He has been supportive of Israel,” Dershowitz told Breitbart in a telephone interview. “So, I haven’t seen any evidence of personal anti-Semitism on the part of Bannon. I think the (Breitbart) headline about a Conservative Republican being a renegade Jew was ill-advised. But it doesn’t suggest to me anti-Semitism. It suggests to me a degree of carelessness.”
Bend the Arc Jewish Action: “President-elect Trump’s selection of Stephen Bannon, a professional purveyor of white nationalist and anti-Semitic rhetoric, as his top adviser is as horrifying as it is unsurprising,” CEO Stosh Cotler said in a statement. “Those of us who were alarmed by Trump’s campaign when it began over a year ago are starting to see the things we feared come to pass, and this is one of them – the elevation of an avowed bigot to a position of incredible official power. On Election Day, a majority of voters rejected the hatred central to the Trump campaign. We know many of them would join us in condemning this attempt by the President-elect to normalize and legitimize white supremacy, and we call on leaders across the political spectrum to denounce it as well.”
[Democratic] Florida Rep. Ted Deutch:“President-elect Trump has committed to being a ‘president for all Americans,’ and I am ready and willing to work with his Administration to improve the lives of all Americans,” he emailed The Times of Israel. “But when he appoints as his top advisor someone who helped build the racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic Alt-Right movement and who has been accused of making anti-Semitic statements himself, President-elect Trump’s calls for unity ring hollow. I urge the President-elect to reverse Steve Bannon’s appointment and reassure the country that his White House will stand for tolerance and against bigotry in all of its forms.”
T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights: “By appointing Steve Bannon to the position of White House strategist, President-elect Trump has proven that he has no plans to distance himself from the hateful and extreme threats he made throughout the course of his campaign,” said the group’s executive director Rabbi Jill Jacobs in a statement. “Bannon’s open promotion of white supremacists who propagate racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric disqualifies him for a position of power in the United States, whose strength lies in its diversity. At a moment in which supporters of the president-elect feel emboldened to carry out daily hate crimes against people of color, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, LGBTQ people, women and other minorities, Bannon must not be permitted to assume a position as a public servant.”
‘It should go without saying that the president of the United States should not have a tawdry, destructive, and repulsively uncivilized goon as a chief strategist’
John Podhoretz, editor of Commentary magazine: “The key moral problem with Steve Bannon is that as the CEO of Andrew Breitbart’s namesake organization, he is an aider and abetter of foul extremist views, including anti-Semitic ones. He used the site to promote the alt-right, which has retailed anti-Semitism as well as general outright racism and white nationalism,” he wrote on the magazine’s website. “It should go without saying that the president of the United States should not have a tawdry, destructive, and repulsively uncivilized goon as a chief strategist.”
Israel Policy Forum: “If his appointment of Stephen Bannon – someone who led an extremist publication that has promoted expressions of hate toward all sorts of minority groups – as his chief political strategist is any indication, American Jews have much cause for concern beyond only trying to divine President-elect Trump’s approach to Israel,” board chair Susie Gelman said in a press release. “The ugly anti-Semitism that was unleashed during the campaign has been even more apparent since the election, and we share in the deep concern so many have about President-elect Trump’s decision to promote someone who has purveyed ugly and divisive rhetoric to one of the top positions in the White House.”
Zionist Organization of America: “ZOA’s own experience and analysis of Breitbart articles confirms Mr. Bannon’s and Breitbart’s friendship and fair-mindedness towards Israel and the Jewish people,” it said in a statement. “To accuse Mr. Bannon and Breitbart of anti-Semitism is Orwellian. In fact, Breitbart bravely fights against anti-Semitism.”
Morton Klein, president of the ZOA, added: “The ZOA welcomes the appointment of Stephen Bannon as chief strategist to the incoming Trump/Pence administration. We wish Mr. Bannon every success in his new position. We urge Jonathan Greenblatt/ADL to withdraw and apologize for their inappropriate character assassination of Mr. Bannon and Breitbart Media.”
Fifteen Jewish Democratic members of Congress signed a letter urging President-elect Trump to withdraw Bannon’s appointment: “Your appointment of Stephen Bannon, whose ties to the White Nationalist movement have been well documented, directly undermines your ability to unite the country,” they said. “As elected representatives of millions of Americans from diverse backgrounds, religions, and ethnicities, we strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to appoint Mr. Bannon to White House Chief Strategist.” The Jewish signatories were: David Cicilline, Steve Cohen, Susan Davis, Ted Deutch, Lois Frankel, Steve Israel, Sander Levin, Alan Lowenthal, Nita Lowey, Jerrold Nadler, Jared Polis, Jan Schakowsky, Adam Schiff, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, John Yarmuth.
Franchement, if they’re all against him- I’m for him!
Breitbart News is an Israeli Intelligence front. Breitbart News was created in Israel in 2007 by Breitbart, Solov and Netanyahu. Breitbart himself was always 100% pro Israel and when Breitbart ‘attacks’ Jews it is mainly for not being pro Israeli enough.
Good recent article by Henry Makow.
Also Bennon while working for Breitbart News was a big fan of Neocon John Bolton (leading choice for Secretary of State) interviewing him and praising him.
A quick way to get replies on Disqus is to go to Breitbart and say, “Isra-hell”.
The clicks will come, fun stuff.
Thanks for pointing this out. Bannon is neo-kosher. I suspect that all these ‘attacks’ are an attempt to give him some credibility with the majority population.
I suspect you are right. I do not trust him. The only other possibility is that they want to “keep him in line”, but I doubt that.
Surely I’m not the first to notice the (((SiriusXM))) logo?
Very good article, and the Makow article is a must-read as well. It’s incredible when you put all the pieces together. What we have is a right-wing Zionist administration shaping up.
The Saudi royal family are crypto Jews and there is strong evidence the president of Turkey is as well. The only nations in the region that are against Zionism are the Shia ones. So Israel and the Saudis work together fostering Sunni radicals to destroy their enemies. Get ready for a US war with Iran.
I really thought that if anyone was going to lead a Revolution it would be Bannon. We would have supported him. I don’t know why he disappeared himself. I wish to God he’d show up and lead the people.