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Michael ‘Big Short’ Burry Blasts ‘Unjustifiable’ Lockdowns As ‘Most Devastating Economic Force In History’

By Tyler Durden | 7 April 2020

ZERO HEDGE — Infamous for his painful but ultimately profitable “big short” bet against mortgage-backed securities during the 2008 financial crisis, Michael Burry, the doctor-turned-hedge-fund-manager has been on a multi-day Twitter rant claiming that the lockdowns intended to contain the COVID-19 pandemic are worse than the disease itself.

Echoing the thoughts of many, Burry opined in a series of tweets over the past two weeks that the government-enforced lockdowns and business shutdowns across America may trigger one of the country’s deepest-ever economic contractions, and further still, are not necessary to contain the epidemic (on March 22nd).

COVID-19 policy cannot be settled by CYA politicians career ID docs. Too much hammer/nail and too little common sense. 

POTUS must reflect the interests of the working class and small business here – the economy cannot crash 30% to save the 0.2%.

Set America Free!

If COVID-19 testing were universal, the fatality rate would be less than 0.2%.

This is no justification for sweeping government policies, lacking any and all nuance, that destroy the lives, jobs, and businesses of the other 99.8%.

Furthermore, Burry – who earned his M.D. at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine – has also dared to say that some controversial treatments for COVID-19, such as the malaria drug hydroxycloroquine, should be made more widely available (on March 24)[…]

2 Comments on Michael ‘Big Short’ Burry Blasts ‘Unjustifiable’ Lockdowns As ‘Most Devastating Economic Force In History’

  1. It’s all about the global collapse and the rising of the NWO, OWG. Mask wearing zombies are to stupid to see it and do anything about it. Us free thinkers are on our own.

  2. Here in Colorado our precious anal sex practicing governor, said one death is too many.
    One death.
    DIA is open flying people in from everywhere.
    On a different note,in Dec I had an operation.
    So every monday I do labs.
    Asked the girls in the office every week,” how many are admitted with china virus.
    Last 3 weeks running,NOBODY!!!!!
    And these girls have friends on every floor.
    Thanks for letting me rant.

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