Posse of Four Cover Syria and Methods of Infiltration

Russ was being kicked off the Zoom call by Yandex which he just installed. Had to uninstall to join show at about the 52 minute mark.

I offer my theories on how Syria’s 300,000 man army folded like a pup tent.

Show is here.  It is in audio mp3 form. Technical issues are being worked out to place it later on Bitchute. If resolved I will replace the mp3.

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5 Comments on Posse of Four Cover Syria and Methods of Infiltration

  1. Great discussion guys. I 100% agree with Russ on Syria, the whole thing was staged and Russia was in on it. Don’t think for a second that Putin didn’t know it was coming, the Russians have the best intel in the world, shame on Scott Ritter for implying they didn’t know and making it seem like these world events just randomly happen without backroom deals being made by rich and powerful men at the highest levels, is Ritter that naive? Or does he pretend to be?

    After listening to Scott Ritter I now consider him to be controlled opposition. He says a lot of the right things but then refuses to acknowledge that both ISIS and Al Qaeda are CIA creations. He also wants us to believe that the Syrian rebels just took over the country with no assistance and that no one saw it coming………sure Scott. Anyone who doesn’t realize that rich powerful and evil men plot and scheme with each other in secret to orchestrate world events is not worth listening to and has no credibility, and as far as I’m concerned, after the nonsense Scott spewed he now falls under that category.

  2. Everyone keeps saying that the Jews run the New World Order, and that may be the case. But there are some, like Dr. John Coleman in his book the Committee of 300, who state that the hofjuden (Court Jews) are actually subservient to the British, who are the real masters of the NWO, but there are others like the author of this website that claim the world is actually ruled by the Northern Italian Black Nobility!


    According to this website, the Jews and Brits answer to powerful and ancient Northern Italian families like the Orsini, Aldobrandini, Medici, Sforza and Colona. Some of these families trace their origins back to the Roman empire and inherited the wealth of ancient Rome. The Aldobrandini are more powerful than the Rothschild but intermarried with them.

    In 1974 Olympia Aldobrandini married Rene de Rothschild you can see their wedding photos here:


    There is a real possibility that it is actually the Italians, not the Jews or Brits, that run the NWO. Ancient Rome conquered Western Europe and Britain and ruled over it for hundreds of years. The city of London was founded by the Italians and originally called Londinium. This was hundreds of years before the Anglo Saxons arrived on the British Isles. Although the Roman empire fell, its wealth would remain in the hands of powerful Italian families and would be passed down to the modern era. This would make these families incredibly powerful. The Silk Road also passed through Italy, adding to the wealth of Genoa and Venice.

    It is said the Italian American Mafia is ruled by Northern Italian Black Nobility who intermarried with the Khazars. Also, in the world of organized crime Italian American mobsters traditionally dominated Jewish gangsters. Anyone who knows anything about the Mafia knows that Meyer Lanksy worked with Lucky Lucianio but Luciano was more powerful and had the final say. So I’m not 100 percent sure the Jews run the NWO, it might actually be the Italians!

      • I’m not convinced that the Jews and Brits intermarried strategically. I’m willing to accept that you know a great deal more than I do, but it appears to me (especially with the benefit of hindsight) that the Jews intermarried strategically with the Brits who were typically operating purely tactically. In other words this was not some kind of joint operation – the Jews had a masterplan and the Brits were dupes.

        My version suggests that

        Back in the day Cromwell took Jewish money to finance his takeover. The Jews planned to establish a global empire by infiltrating Britain, creating a central bank and corporations.

        Following some political reverses which saw the Stuarts back on the throne, the Jews financed the glorious revolution to bring in William of Orange. Six years after that the bank of England was established and thereafter they grew their power assiduously through the city while pretending to integrate into England. They gradually intermarried with the British aristocracy using seduction and cash to worm their way in.

        Once ensconced they were able to pull many British conspirators into a plan to extend the British empire to cover the whole globe. The Brits were thoroughly convinced of the nobility of this goal – but IMO they were duped. By this time Rothschild was firmly in charge and they could not care two hoots for the British empire expect inasmuchas it was a tool for them to further their own aims. Cecil Rhodes for example appears to have been fooled by Rothschild in exactly the way he himself proposed in his will to fool others with his secret society.

        Obviously today it is obvious that these Brits were used and discarded with Britain bereft of empire, wealth, and influence while The Jews moved their center of power to New York.

        One question I would very much like to know more about is Jewish involvement in the East India company. I have heard it suggested on more than one occasion that Jews were very influential within the East India company – but have not been able to run down much in the way of evidence. Is there anything anyone could point me at?

        • Jewish financial and business interests were key participants in the imperialist enterprise. For example, the Indian railroad network that Sassoon helped to finance was closely integrated into the imperial administration. The Sassoons, in turn, utilized the British imperial system as the point of the spear in the Chinese opium trade.

          Precursor To The Global Crime Syndicate: The 19th-Century Opium Trade https://www.winterwatch.net/2024/05/precursor-to-the-global-crime-syndicate-the-19th-century-opium-trade/

          Foreign trade (largely drugs) with China was organized by the Morgans, by the National City Bank and, by Kuhn and Loeb. Later, the International Banking Corporation, led by railway king Edward H. Harriman and Isaac Guggenheimer, began the economic “exploitation” of China. Jacob Schiff, Morgan, Kuhn, Loeb and Harriman made fortunes out of railway construction in that country.

          Other points of the spear to lock this system down was tribe member Julius Reuter’s wire service, which functioned as the command and control mechanism of the British imperialist government.

          See this post for more references: The Foundation and Development of British-Judeo Bankster Money Power https://www.winterwatch.net/2023/05/the-foundations-and-development-of-british-judeo-bankster-money-power/

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