Celebrities Starkly Demonstrate Twisted Materialistic Luciferian Belief System

Are the following celebrities the type of people who should have any influence on the public psyche, especially that of children? Beyond being egotistical prima donnas, do they have anything to bring to the table at all?

We have been weighing in of late on Kanye West aka Ye’s performance art. And despite our hopes that he was turning over a new leaf, we now have serious doubts, especially after his Milo / Mar Lago shitstorm and Alex Jones appearance. And we really doubt if Ye has dropped a billion, as he can still be seen flying around with his posse (handlers?) on private jets.

The 3 Stooges of the future- ‘Ye’ and Alex Jones

Hat’s off to an organization called PETA, which has pursued animal-cruelty skullduggery. Rapper Kanye West slammed PETA’s president for calling him a “pathetic idiot” for wearing a full-length lynx pelt coat in Paris during Men’s Fashion Week. Kanye posted a response to PETA’s attack on his blog (which has now been removed): 

“I’m briefly saddened by negative comments, but I have to remember those people are scared, incapable or just plain idiots. We are the f**king rock stars baby. It’s funny to me when fashion bloggers down our outfits and then super jock outlandish s**t on the runway but they dress mad prude and don’t live fashion.”

Next, watch as he plays the standard hate card and portrays himself as the victim. Very juvenile.  

See; [Nature of the Threat: Black Gangsta Hip Hop and Rap] and [Putting the Word ‘Hate’ into Proper Context]

Kim Kardashian-West

“Very few human beings are strong enough to take constant hate. If we don’t do what you feel is the s**t, you beat us up verbally and mentally. At the end of the day, who are we hurting? Since Barack is president blacks don’t like fur coats, red leather and fried chicken anymore? Remember clothing is a choice. We were born naked! Fresh is an opinion, love is objective, taste is selective and expression is my favorite elective.”

Well, it’s also our prerogative to boycott your music and ignore you, Kanye.

As Bruce Lee once said, “Addiction to things, outside of our self is the best distraction from looking within ourselves, the doorway to spirituality, the master intelligence, also needed to see the matrix.”

According to furriers, 70% of fashion catwalk shows featured fur. Twenty-five years ago, it would have been unheard of. To wear fur in Britain would have been to risk public censure and perhaps even have paint thrown all over you.

Lady Gaga
Linsay Lohan, snakeskin handbag from Dolce & Gabbana.

The fur industry re-branded itself with a stealthy, sustained and, some might say, deeply cynical campaign aimed at young women. If the radical pro-fur swing in attitudes among the new generation is anything go by, the industry’s campaign is working. A 2013 YouGov poll found just 58% of 18 to 24 year olds believed it wrong to use fur in fashion compared to 77% of those over age 55. It’s a triumph of marketing over heart and substance.

The fashion industry does this by giving celebrities the goods to wear gratis. So it is money not real choice driving these fashion decisions. Snake souls–snake skins, mystery solved.

Jennifer Lopez – Zagliani Crocodile Puffy bag ($12,000-$14,500)

Each year, an estimated 50 million animals are killed on fur farms, which account for 85% of all pelts.

“The animals — who are housed in unbearably small cages — live with fear, stress, disease, parasites and other physical and psychological hardships…” PETA reports.

The group adds that the animals are killed in very inhumane ways, such as by electrocution, gassing or poisoning in order to preserve the quality of the pelts above all else.

13 Comments on Celebrities Starkly Demonstrate Twisted Materialistic Luciferian Belief System

  1. If I remember right, getting the masses infatuated with luxury and fashion is a ploy from the Protocols of Zion. Americans and much of the “free” world, all aspire to millionaire status believing such materialism will fulfill their lives. Spirituality takes a back seat in the rat race. Morality has become passé and situational. It’s okay to cheat in an election so long as your guy wins. This dystopian society we live in is as weird and spooky as anything author Phillip K. Dick (Minority Report, Blade Runner, et al) could ever dream up.

    • Protocols of Zion comes from Priory of Sion, near Geneva
      “et al” is used for lists of people, “et cetera” for things

    • That’s a dumb thing to say. Fine…

      Anyone who’s never assembled a computer shouldn’t use one.
      Anyone who isn’t a mechanic shouldn’t drive a car.
      You didn’t build your house? Get out!
      You’ve never grown vegetables? Spit them out!
      You can’t play instruments and sing? Shut off that music!

