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The Assassination of President McKinley: More Hidden History of the Usual Suspects

The last portrait of President William McKinley in Buffalo, NY, on Sept. 5, 1901.

On Sept. 6, 1901, in Buffalo, New York, anarchist Leon Czolgosz fatally shot U.S. President William McKinley. He died from the gunshot wound eight days later.

During this era in America, there were a series of high-value assassinations committed by individuals who history refers to as “anarchists,” who were looking to upset the ruling order.

Winter Watch suggests that McKinley (1843-1901) may have in fact been a target of the usual suspects — headed by Jacob Schiff, JP Morgan and the Rothschilds — because he was a strong proponent of sound money, opposed central banking and utilized protectionism for American goods. McKinley could also be characterized as an America Firster nationalist, as opposed to an internationalist.

One frequent opponent Sen. George Hoar of Massachusetts acknowledged that McKinley’s “great wisdom and tact and his delightful individual quality” gave him unusual influence.

At 58, the son of an Ohio iron-worker and very popular and capable, McKinley would have been a powerful influence over the subsequent fifteen years in the plans of the budding Crime Syndicate’s New World Order.

Czolgosz (1873 -1901) shot McKinley twice at point-blank range with a covered revolver. Security was non-existent as the shooter came through a receiving line at the Temple of Music at the Buffalo, New York Pan-American Exposition. As assassinations go, this was an easy operation.

George Cortelyou, President McKinley’s Assassination and the Panic of 1907

Questionable Medical Treatment

Although the wound was serious, the medical attention was incompetent. The ambulance carrying McKinley went to the Exposition hospital at 4:25 p.m. Though it usually dealt only with the minor medical issues of fair-goers, the hospital did have an operating theatre. At the time of the shooting, no fully qualified doctor was at the hospital, only nurses and interns.

Even though the POTUS was at the fair, the best surgeon in the city was the Exposition’s medical director, Dr. Roswell Park, who was away in Niagara Falls performing a neck operation. When interrupted during the procedure on Sept. 6 and told he was needed in Buffalo, he responded that he could not leave, not even for the president of the United States.

The first physician to arrive at the hospital was Dr. Herman Mynter. With Park unavailable and with the fading afternoon light (the major source of illumination in the operating room), another surgeon, Dr. Matthew D. Mann, arrived to assist. The decision was made to operate at once to try to remove the remaining bullet. Mann was a noted gynecologist but had no experience in trauma surgery.

To increase the lighting, sunlight was reflected onto the wound by another physician. Finally, toward the end of the surgery, a better light was rigged. The hospital lacked even basic surgical equipment, such as retractors. Mann did little probing of the wound to find the bullet. His work was complicated by the fact that the president was obese. The stomach displayed both an entry and exit wound. Mann sewed up both holes in the organ but could not find the bullet itself. As the operation concluded, the experienced surgeon, Dr. Park, arrived from Niagara Falls, but he was unwilling to intervene.

Rather than being removed to a better hospital, McKinley was then taken to the home of John Milburn to convalesce, or in reality to die. The next day, McKinley seemed to be recovering and was conversational. The main issue the patient faced was gangrene from the failure to track the bullet path and find the round. To deal with this, an X-ray machine, accompanied by a trained operator, was sent by its inventor, Thomas Edison. However, it was not used on the president on orders of the doctors in charge of McKinley’s case.

Following a week of more neglect, in the early morning of Sept. 13, McKinley suffered a collapse. By 2:15 a.m. on the 14th, he was dead. As the autopsy would reveal, gangrene was growing on the walls of his stomach and toxins were passing into his blood. The same curious crew of Mynter and Mann also handled the autopsy, and still they couldn’t find the bullet.

Winter Watch Takeaway: Was there a hidden hand behind this malpractice?

Leon Czolgosz, President William McKinley’s assassin, after his arrest. Does this hokey looking photo even look like Czolgosz?

The Case of Assassin Leon Czolgosz

When McKinley was shot, there were hundreds of eyewitnesses. There was no doubt or sleight of hand regarding the culprit. Czolgosz quickly confessed his guilt but was not cooperative with investigators even after being administered a third-degree beating. Czolgosz seems to be operating under a strict code of “omerta” (silence) and was resigned to his death. He didn’t cooperate or even speak to his defense attorneys. A St. Louis Post-Dispatch article from Oct. 29, 1901, states the Czolgosz was isolated and was denied his mail.

