REPORT: Colorado State dropped $107,000 to identify instances of racism, only to find none

  • Colorado State University spent $107,000 investigating its athletics department for racism.
  • Although the investigation found little to no evidence suggesting a continued problem with racism, the university announced that it would follow the investigators’ guidelines to institute more diversity training anyway.

By Benjamin Zeisloft | 15 January 2021

CAMPUS REFORM — Colorado State University spent $107,000 on a fruitless investigation into racism allegations within its athletics department.

According to the Denver Post, the university paid law firm Husch Blackwell $107,397.50 for more than 304.6 billable hours of services rendered, resulting in an hourly rate of $371.14. The invoice noted that the firm gave CSU a “discount” of percent.

In October, Campus Reform reported that the university hired the investigators to look into issues related to COVID-19 policy compliance and alleged racial bias.

“The investigators found that most student-athletes who participated in the investigation disputed allegations of pervasive racial inequities or harassment within their athletic team or the Athletic Department more broadly,” explained CSU President Joyce McConnell.

“Few individuals alleged that such incidents were widespread or tolerated by current coaching staff,” she added.

In spite of the scant evidence for a continued problem with racism, Husch Blackwell recommended that the university “continue or supplement diversity and inclusion training University-wide, with a special focus on the Athletics Department, to advance empathy-building, racial sensitivity and cultural understanding.” […]

2 Comments on REPORT: Colorado State dropped $107,000 to identify instances of racism, only to find none

  1. The objective of all the money for investigation of racism, diversity and inclusion training is to disenfranchise white people, especially White Men from the countries they founded. Doesn’t matter what country it is, the result will be the same as we can see with our own eyes. In other words, it’s reverse racism with industrial strength.

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