      You’re funny. Are you one of these lunatic vegans or just a really cool hunter/butcher?

      • Tried vegetarianism, but couldn’t handle it. Couldn’t be a vegan if my life depended on it or if meat/dairy became somehow unavailable. When we had our son we decided we’d let him make the choice, so we went back to eating meat. There is a reason God created cows, etc. and why He wants us to have “dominion” over them.

      • Hammy overstates a point of some validity: it’s called “division of labor” a phenomenon that has long been thought to introduce “inauthenticity” (a form of fraud) to human life.

        It’s the difference between “starting” breakfast by walking to the hog pen as the rising sun breaks over the horizon and scuffling in to the grocery store with your face in your device.

        asdasdffasd has come to terms with the division of labor – Hammy is holding out!

  2. Part of this obsession with animal hides these days may be rooted in the occult and a form of dominance over another living soul.

    Please do not get me wrong, I am all for natural fibers (cotton, wool, silk and the like). Current factory made fibers are a part to the eugenics model of depopulation (think about the wash and wear / stay press shirt – that formaldehyde may make the shirt look good, but could make you look very sick over time).

    As for the poll cited, I do wonder what the break-up would have been if the poll had been conducted in Russia? My guess is that the results / outcome would have been different.

  3. I support PETA and have provided financial contributions for years. These “stars” are pure scum. Make no mistake.

  4. Don’t forget that celebrity hypocrites will always forget the fact that they (if not eating animal blood-adrenochrome-cannibal-club like Katy Perry) believe it is their right to have animals slaughtered for their fashion fettishes but God forbid any of us “deplorables” wear shoes made from leather or suede! As it says in my novels:

    “….the watchword of his father’s new order was hypocrisy. Protection of nature really meant protection of the right of the rich to plunder nature while denying access to the masses.”


  5. So a sweet baby calf (likely on a factory farm pen just big enough to keep that sweet calf away from its mother and longing to die due to torture) is killed for the sake of a (likely) satanist, Beyonce? Just another reason I never want to be a celebrity (even a wealthy one)–I don’t want to be a hypocrite! (Plus, with the way calves are treated on factory farms, I no longer eat veal. Haven’t since I saw a documentary about factory farms. And not just calves are tortured, as the pix show above. I love rabbits! We’ve got many out here in the rural remote of far west Texas).

  6. Actor’s Guild of ritual ‘arts’

    Secret ritual Oaths exchanged for luxurious material lives
    Outward behaviour, manners; betraying what they really are and of course what they hide,
    Though if it were not so
    hidden in Plain Sight,
    We would not have seen
    what they always were,
    The Fickle mob shall not
    know a bloody thing,
    Unecessarily kept dumbed down,
    With their ‘sophisticated’ play acting, celebrities, musicians,
    supporting actors, playrights,
    Are avowed,
    And yet belong to elite and hideous Crown

    So the righteous masses
    now versus,
    This heinous satanic fake nobility,
    Struggle of ages – Karmic written verses
    Now curiously benefits semi enlightened,
    Previous numb and wretched
    Those ranting sychophant agents
    are but greedy Luciferian pawns
    With script, face and masks
    in one hand
    The other hidden, tho reveals;
    A Bond to occult subversive band

    With radio, film and tel-lie-vision,
    You could not otherwise see
    What Mind Control agendas have actually been written,
    The whole world in numbing trance, to then agree..
    We have not been given time,
    To realise their inadvertent message,
    Tho the apple has been bitten
    Masonic rites of passage

    Remember this the forefathers told us,
    People sadly are invariably not always,
    what they present themselves to be

    The skill therein lies within,
    An extremely well funded and
    over paid,

    ability to deceive us

    Kurt Hubbard-Beale
    August 28th 2021
    During covid 19 lockdown

    The PoetTree
    Awaken Poetry. Awareness Poetry. Geopolitical. Philosophical. Music. Shared

  7. The lowest common denominator to every facet of the matrix is the Jews. The Wizards of Oz. Those who have not pulled back the curtain will continue to be led here and there. Ad nauseam.

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