Disturbing Study Finds That Humans are Getting Progressively Dumber – IQ Points Now Dropping by 7 Points With Each New Generation

IMAGE: Imdb.com

By Andrew Cheetham | 7 October 2018

DAVID ICKE — The dumbing down of civilization has been codified in a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. A pair of researchers from Norway found that average IQ levels are dropping precipitously, and that with each new generation, people in general are becoming progressively less intelligent.

After evaluating the test scores of more than 730,000 young men, the Norwegian duo learned that IQ levels are dropping by about seven points per generation. These findings mirror those uncovered by a separate by related study out of Great Britain, which revealed that IQ levels have been dropping by between 2.5 – 4.3 points per decade ever since the end of World War II.

This is a sharp contrast to the state of human intelligence during the first half of the Twentieth century, when average IQ scores were rising at a steady rate. So what might be the cause of this sudden change where we’re seeing people becoming dumber rather than smarter? […]

3 Comments on Disturbing Study Finds That Humans are Getting Progressively Dumber – IQ Points Now Dropping by 7 Points With Each New Generation

    • I imagine there will be a time in the not-so-distant future when they will make it impossible to turn off devices altogether. But first, they have to make us dependent on them — and we’re getting to that point at a pretty good clip. More and more recently, I’ve been told that I have to use a cell phone app to manage my accounts, such as banking and cable services.

  1. I’ve actually done quite a lot of research into this issue. And in addition to media, public school and university education, vaccines, fluoride, mercury amalgams, aluminum, MSG and GMO foods all are major causes of lower IQ in western societies.
    There has been a concentrated effort by ‘a certain group’ of the criminal class that has been inflicting this covert poisoning of America for over 100 years.
    It has been very focused over the last 30 years and has resulted in official and “scientific” denials and legislation such as mandatory vaccine laws.
    Members of my own family have been vaccine injured while others are in complete denial.

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