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Insane behavior considering all the firearms in the US. _
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Intriguing video, I’m only a few minutes in. Just started reading Camp of the Saints. I found a $30 copy on ebay. I’m only a few pages in to the book, but the horde of 3rd worlders attacking France is too giant to resist. Luckily in my area it is mostly white. But there are signs of encroaching diversity. Where I get my mail they recently put up posters in the windows with people who are all diverse, not representing the actual customers. It is a national chain and the owner was required to post them, I think. Apartment buildings are being built like mad. One was even for “agricultural workers” and has a giant Mexican mural, and is for Hispanic farm workers. Then they put another huge one next to it by the Walmart. I assume that one is for the extended families of the farm worker building. Too me, the architecture looks militaristic, with features that look like guard stations and machine gun nests. I think they hope to draft most of the whites into WW3 and have the migrants take over. Also they want a global thermonuclear war to break up the United States, just like they want to break Russia into 200 pieces.
Not a single shot fired. Damn shame.
This country has lost its resolve.
It’s not just some black or Hispanic person one must be alert to, but ordinary whites, young and in need of drugs that will come crashing into your living room in the middle of night. There is a certain level of retardation one sees in their faces. Not well educated thanks to our great american education system, Common to all of those who break in to other people properties and your car. Many are born Americans. Ive personally have had return visitations from Latinos that I hired to fix my house or lawn care, returning to steal. You and I are the ones hiring them for cheap.
Yeah, we know — it’s a question of population fraction vs offender fraction, i.e. the per capita number of offenders for each ethnic/racial group — and regarding violent (including rape) and property crime, per capita there are far more black offenders than white offenders — there are also significantly more Hispanic offenders than white offenders per capital.
Well, out here in the rural remote of far west Texas we don’t have a doorbell. But we do have a mountain lion…. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah…. Oh, and there have been bear sightings as well…..
The ‘new’ Candid Camera.
This is an issue mainly in Liberal States and on the East and West Coast. The Dindus and Illegals know not to try this stupid crap in Southern States like Mississippi where I am from originally, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, etc, otherwise they will get their heads blown off quick. Southerners, both Black and White, are culturally different from the rest of the country and far less tolerant of this nonsense.
There is a reason why the Mafia became powerful on the East Coast but never took root in the Deep South. There is a small Mafia presence in New Orleans but they were warned long ago by the local Whites not to get out of line. So this behavior by the Dindus and Illegals will remain a problem mostly in liberal states with tight gun restrictions. If you are going to stay in the USA and not become an expat like me or Russ Winter, move to a Southern State or any place where the Second Amendment is respected and enforced.