‘Trolling Trump’? Pope Donates $500K to Help Migrants Trying to Reach US

Guatemalan migrants wait to enter Mexico. PHOTO: Panama Post

28 April 2019

RT — In a move that many have interpreted as a shot across the bow of US President Donald Trump, Pope Francis has donated $500,000 to help Central American migrants stranded in Mexico as they try to reach America.

The aid is specifically intended to assist 75,000 people who arrived in Mexico last year as part of six migrant caravans.

The donation will be taken from the Catholic Church’s Peter’s Pence fund, from church collections around the world. Peter’s Pence said in a statement that aid to migrants by governments and private individuals has dropped as global media coverage of the crisis decreased.

“All these people were stranded, unable to enter the United States, without a home or livelihood,” Peter’s Pence said. “The Catholic Church hosts thousands of them in hotels within the dioceses or religious congregations, providing basic necessities, from housing to clothing.” […]

2 Comments on ‘Trolling Trump’? Pope Donates $500K to Help Migrants Trying to Reach US

  1. So Trump cuts all aid to these central American countries that are producing the caravans but increases aid for Israel “that never has done a thing for us ” (except drag us into wars). Since Trump knew that cutting aid would produce refugees he knew the caravans would be coming…..he helped create them. That is what his Likud masters want. It’s another Trumpenstein Punch and Judy show. The Pope plays his part in the charade by playing NWO good guy….unless you are a Trump supporter, then you find him subversive (which he is). Both are just players in the Rothschild blueprint for world domination. The Rothschilds funded the crime syndicate of Israel and the Vatican bank is just a modern Rothschild bank. Everyone is on the payroll. So lets sit back and “enjoy” the show….as long as they allow us to stay alive.

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