The trial and execution were all over in six weeks. He was electrocuted on Oct. 29, 1901. Like Jack Ruby, he never revealed the conspiracy and projected the lone-nut theory. Sulfuric acid was poured into Czolgosz’s coffin so that his body would be completely disfigured. His brother asked for the body, but Czolgosz was buried in an unmarked grave on the prison grounds.

A New York Times article dated Sept. 8, 1901, states:

The general theory now held by the detectives is that a circle of Czolgosz’s associates plotted the murder of President McKinley, and that he was picked by lot or induced by persuasion to carry out the conspiracy. They say that he lacks the shrewdness to have planned and executed the crime as he did.

Emma Goldman: An Inspiration or a Plotter?

Czolgosz, who stemmed from a Polish-Catholic background, claimed he was inspired to commit his deed by the radical anarchist firebrand and Russian-Lithuanian Jewess Emma Goldman (1869-1940).

[NYT cont.] Walter Nowak was brought to Police Headquarters this morning. He is a cigar dealer, and also a Polish newspaper man of Chicago. He says he knows Czolgosz well, and corroborates the statement that the latter was inspired to his cowardly act by Emma Goldman. 

“I knew him in Cleveland,” said Nowak. “He belonged to several secret societies, and one of them was Anarchistic. I think the idea of assassination had been turning in his mind for some time, as that sort of business is what is taught in the society to which he belongs.

Czolgosz said that he met Goldman for the first time during one of her lectures in Cleveland, Ohio, in May 1901. After the lecture, Czolgosz approached the speakers’ platform and asked her for reading recommendations.

In the June 2, 1901, issue of anarchist rag Free Society appeared an eulogistic article by Emma Goldman honoring Gaetono Bresci, the anarchist who assassinated the King of Italy.

Why did Czolgosz travel all the way to Chicago? Murky Chicago story doesn’t add up.

On the afternoon of July 12, 1901, Czolgosz visited Goldman at the home of Abraham Isaak, publisher of the newspaper Free Society, in Chicago and introduced himself as “Fred Nieman” (nobody/orphan). But Goldman was on her way to the train station. He only had enough time to explain to her about his disappointment in Cleveland’s socialists and for Goldman to introduce him to her anarchist friends who were at the train station. 

However, in Free Society on Oct. 6, 1901, in an op-ed article written by Abraham Isaak, he noted that on July 12, 1901, the day of Goldman’s departure for Buffalo, Goldman pointed Czolgosz out to Isaak at the station as being a young man who desired to speak to Isaak.

Winter Watch Takeway: So we are asked to believe that Czolgosz traveled from Cleveland to Chicago but Goldman “got out of Dodge” (to go to Buffalo — what a cowinkydink)– just as he arrived. But she just so happened to offer him some key introductions to other likely plotters in her crew as the train pulled out. Yeah, right.

Goldman later wrote a piece in defense of Czolgosz. Another member of her Jewish anarchist group, Julius Edelson, was quoted by the New York police as saying, “No matter how much Czolgolz has been damned for his good work, we know that he was a great man. He was a true hero.”

Even so, Goldman’s colleague Isaak felt compelled to concoct a back story and diversion about Czolgosz days before the assassination. Did they know something was up? Free Society issued a doth-protest-too-loudly warning pertaining to Czolgosz on Sept. 1 (the shooting was on Sept. 6). What a strange convoluted story! 

ATTENTION! The attention of the comrades is called to another spy. He is well dressed, of medium height, rather narrow shoulders, blond and about 25 years of age. Up to the present he has made his appearance in Chicago and Cleveland. In the former place he remained but a short time, while in Cleveland he disappeared when the comrades had confirmed themselves of his identity and were on the point of exposing him. His demeanor is of the usual sort, pretending to be greatly interested in the cause, asking for names or soliciting aid for acts of contemplated violence. If this same individual makes his appearance elsewhere the comrades are warned in advance, and can act accordingly.

In the previously referenced St, Louis Dispatch article of Oct. 29, 1901, the warden of the prison attempted a last-ditch interrogation of Czolgosz during which the inmate let slip a reference to “someone in Chicago.” Would this be Abraham Issak or one of his conspirators?

