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Off Balance Israel Tetters

Hezbollah announces it targeted a radar of the Iron Dome system in Golan Heights with a squadron of assault drones. Drones directly hit and destroyed the radar and soldiers around it were either killed or wounded.

Additionally heat, wind and dry conditions in northern Israel are perfect for forest and brush fires. All it takes and would take are well placed munitions and viola.

The damage of these fires seems underreported. Here are some clues.

Report in the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar: In recent days, diplomatic messages containing a threat of an imminent Israeli attack have arrived in Beirut. The prominent messages came from the British side, warning of an Israeli attack in mid-June.

Hezbollah won’t attack major cities unless Israel attacks first.

tanks lined up at the front:


The Rafah operation can be seen here. The IDF has secured the Philadelphia corridor and is conducting probes down certain streets. Progress is slow. Large areas of Rafah are held by militias.


As long predicted on these pages, the IDF after eight months of urban insurgency is bogged down and chasing it’s tail all over Gaza, and is unable to secure neighborhoods for long.

Casualties have mounted but Israel of late hardly bothers to report them. Transparency is all about convenience.

Here we see two troopers make a break from a compound as a Hezbollah drone strike zeros in.

Can they even mount an effective offensive in the north against Hezbollah? unlikely


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