There are at least three layers to interpret HBO’s science fiction tour de force – as a foundation for transhumanism, as mind control programming, and as the trap of reincarnation.
By David Nova | 14 December 2017
DEUS NEXUS — I’m quite late to this analysis, however I just finished viewing season one of HBO’s spellbinding series, Westworld. I’m a sucker for intelligent, well-written science fiction. Unlike any other genre, science fiction has the potential to create metaphors for multilayered interpretations – Here we have the obvious (transhumanism), the occulted (mind control), but also the transcendent (escaping the reincarnation cycle).
That’s not to say the overall message this show delivers is emotionally healthy or spiritually uplifting. However, it is extremely thought-provoking, and any television show that actually encourages us to think, to reflect on the human condition, instead of absorbing entertainment like a sponge, helps to raise our consciousness, as long as we are asking the right questions and maintaining our personal integrity and morality.
And that’s a huge hidden theme within this series, maintaining one’s personal integrity and morality, or rather the lack thereof. It’s a theme repeated again and again, that the “guests” visit Westworld to discover who they truly are – which is basically to discover that they have a secret inner psychopath waiting to break loose. That’s perhaps the real message the psychopathic elite wish to spread to the sleeping viewing public. […]
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