Who gave you the money to get to Buffalo? ”
LC: “No one. A man in Chicago wanted to see me, and I went there from Cleveland.”

“Who was the man?” pursued the superintendent.
LC: “I don’t remember his name.”

“Do you remember where he lived?”
LC: “No. I don’t know the names of the streets there.”

“How did you get to Buffalo from Chicago? Did this man pay your fare?”
LC: “No, sir. I had some money I earned at painting and carpenter work.”

“Didn’t this man in Chicago and some others tell you to kill the president?” asked Mr. Collins.
LC: “No, they did not. I thought it out myself.”

Earlier, Czolgosz had claimed that when he reached Chicago, a boy whom he did not know approached him at the depot and handed him a packet of money. He said the money was for use on the Buffalo trip but that he never knew who sent it to him or the identity of the lad who delivered it. In the warden’s interrogation, Czolgosz tried to backtrack on this statement. But soon after the Chicago trip this penniless drifter somehow purchased a revolver.

Goldman was not a U.S. citizen and was implicated in the plot to murder industrialist Henry Frick during the contentious Homestead Strike of 1892. Goldman’s lover, Lithuanian Jew Alexander Berkman, shot Frick three times and stabbed him twice. However, Frick survived the attack. Berkman was imprisoned for 10 years. But Goldman, as always, seemed to skirt serious jail time. She was denied U.S. citizenship in 1908 and finally deported back to Russia in 1919. Eventually, she and Berkman moved on to Paris.

In the U.S., Goldman’s Jewish-anarchist crowd had hung out at Sach’s Cafe on Suffolk Street, their headquarters in New York City’s Lower East Side. This is where Trotsky, with Jacob Schiff’s financial support, had recruited many communist Jews to travel with him to Russia to incite the October Revolution of 1917. [See: “Firebrand Bolshevik Leon Trotsky: Fully Backed by International Banksters and the Pedo British War Party.”]

Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman in 1917

Winter Watch Takeaway: Emma Goldman and her crew were key suspects in the plot to murder President William McKinley. The internationalist banksters utilizing these radicals had ample motive to remove McKinley and replace him with a much more friendly New York politician, Theodore Roosevelt. To our eye, the story today looks whitewashed and hidden. We suspect, like many at the time, that Czolgosz was probably the miserable instrument of stronger minds.

Podcast: Tim Kelly, Russ Winter Examine the Widely Ignored Assassinations of McKinley, Patton and Forrestal

13 Comments on The Assassination of President McKinley: More Hidden History of the Usual Suspects

  1. I wonder if Czolgosz actually was electrocuted…it was early technology few understood and it would be easy to fake the death. The fact his body was ‘disfigured’ and buried in a mystery grave leads me to suspect he was able to get away and start a new identity with his reward.

    Members of the crowd attacked Czolgosz before he was arrested possibly preventing him being spirited away in the confusion.

    The fact he was silent throughout the trial leads me to suspect he knew the plan.

    Emma Goldman subsequently wrote McKinley was the “president of the money kings and trust magnates,” in an inflammatory piece “The Tragedy at Buffalo”, an early example of confusing the rubes prior to the Jekyll Island disaster… reminds me of the MSM today…

    • Marxists oddly never turned down tricks and favors from rich sympathetic capitalists and their millions. Rothschilds funded the Paris Commune, Armand Hammer funding Russia. Maybe The bankers knew something we didn’t…

    • I wonder if McKinley really was shot and really died. They didn’t X rayed him, remember. Maybe there was no bullet in him. Maybe he was just silently retired to his estate.

      • Thanks for this article. I’m related to the McKinley’s by his wife’s bloodline as McKinley had no children. I’ve thought him a decent president but perhaps a little weak allowing the press to pressure him on international policies.

        • I see an ad hominem against me (CIA, really?), and straw man arguments altering what I presented. I see a whole bunch of disjointed genealogy but McKinley was largely Scots-Irish not peerage. McKinley was never in banking, he was a soldier, a lawyer and was elected at a young age to Congress. His family was in iron making in Ohio.

          Mathis says he was quite ill. If so why not just resign, rather than fake an assassination in front of hundreds of onlookers? Apparently he was well enough to go on a tour.

