By Edward G. Griffin | 14 May 2020
NEED TO KNOW/GATEWAY PUNDIT — Restaurants in Washington state must keep a log of each dine-in customer to facilitate contact tracing. The log must be maintained for 30 days and must include each customer’s telephone number and email address, and what time they came in to eat. It is presumed that when an person comes near a tracked Covid carrier, they will be forced into quarantine until they test negative.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the city of New Orleans are reportedly creating a “new normal” by forcing bars and restaurants to collect customers’ names and contact information in order to reopen their businesses for customers who dine inside. In Austin, Texas, restaurants will track customers personal information and note exactly when they ate, where they ate, and which employees served them. In order to reopen, Kansas City, Missouri is demanding that businesses record the names, contact information, and approximate entry/exit time of customers who spend more than 10 minutes in establishments such as a churches, salons and restaurants.
Restaurants and businesses will become de facto government spies, keeping personal information of customers for thirty days. […]
This is just staggering! Following your link, I found this in one of the comments:
In New Zealand, a restaurant worker used the contact tracing info a customer left to hit on her:
“I had to put my details on their contact tracing form which I didn’t think anything of. It asked for my name, home address, email address and phone number so I put all those details down,” she tells Newshub.
Except in Jess’s case she didn’t just take away a sandwich from the Subway restaurant she was at. She also got a Facebook request, Instagram request, Facebook messenger approach and a text from the guy who served her, using her contact tracing details.
“I felt pretty gross, he made me feel really uncomfortable,” she says.
“He’s contacting me, I didn’t ask him to do that, I don’t want that.
“I’m lucky that I live with quite a few people because if that was me by myself at home – he knows my address you know – I’d feel really, really scared. Even now I feel a bit creeped out and vulnerable.”
Question after watching a linked video: Why is every political speech in the USA now ruined by sign language actors waving their arms around? Are they preparing us for Mass Deafness or what? What’s wrong with plain old subtitles?
Some say there is a real epidemic of deafness caused by noise pollution worldwide. But it seems to me that the sign language actors are just there to confuse and distract the viewers from the speaker. It’s a very strange, disturbing and recent “fashion”, and I don’t understand the real purpose of it.
It reminds me of all the £millions lavished on installing special bumpy paving stones on every street corner in Britain, just in case a blind person came along. But there aren’t that many blind people walking around anywhere, and when they do, they always have either a guide dog, a stick, or a helper. Blind people rarely ever use those special bumpy paving stones, so what was the point of wasting all that taxpayers’ hard-earned money? Sometimes the whole disability thing seems like a scam.