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He’s Back: Jewish Terrorist, Super-Troll Joshua Goldberg

Compulsive Jewish hoaxster, terrorist and drama queen Joshua Ryne Goldberg is back. He was caught getting a Canadian professor suspended for antisemitism. Goldberg, who had already been arrested for conspiring to commit false-flag “Islamic terror,” may soon be charged with yet another crime: the creation of a “Kill all Jews” image that is currently under investigation by Canadian police.


The fake image, using cartoonist Ben Garrison, was planted on professor Anthony Hall’s Facebook page in late August. The Canadian B’nai Brither then falsely blamed Hall — who had no knowledge of the image — and used the scandal to push for Hall’s dismissal from the University of Lethbridge. Caving to the B’nai Brith’s pressure, university president Mike Mahon suspended Hall without pay.

Mainstream media outlets, including CBC and the Lethbridge Herald, accepted B’nai Brith’s false narrative that professor Hall was responsible for the image Goldberg planted.

After his last attempt at incitement, the Florida Times-Union reported that psychologist (((Lisa Feldman))) of the federal detention center in Miami concluded that fellow tribe member Goldberg suffers from a mental disorder that impairs his ability to understand what is happening. He was earlier charged with distributing information relating to explosives and weapons of mass destruction.

Goldberg, a 21-year-old Florida-based Shlomo, was arrested on Sept. 9, 2015, for plotting and inciting Muslim acts of terrorism, including offering bomb-building advice to an undercover agent on the Internet. Even if lacking in “sanity,” he definitely wasn’t lacking talent in his trade. This “9/11 plot thwarted” story was essentially ignored by U.S. mainstream media. It did, however, get some exposure in the print media, especially in Australia, where Goldberg, disguised as a Muslim, had claimed to be operating.

In the lead up to the Pamela Geller’s agitprop “Draw Mohammed” cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, Goldberg, using his “Australi Witness” online persona, tweeted the event’s address and urged Muslims to go there with weapons, bombs or knifes. Fortunately, the FBI arrested Goldberg for inciting a “jihadist” pressure-cooker bomb attack at a Kansas City 9/11 memorial event.

Goldberg was also skilled enough at hoaxcraft to infiltrate and convince white nationalist website DailyStormer to run some of his articles. Then poor unaware Goldberg, showing tremendous instinct for inciting Jewish paranoia, even went so far as to steal the identity of a Israeli blogger to spread racist venom under the blogger’s name and try to pin it on white nationalists. The blogger in turn was given a pulpit in the UK Guardian in which to whine about his “experience” at the hands of said “white supremacists”.


It has been my contention on these pages that Zios run these ops all the time. In fact, it amazes me that the corrupt and infested FBI decided to bust one.

Even Zio hoaxster Rita Katz of SITE had to fess up that Goldberg was on their radar as a key online “Muslim jihadist.” Despite Katz’s incredible ability to present manifestos, terrorist photos and come up with beheading fraud videos and fake Bin Laden recordings, etc. [discussed here and here], her group somehow failed to connect the dots that Jewish boy Goldberg was in reality conducting his incitement operations while sitting in his underwear in his folk’s basement in Florida.

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