          Cortelyou was much more than a mere secretary. He was effectively the chief of staff, and went on to be head of the RNC in 1904 and its key fundraiser, before becoming Secretary of Treasury just in time to be JP Morgan’s errand boy in the Panic of 07.

          Cortelyou stood next to McKinley for his final photo- not during the actual shots. Mathis misrepresents this.

          Mathis may be over the target on Czolgosz’s background, who was definitely sketchy and may have been slipped out the back door.

  2. In 1900, Ambrose Bierce wrote a poem that was published in the newspaper he worked for:
    The bullet that pierced Goebel’s breast
    Can not be found in all the West
    Good reason, it is speeding here
    To stretch McKinley on his bier.
    In 1901 with McKinley’s death, the poem created a fervor in San Francisco’s Bohemian Club and across America. Secretary of State Elihu Root accused W.R. Hearst of having called for McKinley’s death, and Hearst newspapers were banned from the club. Hearst, Bierce and 14 other of Hearst’s employees resigned from the Bohemian Club in protest.
    Was this predictive programming more than 100 years ago? Or was Bierce trying to warn the president? I vote for the latter after having read several of Bierce’s works. He was a very cynical writer. He hung out at the Bohemian club with other writers such as Jack London. I’ sure he heard rumors of the assassination plot.

  3. Theodore Roosevelt, who succeeded McKinley, may well have been part of the plot. He worked hand-in-glove with J.P. Morgan- starting the Spanish-American war, building a gigantic imperialist navy, agitating for US involvement in WW1.
    Roosevelt’s public image is that of a good guy, but he was a thoroughly evil man.
    Leon Czolgosz was not from a working class background- his father, Paul Czolgosz was a Freemason. Czolgosz is likely a made-up name, there being no one else on the planet with that particular name.

    • Wikipedia lies about Leon’s father, Paul, claiming that he was a religious Catholic. Paul was a freemason, and Catholics were specifically forbidden from becoming freemasons. Leon, the name he gave his son, was a Jewish ‘hero name’ at the time. Crypto-jew and Rothschild agent Leon Gambetta brought about a bitter five month conflict between France and Germany in the fall of 1870, after the Franco-German war had essentially been concluded at the battle of Sedan. The subsequent Rothschild-planned Paris Commune further ensured an embittered and humiliated France.
      Executive summary? Leon was almost certainly a Jew, otherwise Ziopedia wouldn’t bother with lying about him.

  4. I smoked the enemy of President McKinley, Mr. Hoar’s law firm – Goodwin & Proctor & Hoar, like a cigarette in the Liberty Tree Mall Litigation.

  5. On reading this a second time (I read it in 2018) this assassination reminds me of Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin’s (according Barry Chamish’s “Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?” book I purchased in 2019)….when he got to a hospital which took a long time to get to, the medical staff present was also incompetent, and it seemed the supposed assassin (Yagil Amir…but was he the actual killer?) was given free reign to shoot Rabin. As with McKinley, Rabin’s assassination was set up by a CIA-Mossad-type secret group mostly over the Oslo Accords, using Amir and other Talmudists to do their dirty work. Netanyahu was not physically involved, but applauded the assassination. About 20 years later, they did in Arafat as well.

  6. A slight deviation from the thread, but still related:

    “…More Hidden History of the Usual Suspects.”

    “And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marveled at him.” (Mark 12:17)

    So the partial quotation and the full quotation might be viewed to culminate in a story that hit Zero Hedge today:

    Basically, the Rothschild family and the Pope are now out in the open about what we all knew forever. They are in bed together, but now no one will need to die for knowing this fact, over at the Vatican Bank. That is what I call progress!

    I could provide a bunch of links to texts and articles from, literally, decades ago; however, the list is getting so long that I am not sure it would help my post or this thread. Perhaps Mr. Winter could provide some of the resources he likes on this subject. All I would ask is that you, please, consider including the whole P2 angle. Thank you.

    Thinking about moving to Antarctica to spend time with the penguins (I think they all sound like Morgan Freeman when they speak). Who is with me?

  7. Coincidence, just earlier today i relistened Myron C Fagans “the Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations” it aged good and gets you the timeline sorted.

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