Editor’s Note: This article was published seven years ago and in the aftermath of massive assaults on US cities by BLM and Antifa shock troops, the stolen presidential election and installment of the Chinese Communist-backed Biden administration is arguably more relevant than ever before. Today US Attorney Merrick Garland cannot stop repeatedly declaring the alleged national security threat posed by politically conservative Christians (“White Supremacists”). This long-running campaign to target such Americans must be placed in the context of American education system’s complete failure to vigorously address this dark chapter in modern world history.
By James Perloff | 16 June 2021
MEMORY HOLE BLOG — The murderous Bolshevik Revolution made communism a political reality. Alarming similarities to today’s political climate invite comparison.
Czar Nicholas II abdicated in March 1917. Since Bolshevik leaders Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky weren’t even in Russia then, how did they gain control of it by November 1917? Western analysts uncovered parts of this mystery, but much remained unknown due to the Soviet government’s stranglehold on its history – as Orwell said, “Who controls the present controls the past.” With glasnost, archives creaked open. Perhaps no one has collated the information better than Juri Lina, whose out-of-print Under the Sign of the Scorpion can be found online until his new edition is released this April.
The Rothschild-Illuminati axis, through their network of banksters and Freemasons, controlled the Bolshevik operation.
— In February 1917, an artificially induced bread shortage accompanied orchestrated rioting in Petrograd (then Russia’s capital). In a “false flag,” the mobs were machine-gunned from hidden positions; the casualties were blamed on the Czar. […]
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